
Border with Czechoslovakia

Czech legions march leaving for the Polish front in 1919.
Source: Wikimedia Commons, licencja: CC 0.

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You will learn
  • to list the reasons why Poland lost Zaolzie (part of the Cieszyn Silesia);

  • about the political and economic reasons for the dispute over Spiš and Orava;

  • to point out examples of political propaganda.

Nagranie abstraktu

Attempts to establish the border in the Cieszyn Silesia between the Second Polish Republic and Czechoslovakia turned out to be difficult. Eventually, the Conference of AmbassadorsConference of AmbassadorsConference of Ambassadors divided the disputed territory, including its capital – Cieszyn. Poland obtained 44% of the disputed area populated by 34% of its entire population. Approximately 150 thousand people of Polish origin were left on the Czech part. According to Wincenty Witos, a politician of the Polish People’s Party, the decision created a rift between the two nations.

Task 1

Take a look at the propaganda leaflet and learn more about the dispute over the Cieszyn Silesia.

Grafika przedstawiająca ulotkę propagandową o sporze o Śląsk Cieszyński. Znajduje się na niej fragment granicy między Polską i Czechami z zaznaczonymi regionami podpisanymi jako Orawa i Spiż. Na dole napis: Spiż, Orawa chcą należeć do ojczyzny wspólnej! Przy ilustracji widnieją podpisy. Telegram from Cracow. The night of October 31st, 1918, first lieutenant Gustaw Morcinek, future writer, was the radio operator on duty in the Austrian garrison in Cieszyn. It was him who received the telegram from Cracow, authorizing the highest rank Polish officer to step as the commander of the Austrian garrison in Cieszyn. Disarmament of Austrian troops was bloodless. The following days, the Poles took over almost everywhere, where they were the majority. National Council. On October 19th, 1918, almost two weeks earlier, the Polish population brought to life the National Council of the Duchy of Cieszyn, and the independence rally recognizing this body was held on October 27th, 1918. Polish population in Cieszyn Silesia desired to live and work in the re-established Poland. On November 5th, 1918, the National Council of the Duchy of Cieszyn and Zemský národní výbor pro Slezsko made an agreement on the temporary division of the disputed area pursuant to the ethnographic rule.Its main purpose was to ensure peace for the population. However, the central Czech government did not approve it. Disputed Territory. The decisions about the territories on the border of both countries concerned small areas but evoked huge emotions with the society. This was due to rich coal basin in Karviná and a communication hub in Bohumín. There is no surprise that after the World War I was formally ended, both already independent countries – Poland and Czechoslovakia – claimed the Cieszyn Silesia. At first and favourably for Poland, during the discussions of the Versailles Peace Conference, it was decided that the faith of the disputed territory will be decided by the local population in a plebiscite. Fighting. The Czech took action. Elections to the Legislative Sejm of the Republic of Poland scheduled for January 26, 1919 advanced the action. Czech politicians were well aware that the Poles living in the Cieszyn Silesia will vote for Poland. Therefore, they decided to prevent it. Offensive of the Czech army commenced in January 1919. This was a difficult time for Poland, as in the east, the country was fighting the Ukrainians and the Greater Poland Uprising was still active. Under pressure from the great powers the fire ceased and armistice was concluded in February 1919. The disputed territory was divided again, this time along the Olza river. Czech actions. In the meantime, Edvard Beneš, Czech delegate to the Paris Peace Conference, negotiated support for the Czech plans. Almost a year later, on July 28, 1920, the Conference of Ambassadors of the Principal Allied and Associated Powers in Spa granted Czechoslovakia the majority of the Cieszyn Silesia, including most of the coal mines, and the majority of Spiš and Orava. Władysław Grabski, prime minister who was present there, accepted the international arbitration as during the ongoing Polish-Soviet war he tried to obtain support from the Allies.
Exercise 1
Wysłuchaj nagrania abstraktu, ułóż do niego pytania i zadaj je koledze.
Wysłuchaj nagrania abstraktu, ułóż do niego pytania i zadaj je koledze.
Wykonaj polecenie.
Wymyśl pytanie na kartkówkę związane z tematem abstraktu.
Exercise 2
Why did the Czechoslovak government not want to wait for the plebiscite results? Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. The Czechoslovak government did not approve of the plebiscite as a legal way to solve border disputes., 2. They believed that a military success, contrary to plebiscite results, could not be contested., 3. They feared that the plebiscite results would be unfavourable for Czechoslovakia.
Task 2
Wybierz jedno nowe słowo poznane podczas dzisiejszej lekcji i ułóż z nim zdanie.
Wybierz jedno nowe słowo poznane podczas dzisiejszej lekcji i ułóż z nim zdanie.
Front page of Kuryer codzienny from October 5th, 1938
Source: Wikimedia Commons, licencja: CC 0.


borders, arbitration, Zaolzie, Cieszyn Silesia


Nagranie słówka: Arbitration

Arbitraż – (w polityce międzynarodowej) – rozwiązywanie sporu pomiędzy państwami za pomocą orzeczenia wydanego przez jednego lub kilku arbitrów wybranych przez strony.

Conference of Ambassadors
Conference of Ambassadors
Nagranie słówka: Conference of Ambassadors

Rada Ambasadorów – Konferencja Ambasadorów Głównych Mocarstw Sprzymierzonych i Stowarzyszonych - (inaczej Konferencja Ambasadorów) - międzynarodowy organ wykonawczy kończącego I wojnę światową traktatu wersalskiego. Działała w latach 1920–1931. To ona podjęła decyzję między innymi o podziale Śląska Cieszyńskiego (bez przeprowadzania plebiscytu) na część polską i czechosłowacką oraz o przekazaniu Czechosłowacji większej części terenów Spiszu i Orawy (lipiec 1920).

Nagranie słówka: Zaolzie

Zaolzie – tereny Śląska Cieszyńskiego położone za Olzą; potoczna nazwa używana głównie w Polsce pochodzi od rzeki Olzy, stanowiącej od 1920 w okolicach Cieszyna granicę pomiędzy Polską i Czechami.