3. Film with subtitles and pauses. Listen and repeat after the speaker.
4. Film with subtitles and narration.
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
After watching the film, entitled, “Clothing product documentation”, decide if the sentence is true or false. Obejrzyj film i zdecyduj, które zdania są zgodne z treścią filmu (P) a które nie (F).
The worker has been working in the clothing factory for a long time.
The worker asks the foreman about the kind of fabric for the new blouse.
The worker found all of the information about the fabric in the clothing product documentation.
The worker hasn’t made the design layout on the material yet.
The worker will begin the following day with gathering the cut outs.
Information about the fabric should be in the clothing product documentation.
Work on the stacking machine doesn’t need to be well organized.
The collars and cuffs still need bonding.
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 4
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
After watching the film, entitled, “Clothing product documentation”, match the Polish phrases with their English equivalents. Po obejrzeniu filmu, połącz polskie terminy z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
wymagania techniczne, mankiet, proces technologiczny, kompletowanie wykrojów, układarka, układ szablonów, kołnierz, maszyna stębnowa, klejenie, rysunek techniczny
technical drawing
technical requirements
technological process
design layout
to gather the cut outs
stacking machine
lockstitch machine
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 5
Exercise 5
Pattern making process
Exercise 6
Exercise 7
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
After watching the animation, entitled, “Pattern making process”, match the Polish phrases with their English equivalents. Po obejrzeniu animacji połącz w pary polskie terminy z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 8
Exercise 9
Creating design layouts
The material contains information for new employees regarding the process of preparing design layouts and construction elements of clothing.
Materiał zawiera informację dla nowych pracowników o procesie przygotowania układów szablonów i elementów konstrukcyjnych odzieży
A set of clothing designsm56ec5003fc63ffcf_1498556586902_0set of clothing designs is a set of designs which can be used to cut clothing elementsm56ec5003fc63ffcf_1498556658441_0clothing elements in a given size. A set of designs is used to create a design layoutm56ec5003fc63ffcf_1497279733582_0design layout. A design layout helps to estimate the standards of clothing fabric expenditurem56ec5003fc63ffcf_1498556778355_0standards of clothing fabric expenditureand to create a prototype that is used in thecutting roomm56ec5003fc63ffcf_1497279743621_0cutting room. Design layouts are created for one or several sets of clothing designs. In order to do this, the designs are laid on fabric, paper, or on a special table. The space between the designs should be as small as possible. The width of the layout is equal to the width of the clothing fabric. When creating design layouts, the large designs are laid first, for example: the back, the front, sleeves.m56ec5003fc63ffcf_1498556870075_0sleeves. Smaller designs are laid next, for example: pocketsm56ec5003fc63ffcf_1498556890084_0pockets, patchesm56ec5003fc63ffcf_1498556914960_0patches, collarsm56ec5003fc63ffcf_1498556927059_0collars. Small designs should be used to fill in the empty spaces between the large designs. It is important to consider the direction of the wrap threadm56ec5003fc63ffcf_1498556953939_0wrap thread of the fabric and the suitability of the fabric patternm56ec5003fc63ffcf_1498556972871_0fabric pattern when creating the design layouts. After laying out all of the designs and outlining them, every element should be labeled with its name and construction sectionm56ec5003fc63ffcf_1498556995797_0construction section number, and size.
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 12
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
After reading the text, entitled, “Creating design layouts”, decide if the sentence is true or false. Na podstawie dokumentu hipertekstowego określ, czy podane twierdzenia są prawdziwe, czy fałszywe.
A set of designs is used to create a design layout., After laying out all of the designs and outlining them, every element is labeled., When creating design layouts, the small designs are laid first., A set of clothing designs is a set of designs which can be used to cut out the same clothing element in different sizes., The space between the laid out designs should be as big as possible., It isn’t important to consider the suitability of the fabric pattern when creating the design layouts., It is important to consider the direction of the wrap thread of the fabric when creating the design layouts., A design layout helps to estimate the standards of clothing fabric expenditure.
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Fire in the „Little Button” clothing company
The recording is an announcement from the company’s own broadcasting system, referring to the fire that took place in the clothing factory.Zapis audio jest komunikatem z radiowęzła zakładowego, dotyczącym pożaru jaki wybuchł w zakładach odzieżowych.
The recording is an announcement from the company’s own broadcasting system, referring to the fire that took place in the clothing factory.Zapis audio jest komunikatem z radiowęzła zakładowego, dotyczącym pożaru jaki wybuchł w zakładach odzieżowych.
The recording is an announcement from the company’s own broadcasting system, referring to the fire that took place in the clothing factory.
The recording is an announcement from the company’s own broadcasting system, referring to the fire that took place in the clothing factory.
The recording is an announcement from the company’s own broadcasting system, referring to the fire that took place in the clothing factory.Zapis audio jest komunikatem z radiowęzła zakładowego, dotyczącym pożaru jaki wybuchł w zakładach odzieżowych.
Exercise 13
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 14
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
After listening to the audio sequence, entitled, “Fire in the Little Button clothing company”, decide if the sentence is true or false. Wysłuchaj nagrania audio i zdecyduj czy zdania są zgodne z treścią nagrania (P) czy nie (F).
There was a fire yesterday.
The fire broke out during the ironing process.
The sewing room was saved from the fire.
The workers of the company were injured in the fire.
It is known when the destroyed departments will be operational again.
The fire had spread rapidly to the adjacent departments: the sewing room and the clothing finishing room.
The sewing machines were damaged: basting machines and overlocking machines.
Entering the building is allowed.
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 15
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
After listening to the audio sequence, entitled, “Fire in the Little Button clothing company”, match the Polish phrases with their English equivalents. Po wysłuchaniu pliku audio „Pożar w przedsiębiorstwie odzieżowym „Guziczek”, połącz polskie terminy z ich angielskim odpowiednikami.
agregat prasowalniczy, szycie, fastrygówka, maszyny do plisowania tkanin, materiały odzieżowe, wykończanie odzieży, manekin prasowalniczy, owerlok, prasowanie, dodatki krawieckie
ironing unit
finishing off the clothing
clothing fabrics
ironing dummy
fabric pleating machines
basting machine
overlocking machines
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 16
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Zasób RDFokpFBnLTzP "AU.14.2_cw2d" Brak pliku manifest.json w paczce.
Exercise 16
Technical and technological documentation
The document presents a fragment of the technical and technological documentation/specifications of orange summer shorts.Dokument przedstawia fragment dokumentacji techniczno- technologicznej spodenek letnich koloru pomarańczowego.
The document presents a fragment of the technical and technological documentation/specifications of orange summer shorts.
Download the attachment. Pobierz załącznik.
Download the attachment. Pobierz załącznik.
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 17
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.
The graphics show various haberdashery items: a spool or spools of thread, snaps, buttons.Na grafice przedstawione są różne dodatki krawieckie: szpula lub szpule, nici krawieckich, napy, guziki.
The graphics show various haberdashery items: a spool or spools of thread, snaps, buttons.
The photograph shows patterns (cut outs) of clothing.Na fotografii przedstawione są wykroje odzieży.
The photograph shows patterns (cut outs) of clothing.
The graphics present a general diagram of the stagesof the pattern (cut out) making process.Grafika przedstawia ogólny schemat etapów powstawania wykrojów.
The graphics present a general diagram of the stages of the pattern (cut out) making process.