After watching the film decide, which of the following sentences are true, and which are false. Po obejrzeniu filmu zdecyduj, które z poniższych wypowiedzi są prawdziwe, a które fałszywe.
The customer is looking for the district office of the Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture.
The customer would like to submit a complaint against a decision concerning direct farming subsidies.
In order to submit an application for farming subsidies, REGON number and PESEL number will not be necessary.
The form of the application can be found on the web page of the poviat office.
You do not specify the type of payment you are applying for (for example, payment for sheep, etc.).
The payout of advances is planned for mid October.
The amount of advances will probably cover 30% of the total subsidy amount.
Raspberry plantations can apply for a subsidy this year.
Source: Funmedia, cc0.
Exercise 2
technik administracji
technik administracji
After watching the film, complete the sentences in order to form correct wh-questions. Use the word bank. Po obejrzeniu filmu uzupełnij poniższe zdania, by stworzyć poprawne pytania. Skorzystaj z banku słów.
Where, Which, Why, When, Whose, What, How, Who
............ is the head of this department?
............ can I help you?
............ do you need this form?
............ can I find the form of the application?
............ form is the correct one?
............ is the payout of advances planned?
............ amount are we talking about?
............ documents are these? They are not mine!
Source: Funmedia, cc0.
Exercise 3
technik administracji
technik administracji
After watching the film, match Polish terms with their translations. Po obejrzeniu filmu, połącz polskie terminy z ich tłumaczeniami.
dopłaty bezpośrednie, dofinansowanie, zaliczka, budżet, płatność, środki finansowe, wypłata, kwota
direct subsidies
financial means
Source: Funmedia, cc0.
Public finances training for the employees of the Ministry
After watching the voiced animation, complete the sentences. Use the word bank. Po obejrzeniu animacji z lektorem, uzupełnij luki w zdaniach. Skorzystaj z banku słów.
cover of financial liabilities, transfer, won, public finance sector, financial plan, verify the invoice’s, tender, spent, accounting records
Expenditure for each purpose must be secured in the ............................................................
If there is money, a ............................................................ can be announced for the service.
The company that ............................................................ signs the contract.
When choosing a company, it is good to make sure it has good testimonials from various units of the ............................................................
In the light of the law, public funds should be ............................................................ in a cost-effective manner.
The signature of the Chief Accountant confirms the ............................................................ in the financial plan.
The employees of the Accounting Department will ............................................................ integrity and accounting.
Then a ............................................................ is made.
And then the financial operation is reflected in the financial statement and in the ............................................................
Source: Funmedia, cc0.
Exercise 5
technik administracji
technik administracji
After watching the voiced animation, choose the correct preposition completing the following phrases. Po obejrzeniu animacji z lektorem, wybierz prawidłowy przyimek uzupełniający poniższe frazy.
under, on, on, at, on, into, in, at, on, on, onto, for, since, under, at, to, in, from, in, in, of, at, for, from
a training ............ public finances
a training ............ the employees
the employees ............ the Ministry
means ............ the training
secured ............ the financial plan
participate ............ the tender
good testimonials ............ various units
spent ............ a cost-effective manner
Source: Funmedia, cc0.
technik administracji
technik administracji
Source: Funmedia, cc0.
Balance sheet
A: Hello, Peter. B: Hi, Adam. How are you? A: I have a lot of new responsibilities at work now. B: Me too. Now I'm looking at the Profit and Loss statement from last year. And what are you doing right now? A: The chief accountantm5ef418935f4e585a_1517570524828_0chief accountantasked me to help in drawing up a balance sheetm5ef418935f4e585a_1517570565066_0drawing up a balance sheet. She also told me that you would check if the balance sheet was missing something. B: Yes, thanks for reminding me. Show me the balance sheet. A: Here you go. B: First tell me where is the list of assetsm5ef418935f4e585a_1517570601485_0assets and liabilitiesm5ef418935f4e585a_1517570639675_0liabilities. A: Here. B: Okay. And did you check that the balance sheet was prepared in accordance with the balance sheet equilibriumm5ef418935f4e585a_1517570670407_0balance sheet equilibrium? B: Yes. I also made sure that it complied with the principles of consistency principlem5ef418935f4e585a_1517570710875_0consistency principle and the principle of accuracym5ef418935f4e585a_1517570756754_0principle of accuracy. A: Remember that the balance must be signed the unit manager. You also need the signature of the person responsible for keeping the booksm5ef418935f4e585a_1517570812834_0keeping the books. A: Yes, I remember. B: Leave me this balance sheet. I need to analyse and check it carefully. But first I will make a transfer to the training company. The accountant of this company just asked when we are transferring money. A: In the meantime, I will find out whether the revenuesm5ef418935f4e585a_1517570871292_0revenues from the lease of office space have already been received. B: That's good that you'll take care of it. This is a very urgent matter. A: Yes, I know. After all, these revenues must be paid into the state budget revenue account. B: Like every state budget revenue. A: That's right. B: Yes, and can you also show me the report for the previous quarter? A: Alright. What do you want to analyse in this report? B: Sources of revenue of the Ministry broken down into sections, chapters and paragraphs. According to the budget classificationm5ef418935f4e585a_1517570914207_0budget classification. A: Alright, no problem. I'll bring them to you soon. B: Thanks.
After listening to the audio recording decide, which of the following statements is true, and which is false. Po wysłuchaniu nagrania audio zdecyduj, które z poniższych twierdzeń jest prawdziwe, a które fałszywe.
The colleagues need to prepare a monthly report.
There are no changes planned in the presentation of data in the annual report drawn up by budget entities.
You will need to adapt the formulas of the Rb report forms in terms of expenditure but not in terms of revenues.
The obligation to introduce new solutions, however, will appear for the first time in 2018.
At the moment, the colleagues need to make sure that all elements are in the accounting records.
One of the colleagues notices they have all VAT invoices, transfer orders, and bank statements.
The transfer order for the installation of air conditioners is missing.
Yes, the original of a voucher is an attachment to the cash report.
Source: Funmedia, cc0.
Exercise 7
technik administracji
technik administracji
After listening to the audio recording match the words to form correct phrases. Po wysłuchaniu nagrania audio połącz słowa, by powstały prawidłowe frazy.
accounting, transfer, bank, accounting, budget, VAT, cash, Rb report