Topic: Factors determining the location of industry

Target group

2nd‑grade students of high school or technical school (extended range)

Core curriculum

XI. Transformations of the industrial sector and construction: location factors for traditional industry and advanced technologies, areas of industry concentration, development and the role of construction in the economy.


1) On selected examples, it shows differences between the location factors of traditional industry and advanced technologies and explains changes in the importance of these factors in the process of civilization development;

General aim of education

The student will discuss factors that affect the location of the industry.

Key competences

  • communication in the mother tongue;

  • communication in foreign languages;

  • digital competence;

  • learning to learn.

Criteria for success
The student will learn:

  • to discuss what the industry is doing;

  • to divide industry into sections and departments;

  • to list the natural factors that determine the location of the industry;

  • to discuss the non‑environmental factors that determine the location of the industry.


  • expository

    • talk.

  • activating

    • discussion.

  • exposing

    • exposition.

  • programmed

    • with computer;

    • with e‑textbook.

  • practical

    • exercices concerned.

Forms of work

  • individual activity;

  • activity in pairs;

  • activity in groups;

  • collective activity.

Teaching aids

  • e‑textbook;

  • interactive whiteboard, tablets/computers;

  • projector;

  • physical map of the world;

  • geographical atlases.

Lesson plan overview

Before classes

  • Students get acquainted with the content of the abstract. They prepare to work on the lesson in such a way to be able to summarize the material read in their own words and solve the tasks themselves.


  • The teacher gives students the topic and goals of the lesson.

  • The teacher asks a question about what the industry covers? The Brainstorm method. The student's statements are recorded on the board.


  • The teacher asks students to divide industry into sections and sections based on source materials: a textbook, e‑manual and Internet resources. Work in pairs.

  • Students read the developed division. Talk.

  • The teacher displays on the multimedia board an illustration from the e‑manual „General factors of the location of the industry”. In‑depth analysis of each factor indicated in the diagram.

  • Students use Internet resources and a geography textbook to break down natural factors (raw material base, water resources, access to water, natural and landscape values, ecological barriers, climatic conditions, terrain properties), which determine the location of the industry. During the reading of the division, a common interpretation and indication of examples is made.

  • The teacher adds that due to the degree of dependence of the plant on the raw material base, it is said about the forced‑location of plants using a specific raw material in the place of its occurrence, for example mines. Location related - locating the industry near the place where the raw material is present, when its transport is unprofitable. Location of the free industry - regardless of the occurrence of raw materials, the location of plants using small amounts of raw materials or using the latest technologies.


  • The teacher evaluates the work of the selected group. He asks for self‑esteem of students regarding team cooperation and the task performed.

  • At the end of the class, the teacher displays on the interactive whiteboard exercises that are performed by the whole class team.


The following terms and recordings will be used during this lesson


Nagranie słówka: industry

przemysł - jest jednym z trzech , obok rolnictwa i usług, sektorów gospodarki. Obejmuje eksploatację zasobów naturalnych oraz ich przetwarzanie na produkty służące potrzebom człowieka, a także produkcję energii. Opiera się na wykorzystaniu maszyn i urządzeń oraz odpowiednich kwalifikacji pracowników.

Texts and recordings

Nagranie abstraktu

Factors determining the location of industry

Industry is part of the economy. In a market economy, except in certain cases (e.g. because of strategic and defensive reasons, activation of regions, social considerations, etc.), businesses are created in order to bring profits to the owners. There are several circumstances that need to be taken into account for this to happen. They are collectively referred to as location factors.

As a result of such an analysis, an area or a place optimal for the investment is obtained. However, such an area or a place is often already occupied, thus the new factory is located in the best possible place.