Environmental pollution balance sheet
1. Film in the standard version.

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
The film takes place in a café. An inspector of the Provincial Inspectorate for Environmental Protection talks to a journalist preparing a report on the sources of pollutant emissions to the atmosphere, methods of their monitoring and calculations. Film rozgrywa się w kawiarni. Inspektor Wojewódzkiego Inspektoratu Ochrony Środowiska rozmawia z dziennikarką przygotowującą reportaż na temat źródeł emisji zanieczyszczeń do atmosfery, metod ich monitorowania i obliczeń.
2. Film with subtitles.

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
The film takes place in a café. An inspector of the Provincial Inspectorate for Environmental Protection talks to a journalist preparing a report on the sources of pollutant emissions to the atmosphere, methods of their monitoring and calculations. Film rozgrywa się w kawiarni. Inspektor Wojewódzkiego Inspektoratu Ochrony Środowiska rozmawia z dziennikarką przygotowującą reportaż na temat źródeł emisji zanieczyszczeń do atmosfery, metod ich monitorowania i obliczeń.
3. Film with subtitles and pauses. Listen and repeat after the speaker.

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
The film takes place in a café. An inspector of the Provincial Inspectorate for Environmental Protection talks to a journalist preparing a report on the sources of pollutant emissions to the atmosphere, methods of their monitoring and calculations. Film rozgrywa się w kawiarni. Inspektor Wojewódzkiego Inspektoratu Ochrony Środowiska rozmawia z dziennikarką przygotowującą reportaż na temat źródeł emisji zanieczyszczeń do atmosfery, metod ich monitorowania i obliczeń.
4. Film with subtitles and narration.

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
The film takes place in a café. An inspector of the Provincial Inspectorate for Environmental Protection talks to a journalist preparing a report on the sources of pollutant emissions to the atmosphere, methods of their monitoring and calculations. Film rozgrywa się w kawiarni. Inspektor Wojewódzkiego Inspektoratu Ochrony Środowiska rozmawia z dziennikarką przygotowującą reportaż na temat źródeł emisji zanieczyszczeń do atmosfery, metod ich monitorowania i obliczeń.
After watching the film “Environmental pollution balance sheet”, complete the sentences with words and phrases in the correct form. Use the word bank. Po obejrzeniu filmu „Bilans zanieczyszczeń powietrza”, uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami lub frazami we właściwej formie. Skorzystaj z banku słów.
atmospheric pollution, pro-environmental, surface emission, linear emission, fees, continuous measurements, fuel combustion, monitoring, discharge, point sources
Energy and industry plants pollute the atmosphere as a result of ...............................................
Means of transport are the main source of ...............................................
The activities of the municipal and residential sector are the source of ...............................................
The emission of pollutants is controlled by air ...............................................
The amount of pollutant emission is calculated for statistical purposes and to calculate the .............................................. or the use of the environment.
The fees are part of the system supporting .............................................. activities.
The calculations of the amount of emissions are based on the results of periodic or ...............................................
The balance method defines the values of the indicators of emission or .............................................. of dust and gas pollutants into the atmosphere.
.............................................. of pollution are controlled and recorded.
A computer program helps analyze the state of ...............................................
Sources of water pollution

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
The animation presents water quality classes in Poland, reasons of their pollution and factors affecting water quality. Animacja przedstawia klasy czystości wód w Polsce, przyczyny zanieczyszczenia oraz czynniki wpływające na jakość wody.
Soil pollution

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
The animation presents reasons and consequences of soil pollution. Animacja prezentuje przyczyny i skutki zanieczyszczeń gleb.
After watching the silent animation “Soil pollution”, decide whether the sentences are true or false.
Po obejrzeniu animacji bez dźwięku „Zanieczyszczenie gleby” ustosunkuj się do zdań umieszczonych w ćwiczeniu, podejmując decyzję, czy to prawda czy fałsz.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
Soil acidification can result from human activity. | □ | □ |
Chemical compounds have no influence on soil pollution. | □ | □ |
Soil pollution can lead to changes of soil properties. | □ | □ |
Natural phenomena are factors that degrade and devastate the soil. | □ | □ |
Erosion and drought are examples of anthropogenic factors. | □ | □ |
The excessive use of surface and underground waters can lead to the conversion of soil into steppe soil. | □ | □ |
Underground exploitation of natural resources results in better soil quality. | □ | □ |
Leachates from landfills contain valuable minerals and improve the biological balance of soil. | □ | □ |
Exhaust gas pollution has a negative impact on soil quality. | □ | □ |
Water management instructions
The hypertext material is a letter concerned with the documentation necessary to acquire the permit to build a small hydroelectric power plant.
Hipertekst stanowi odpowiedź listowną urzędu w sprawie niezbędnej dokumentacji w procesie uzyskiwania pozwoleń na budowę małej elektrowni wodnej.
Dear Mister Smith,
In response to your inquiry regarding the documentation necessary to acquire the permit to build a small hydroelectric power plant, we would like to inform you that:
Acquiring the Decision on Environmental ConditionsDecision on Environmental Conditions is the first step in applying for the permit to build a small hydroelectric power plant.
The next step before beginning the construction works of a small hydroelectric power plant is submitting the water permit application and acquiring the permit.
Additionally, the design of the water managementwater management instruction should be attached to the water permit application.
According to the Water Law, the water management instruction should consist of a descriptive part, and a graphic part. The descriptive part of the instruction for water tanks and barrages includes:
● general information on the location of the water equipmentwater equipment;
● the name of the owner directly responsible for the water management and maintenance of the water equipment;
● the specification of the tasks to be performed by the water equipment;
● basic information relating to: the minimum, normal, maximum and extraordinary damming leveldamming level, water flows, usable capacityusable capacity, maximum capacity of the water equipmentcapacity of the water equipment,normal conditions of usenormal conditions of use, alarm state for the tankalarm state for the tank;
● a list of measuring devices related to water management attached to the water equipment.
The graphic part of the instructions for water tanks and barrages includes:
● plans and schemes concerning the water equipment, related to water management;
● topographic maps covering the location of the damming structuresdamming structures, water intakeswater intakes, pumping stations, water canals**water canals** and water collecting and dumping facilities.
The instructions for water tanks and water barrageswater barrages should additionally include:
● copies of the water‑law permitswater‑law permits related to a given water facility;
● copies of the water‑law permits related to other water facilities, or facilities within the range of mutual influence.
Best regards,
Mark Parker
Head of the Water‑Law Permits Division
Regional Water Management in Rzeszów
After familiarizing yourself with the hypertext “Water management instructions”, match the Polish terms with their English equivalents. Po zapoznaniu się z hipertekstem „Instrukcja gospodarowania wodą”, połącz polskie terminy z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
normal conditions of use, water canal, water intake, damming structure, alarm state for the tank, capacity of the water equipment, water management, usable capacity, water-law permit, damming level
gospodarowanie wodą | |
poziom piętrzenia | |
pojemność użytkowa | |
przepustowość urządzenia wodnego | |
normalne warunki użytkowania | |
stan alarmowy dla zbiornika | |
budowla piętrząca | |
ujęcie wodne | |
kanał wodny | |
pozwolenie wodnoprawne |
Air quality in Poland
The hypertext material is a conversation between two employees of the Inspection for Environmental Protection. One of them presents an app for assessing air pollution.
Hipertekst stanowi rozmowę dwóch pracowników Inspektoratu Ochrony Środowiska. Jeden z nich prezentuje aplikację do oceny zanieczyszczenia powietrza.
Adam: Good morning. I have come to talk to you about the prototype of a new mobile applicationmobile application. It presents the current data on air quality in Poland.
Daniel: I'm listening. Please, tell me more.
Adam: It presents the calculations from automatic measurement stationsautomatic measurement stations operating within the framework of the State Environmental Monitoring. The application shows a map of current pollution data from all automatic stations in Poland. You need to select the station from which you want to see the data. Thanks to this, the application will show you the results of the current concentrationsconcentrationsof PM10 dust, PM2.5 dust, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, benzene and ozone.
Daniel: How often are the results updated?
Adam: The data is updated and shown every hour in the form of anair quality indexair quality index on a five‑point scale from „low” to „risky”. Internet access and having a smartphone are the only technical requirements. After installation, the application shows the data from the nearest measurement station on the main screen. You can select the results from the continuous automatic measurementcontinuous automatic measurement, daily manual measurementdaily manual measurementandmonthly passive measurement stationmonthly passive measurement station. Based on the results of the measurements supported by a mathematical modeling of air qualitymathematical modeling of air quality, annual and five‑year air quality assessmentsair quality assessments are carried out.
Daniel: I understand. What if there are any threats? Does the app show the most important warnings?
Adam: Yes, it shows warnings and information about the occurrence of high concentrations of pollutants exceeding informationinformation, or alert levelsalert levels.
Daniel: This application sounds promising. Thanks to it, users will always know if the air quality allows for a healthy walk with a child, or safe outdoor exercise. Please, send me the details via e‑mail.
After familiarizing yourself with the hypertext “Air quality in Poland”, solve the quiz. Po zapoznaniu się z hipertekstem „Jakość powietrza w Polsce”, rozwiąż quiz.
mathematical modelling, a simulation, PM 10, PM25, water quality, threshold values, PM10, PM2.5, access to the Internet and having a smartphone, the weather, a diagram, physical tests, automatic measurement stations, chemical analysis, PM16, PM32, information or alert levels, daily, air quality, threshold calculations, a quick processor in the phone, the Statistical Office, monthly, an air quality index, meteorological data, soil quality, libraries, a mobile application, State Environmental Monitoring, proximity of a measurement station, the Internet, continuously, the Institute of Meteorology
The employees of the Inspection for Environmental Protection are talking about ...............................................................................................
The mobile application presents data about ...............................................................................................
The mobile application collects measurement data from ...............................................................................................
Automatic measurement stations function within ...............................................................................................
The mobile application shows the concentration of the following particulates: ...............................................................................................
The data in the mobile application is updated every hour and shown in the form of ...............................................................................................
The only technical requirements of the application are ...............................................................................................
The measurements and evaluation of air quality are supported by ...............................................................................................
Measurements of the automatic measurement stations are done ...............................................................................................
The application shows warnings and information about the occurrence of high concentrations of pollutants exceeding ...............................................................................................
Determination of pollution degree
The hypertext material presents a fragment of an article from an industry magazine. It discusses ways to determine the degree of water and wastewater pollution.
Hipertekst jest fragmentem artykułu z czasopisma branżowego. Omawia sposoby określania stopnia zanieczyszczenia wody i ścieków.
The so‑calledbiochemical oxygen demandbiochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) is the parameter determining the amount of pollutants in sewage. This is the amount of oxygen dissolved in the water consumed by aerobic bacteriaaerobic bacteria in a given time. The contaminants are oxidized by the bacteria within 3 days, and after about 20 days the process is usually complete. During this time, the biochemical oxygen demand is determined. Oxygen loss is the amount of oxygen consumed by microorganisms for the ***oxidation of pollutants.******oxidation of pollutants.*** The result is given as BOD5 in mgO2/dm3. BOD5 is determined by the dilution methoddilution method, the only officially accepted measuring method, or by using manometric methodsmanometric methods.
Another parameter is the chemical oxygen demandchemical oxygen demand (COD), in other words the property of water and wastewater to reduce chemical compounds such as potassium permanganate (VII), or potassium dichromate (VI). The potassium permanganate methodpotassium permanganate method is usually used to determine the COD of water, and the dichromate methoddichromate method is used for wastewater.
A certain amount of chemical oxidizerchemical oxidizer and necessary catalystscatalysts are introduced into the tested sewage sample. Then, under strictly defined conditions, the oxidation process is carried out. After oxidation, the remaining amount of the oxidant is determined.
Dry residueDry residue is the parameter that determines the total amount of pollutants contained in wastewater. This is the mass of the pollutants remaining after the evaporation of the sample and drying it at 105°C. We also distinguish the following indicators: loss on ignitionloss on ignition (substances that have been oxidized tovolatile compoundsvolatile compounds during ignition at 600°C) and the residue on ignitionresidue on ignition (the part of the dry residue that remains after ignition).
After familiarizing yourself with the hypertext “Determination of pollution degree”, decide which phrase is connected with determining the biochemical demand for oxygen. Po zapoznaniu się z hipertekstem „Określanie stopnia zanieczyszczenia”, wskaż, który termin związany jest z określaniem biochemicznego zapotrzebowania tlenu.
- the potassium permanganate method
- chemical oxidizer
- catalyst
- residue on ignition
- the dilution method
- the dichromate method
- aerobic bacterium
- volatile compound
From the word bank, choose the words and phrases that are needed to describe photo no. 3 “Water-law permits”. Z banku słów wybierz słowa i zwroty, które są potrzebne do opisania rysunku nr 3 „Pozwolenie wodnoprawne”.
catalyst, bridge, pond, landfill, well, fuel combustion process, acid rain, sewage disposal, agricultural use of sewage, rainwater
TRUE | |

Zasób interaktywny dostępny pod adresem https://zpe.gov.pl/a/DNYo97Eyd
przyśpieszona eutrofizacja
kwaśny deszcz
bakteria tlenowa, bakterie tlenowe
działalność rolnicza
rolnicze wykorzystanie ścieków
ocena jakości powietrza
indeks jakości powietrza
stan alarmowy dla zbiornika
poziom alarmowy
zjawisko antropogeniczne, zjawiska antropogeniczne
stan zanieczyszczenia atmosfery
automatyczna stacja pomiarowa
bilans substancji
biochemiczne zapotrzebowanie tlenu
element biogeniczny
równowaga biologiczna gleb
przepustowość urządzenia wodnego
chemiczny utleniacz
chemiczne zapotrzebowanie tlenu
zanieczyszczenie chemiczne
substancja chemiczna
chemizacja upraw
woda pierwszej klasy
pomiar automatyczny ciągły
pomiar ciągły
chłodzenie urządzeń
pomiar manualny dobowy
poziom piętrzenia
budowla piętrząca
Decyzja o Środowiskowych Uwarunkowaniach
degradacja gleby
czynnik degradujący
metoda dichromianowa
metoda rozcieńczeń
sucha pozostałość
stan ekologiczny wód powierzchniowych
emisja zanieczyszczeń
dystrybucja energii
wytwarzanie energii
opłata za korzystanie ze środowiska
spalanie paliw
proces spalania paliw
szkodliwy węglowodór
podwyższenie temperatury wody powierzchniowej
wskaźnik unosu
wskaźnik emisji
wskaźnik degradacji gleby
poziom informowania
substancja nieorganiczna
wprowadzenie ścieków przemysłowych do kanalizacji
emisja liniowa
strata po prażeniu
metoda manometryczna
matematyczne modelowanie jakości powietrza
aplikacja mobilna
pomiar pasywny miesięczny
zjawisko naturalne, zjawiska naturalne
związki azotu z nawożonych pól
tlenek azotu
normalne warunki użytkowania
szczątki organiczne
substancja organiczna
utlenianie zanieczyszczeń
pomiar okresowy
emisja punktowa
woda zanieczyszczona
metoda nadmanganianowa
działanie proekologiczne
substancja radioaktywna
woda odpadowa
pozostałość po prażeniu
transport drogowy
odprowadzenie ścieków
zakwaszenie gleby
stepowienie gleb
dewastacja gleby
erozja gleby
zmęczenie gleby
żyzność gleby
zanieczyszczenie gleby
para wodna
dwutelenek siarki
kwas siarkowy
emisja powierzchniowa
pobór wód powierzchniowych
pobór wód podziemnych
pojemność użytkowa
szata roślinna
związek lotny
kanał wodny
urządzenie wodne
Ramowa Dyrektywa Wodna
ujęcie wodne
gospodarowanie wodą
kataster wodny
uzdatnianie wody
pozwolenie wodnoprawne