
Basic geometric figuresgeometric figuresgeometric figures



Core curriculummfe7c722c62f8c53a_1528449076687_0Core curriculum

VII. Lines and line segments. The student:

1) identifies and names the following figures: the pointpointpoint, the linelineline, the rayrayray and the line segmentline segmentline segment.


45 minutes

General objectivemfe7c722c62f8c53a_1528449523725_0General objective

Using mathematical objects, interpreting mathematical concepts.

Specific objectivesmfe7c722c62f8c53a_1528449552113_0Specific objectives

1. Identifying and naming basic geometric figuresgeometric figuresgeometric figures: points, lines, rays and linelineline segments.

2. Drawing basic geometric figuresgeometric figuresgeometric figures: points, lines, rays and line segments.

3. Communicating in English, developing basic mathematical, computer and scientific competences, developing learning skills.

Learning outcomesmfe7c722c62f8c53a_1528450430307_0Learning outcomes

The student:

- identifies and names basic geometric figuresgeometric figuresgeometric figures: points, lines, rays and line segments,

- draws basic geometric figuresgeometric figuresgeometric figures: points, lines, rays and linelineline segments.


1. Situational analysis.

2. Discussion.

Forms of workmfe7c722c62f8c53a_1528449514617_0Forms of work

1. Individual work.

2. Group work.

Lesson stages


Students name the geometric figuresgeometric figuresgeometric figures which they already know. Together they think about which figure is the simplest. The result of this discussion should be the conclusion that the simplest geometric figure is the point and that other geometric figures are made of pointsmfe7c722c62f8c53a_1527752263647_0the simplest geometric figure is the point and that other geometric figures are made of points. Students watch animations which illustrate the application of points in marking objects on the map.

[Illustration 1]

[Illustration 2]


The teacher draws a pointpointpoint and a linelineline. Students revise the ways to mark them and write down the conclusions.

Conclusions the students should draw:

- The point in geometry is a primitive notion, which means it cannot be defined. We mark it with capital letters, for example A.
- The line is also a basic concept in geometry.
- The line does not have a beginning nor an end. It is marked with a small letter, for example f. We can also use the names of the points is passes through, for example line BC.
mfe7c722c62f8c53a_1527752256679_0- The point in geometry is a primitive notion, which means it cannot be defined. We mark it with capital letters, for example A.
- The line is also a basic concept in geometry.
- The line does not have a beginning nor an end. It is marked with a small letter, for example f. We can also use the names of the points is passes through, for example line BC.

The teacher draws two lines. He marks a pointpointpoint on one of them and two points on the other. Students look for these figures on the drawing, using the intuitive concepts of the linelineline segments and the rayrayray. Together they think about how to define the identified figures.

Conclusions students should draw:

- The point marked on a line divides it into two parts. Each one of the parts, together with this point, is called a ray. The marked point is the beginning of the ray. The ray does not have an end. The ray is marked using two capital letters, one of them being the beginning of the ray, for example ray DE. The ray can also be marked using a small letter, for example b.
- The line segment is a part of the line determined by two points. These points are called the endings of the line segment. We mark the line segment with two capital letters which correspond to its ends, for example FG. The line segment can be also marked with one small letter, for example h.
mfe7c722c62f8c53a_1527752256679_0- The point marked on a line divides it into two parts. Each one of the parts, together with this point, is called a ray. The marked point is the beginning of the ray. The ray does not have an end. The ray is marked using two capital letters, one of them being the beginning of the ray, for example ray DE. The ray can also be marked using a small letter, for example b.
- The line segment is a part of the line determined by two points. These points are called the endings of the line segment. We mark the line segment with two capital letters which correspond to its ends, for example FG. The line segment can be also marked with one small letter, for example h.

[Illustration 3]


Students work individually, using computers. Their task is to match the figures with the appropriate drawings.

[Geogebra applet]


Students draw a linelineline and mark three points on it: K, L and M. Their task is to write down all the line segments they identify in the drawing.


Students draw lines m and n and mark one pointpointpoint on each of them. Their task is to write down all lines and rays they identify in the drawing.

An extra task

Draw the linelineline segment AB. Mark point C in such a way that pointpointpoint B is located on the line segmentline segmentline segment AC.

Lesson summarymfe7c722c62f8c53a_1528450119332_0Lesson summary

Students do the revision exercises. Then together they sum‑up the classes, by formulating the conclusions to memorise.

- The point and the linelineline are primitive notions.

- The pointpointpoint is usually marked with a capital letter, for example A.

- The line is usually marked with a small letter, for example p.

- The rayrayray is a part of the linelineline determined by a marked pointpointpoint, together with this point. We mark it with two capital letters, one of them being the beginning of the ray, for example DE.

- The line segmentline segmentline segment is a part of a linelineline determined by two points, called the endings of the line segmentendings of the line segmentendings of the line segment. The line segmentline segmentline segment is marked with two capital letters, which are its endings, for example FG.

Selected words and expressions used in the lesson plan

endings of the line segmentendings of the line segmentendings of the line segment


geometric figuresgeometric figuresgeometric figures


line segmentline segmentline segment



primitive notionprimitive notionprimitive notion


geometric figures1
geometric figures

figury geometryczne

wymowa w języku angielskim: geometric figures


wymowa w języku angielskim: point


wymowa w języku angielskim: line

półprosta - część prostej wyznaczona przez zaznaczony na niej punkt, wraz z tym punktem

wymowa w języku angielskim: ray
line segment1
line segment

odcinek – część prostej wyznaczona przez zaznaczone na niej dwa punkty wraz z tymi punktami

wymowa w języku angielskim: line segment
endings of the line segment1
endings of the line segment

końce odcinka

wymowa w języku angielskim: endings of the line segment


wymowa w języku angielskim: figure

obiekt, przedmiot

wymowa w języku angielskim: object
primitive notion1
primitive notion

pojęcie pierwotne

wymowa w języku angielskim: primitive notion