Topic: Does mature mean adult?

Target group

4th‑grade students of elementary school

Core curriculum

Cele kształcenia – wymagania ogólne

I. Wiedza.

4. Poznanie układów budujących organizm człowieka (kostny, oddechowy, pokarmowy, krwionośny, rozrodczy, nerwowy).

II. Umiejętności i stosowanie wiedzy w praktyce.

3. Analizowanie, dokonywanie opisu, porównywanie, klasyfikowanie, korzystanie z różnych źródeł informacji (np. własnych obserwacji, badań, doświadczeń, tekstów, map, tabel, fotografii, filmów, technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych).

4. Wykorzystanie zdobytej wiedzy o budowie, higienie własnego organizmu w codziennym życiu.

III. Kształtowanie postaw – wychowanie.

4. Doskonalenie umiejętności dbałości o własne ciało, jak i najbliższe otoczenie.

Treści nauczania – wymagania szczegółowe

IV. Ja i moje ciało. Uczeń:

3. opisuje zmiany zachodzące w organizmach podczas dojrzewania płciowego;

General aim of education

Students justify that sexual maturity does not mean adulthood.

Key competences

  • communication in foreign languages;

  • digital competence;

  • learning to learn.

Criteria for success
The student will learn:

  • decide if a sexually mature person is an adult;

  • explain how sexual maturity differs from psychological and social maturity.


  • activating

    • discussion.

  • expository

    • talk.

  • programmed

    • with computer;

    • with e‑textbook.

  • practical

    • exercices concerned.

Forms of work

  • individual activity;

  • activity in pairs;

  • activity in groups;

  • collective activity.

Teaching aids

  • e‑textbook;

  • notebook and crayons/felt‑tip pens;

  • interactive whiteboard, tablets/computers.

Lesson plan overview

Before classes

  • The teacher offers volunteers to look after a raw egg for seven days: they should devote 10‑15 minutes every hour to them, take them with them everywhere, create a suitable bed at home, wash them at least twice a day, etc. Students have to lead appropriate documentation: in the schedule, written from 6.00 to 24.00, they should mark the time devoted to the egg.


  • The teacher gives the topic, the goals of the lesson in a language understandable for the student, and the criteria of success.


  • The teacher, referring to previous lessons, instructs students to define the concept of sexual maturity..

  • Students who take care of the egg present their observations and conclusions, assess the degree of difficulty of the task, discuss their problems, explain whether they were assisted in providing care and present their egg if they „survived” (did not conquer)..

  • The teacher asks the pupils to familiarize themselves with the content of the abstract and explain how sexual maturity differs from the psychological and social maturity..

  • Students are watching an interactive illustration. The teacher teaches the following questions on the board:

    • Can both people in the picture be parents?

    • Are both people depicted in the picture capable of making independent and responsible decisions?

    • Are both people depicted in the picture able to provide the family with maintenance?

    Students answer questions and justify their answers.

  • Students independently perform interactive exercise No. 1.


  • Students independently perform interactive exercise No. 2..

  • The teacher asks students to finish the sentence: „In today's lesson, I have learned ...”..


  • Listen to the abstract recording at home. Pay attention to pronunciation, accent and intonation. Learn to pronounce the words learned during the lesson.


The following terms and recordings will be used during this lesson


sexual maturity
sexual maturity
Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka.

dojrzałość płciowa – gotowość do rozmnażania.

psychological maturity
psychological maturity
Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka.

dojrzałość psychiczna – zdolność do podejmowania samodzielnych i odpowiedzialnych decyzji

social maturity
social maturity
Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka.

dojrzałość społeczna – zapewnienie sobie odpowiednich warunków do życia oraz gotowość do założenia rodziny i dbania o nią.

Texts and recordings

Wysłuchaj nagrania abstraktu i zastanów się, czego jeszcze chciałbyś się dowiedzieć w związku z tematem lekcji.

Does mature mean adult?

As a result of adolescence, adolescents reach sexual maturity, meaning that they are ready to reproduce. However, before starting a family it is essential to also reach psychological and social maturity. Psychological maturity means the capacity to make independent and responsible decisions, and behaving in such a way, so as not to harm others. A person who is socially mature is able to secure appropriate living conditions, is ready to start a family and take care of them. Only a person who is physically, psychologically and socially mature can be called an adult.

  • Adolescence is a time where a person's body reaches sexual maturity.

  • An adult is characterised by sexual, psychological and social maturity.

  • Only a person who is physically, psychologically and socially mature may be called an adult.