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Operations on simple fractions



Core curriculumm5cd695e62f88278f_1528449076687_0Core curriculum

IV. Fractions and decimals. Student:

3) simplifies and extends simple fractions;

4) brings fractions to the common denominatordenominatordenominator;

5) shows improper fractions in the form of a mixed numbermixed numbermixed number, and a mixed numbermixed numbermixed number in the form of an improper fraction;

V. Operations on fractions and decimals. Student:

1) adds, subtracts, multiplies and divides simple fractions with one- or two‑digit denominators, as well as mixed numbers.


45 minutes

General learning objectivesm5cd695e62f88278f_1528449523725_0General learning objectives

Performing uncomplicated calculations in the head or in more difficult cases in columns, and the use of these skills in practical situations.

Key competencesm5cd695e62f88278f_1528449552113_0Key competences

1. Improving the skills of shortening and extending of simple fractions and reducing them to the common denominatordenominatordenominator.

2. Performing operations on fractions.

3. Communicating in English, developing mathematics skills, scientific, technical and IT competences; developing learning skills.

Operational (detailed) goalsm5cd695e62f88278f_1528450430307_0Operational (detailed) goals

The student:

- improves the skill of simplifying and extending of simple fractions and bringing them to the common denominatordenominatordenominator.

- performs operations on fractions.


1. Case study.


Forms of workm5cd695e62f88278f_1528449514617_0Forms of work

1. Individual work.

2. Group work.

Lesson stages


Students review the concepts of simple fractions and mixed numbers.
- The fraction describes a part of the whole divided into equal parts.

- A simple fractionsimple fractionsimple fraction consists of a numeratornumeratornumerator, a denominatordenominatordenominator and a fraction bar. numeratordenominator fraction bar

- The result of each division by a non‑zero number can be written in the form of a simple fractionsimple fractionsimple fraction. The dividend is the numeratornumeratornumerator of the resulting fraction, and the divisor is its denominator.

- A mixed numbermixed numbermixed number consists of two parts: a whole part and a fractional part.



Students work independently using computers.

They open the SLIDESHOW and they observe how we perform operations on fractions. After finishing the task, they present the results of their observations.

- By adding or subtracting simple fractionssubtracting simple fractionssubtracting simple fractions, we bring them to the common denominatordenominatordenominator. We add (or subtract) numerators, and the denominatordenominatordenominator is rewritten without changes.

- Mixed numbers appearing in adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing can be converted into improper fractions.

- When multiplying simple fractions, we multiply numerators by themselves and denominators by themselves and if possible, we simplify the fractions.

- When dividing simple fractionsdividing simple fractionsdividing simple fractions, we multiply the dividend by the reciprocal of the divisor.

The teacher divides the students into groups of 4 people who work using the JIGSAW method. Each participant of the group receives a different task to solve.

After solving the task, students meet in groups that have solved the same task. They discuss solutions, explain doubts.

Then they return to the initial groups and present solutions to other group members.

Task 1
Combine in pairs. Write down the necessary operations.

Task 2
Combine in pairs. Write down the necessary operations.

Task 3
Assign correct answers. Write down the necessary operations.

Task 4
Assign correct answers. Write down the necessary operations.

The students share their reflections on their work, the teacher explains the doubts and assesses the tasks.

An extra task:
Increase the quotient of the number 2514 by the number 147 by the difference of these numbers.

Lesson summarym5cd695e62f88278f_1528450119332_0Lesson summary

Students do the revision exercises.

They summarize the lesson and formulate conclusions to remember.

- By adding or subtracting simple fractions, we bring them to the common denominator. We add (or subtract) numerators, and the denominator is rewritten without changes.m5cd695e62f88278f_1527752256679_0By adding or subtracting simple fractions, we bring them to the common denominator. We add (or subtract) numerators, and the denominator is rewritten without changes.

- Mixed numbers appearing in adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing can be converted into improper fractions.m5cd695e62f88278f_1527752263647_0Mixed numbers appearing in adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing can be converted into improper fractions.

- When multiplying simple fractions, we multiply numerators by themselves and denominators by themselves and if possible, we simplify the fractions.

- When dividing simple fractionsdividing simple fractionsdividing simple fractions, we multiply the dividend by the reciprocal of the divisor.

Selected words and expressions used in the lesson plan

adding simple fractionsadding simple fractionsadding simple fractions

bringing to the common denominatorbringing to the common denominatorbringing to the common denominator


dividing simple fractionsdividing simple fractionsdividing simple fractions

mixed numbermixed numbermixed number

mulipliying simple fractionsmulipliying simple fractionsmulipliying simple fractions


simple fractionsimple fractionsimple fraction

simplifying fractionssimplifying fractionssimplifying fractions

subtracting simple fractionssubtracting simple fractionssubtracting simple fractions



wymowa w języku angielskim: denominator
mixed number1
mixed number

liczba mieszana - składa się z dwóch części: części całkowitej i części ułamkowej

wymowa w języku angielskim: infrasound
simple fraction1
simple fraction

ułamek zwykły - składa się z licznika, mianownika i kreski ułamkowej

wymowa w języku angielskim: simple fraction


wymowa w języku angielskim: numerator
subtracting simple fractions1
subtracting simple fractions

odejmowanie ułamków zwykłych

wymowa w języku angielskim: subtracting simple fractions
dividing simple fractions 1
dividing simple fractions

dzielenie ułamków zwykłych

wymowa w języku angielskim: dividing simple fractions
adding simple fractions1
adding simple fractions

dodawanie ułamków zwykłych

wymowa w języku angielskim: adding simple fractions
bringing to the common denominator1
bringing to the common denominator

sprowadzanie do wspólnego mianownika

wymowa w języku angielskim: bringing to the common denominator
mulipliying simple fractions1
mulipliying simple fractions

mnożenie ułamków zwykłych

wymowa w języku angielskim: mulipliying simple fractions
simplifying fractions1
simplifying fractions

skracanie ułamków zwykłych

wymowa w języku angielskim: simplifying fractions