Transport kolejowy / Rail transportation
Map of railway lines
1. Film in the standard version.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R1HKPgyiaUJJ2
The film presents a conversation between two assistant station masters on duty. The dialogue is about the legend of the railway line map and traffic control devices. Film przedstawia rozmowę dwóch dyżurnych ruchu. Dialog dotyczy legendy mapy linii kolejowych i urządzeń sterowania ruchem.
2. Film with subtitles.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R17hqnwmWue3h
The film presents a conversation between two assistant station masters on duty. The dialogue is about the legend of the railway line map and traffic control devices. Film przedstawia rozmowę dwóch dyżurnych ruchu. Dialog dotyczy legendy mapy linii kolejowych i urządzeń sterowania ruchem.
3. Film with subtitles and pauses. Listen and repeat after the speaker.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R13gTaEPBALPy
The film presents a conversation between two assistant station masters on duty. The dialogue is about the legend of the railway line map and traffic control devices. Film przedstawia rozmowę dwóch dyżurnych ruchu. Dialog dotyczy legendy mapy linii kolejowych i urządzeń sterowania ruchem.
4. Film with subtitles and narration.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R1cgH0ph7gObn
The film presents a conversation between two assistant station masters on duty. The dialogue is about the legend of the railway line map and traffic control devices. Film przedstawia rozmowę dwóch dyżurnych ruchu. Dialog dotyczy legendy mapy linii kolejowych i urządzeń sterowania ruchem.
After watching the film “Map of railway lines”, decide if the sentence is true, or false.
Po obejrzeniu filmu „Mapa linii kolejowych”, zdecyduj, czy twierdzenie jest prawdziwe czy nie.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
Some lines are invisible on the map of railway lines. | □ | □ |
A single-track electrified line is very wide on the map. | □ | □ |
There will be new automatic signals on the single-track, non-electrified line. | □ | □ |
Station and line block signals prevent many accidents. | □ | □ |
The opposite track change indicator W24 causes accidents. | □ | □ |
Visualisation can’t be used for watching signal repeaters. | □ | □ |
Semi-automatic block signalling can always fail. | □ | □ |
The telephone announcement for trains is never used. | □ | □ |
After watching the film “Map of railway lines”,, choose the correct phrases completing the questions.
Po obejrzeniu filmu „Mapa linii kolejowych”, wybierz prawidłowe frazy uzupełniające luki w pytaniach.
will be the new signals?, This is, Is this, is going on?, need you?, could you me help?, you could help me?, could you help me?, the new signals will be?, goes on?, going on is?, Have you ever driven, Is a this, will the new signals be?, You have ever driven, Ever driven have you, Is this it, do you need?, this one is?, Is this a, is this one?, you need?, This is a, this is one?
Excuse me, ................................................
What ................................................
What exactly ................................................
................................................ a single-track electrified line?
And what kind of line ................................................
Is this where ................................................
................................................ such trains?
................................................ better option?
After watching the film “Map of railway lines”, match Polish terms words/phrases with their translations.
Po obejrzeniu filmu „Mapa linii kolejowych”, połącz polskie terminy z ich tłumaczeniami.
narrow-gauge single-track line, automatic signals, train crew, multiple-track line, semi-automatic block signalling, train signalling point, single track non-electrified line, single-track electrified line, electrified double-track line, semi-automatic signals
linia jednotorowa zelektryfikowana | |
linia dwutorowa zelektryfikowana | |
linia wąskotorowa jednotorowa | |
linia jednotorowa niezelektryfikowana | |
semafor samoczynny | |
semafor półsamoczynny | |
linia wielotorowa | |
półsamoczynna blokada liniowa | |
posterunek zapowiadawczy | |
drużyna pociągowa |
Diagnostics of railway surface

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R1Q3lUr423Tqf
The animation shows in a schematic way the elements of the diagnostics of railway surfaces. Animacja przestawia w sposób schematyczny elementy diagnostyki nawierzchni kolejowej.
After watching the animation “Diagnostics of railway surface”, fill in the gaps in the sentences. Use the word bank.
Po obejrzeniu animacji z lektorem „Diagnostyka nawierzchni kolejowej”, uzupełnij luki w zdaniach. Skorzystaj z banku słów.
rails, inspections, testing, and measurements, monitoring of railway lines, turnouts, diagnostics of the railway surface, set of frogs, periodic inspection, sleepers diagnostics
Regular ............................................................................ is necessary to maintain safety in railway transport.
Diagnostics of the railway surface includes, among others, .............................................................................
The track condition is evaluated based on the position of the ............................................................................ and other track parameters.
Deeper diagnostics of the surface elements includes .............................................................................
The ............................................................................ is aimed at ensuring the safety and continuity of railway traffic.
According to the construction law, the railway surface should be subject to .............................................................................
The ............................................................................ enable the change of the direction of the train.
The scope of the inspection of turnouts includes a .............................................................................
After watching the animation “Diagnostics of railway surface”, choose the correct articles. If no article is necessary, choose “-”.
Po obejrzeniu animacji z lektorem „Diagnostyka nawierzchni kolejowej”, wybierz prawidłowe rodzajniki. Gdy nie potrzeba żadnego rodzajnika, wybierz “-”.
the, a, -, a, -, -, a, -, a, a, -, -, the, A, the, -, the, the, a, The, -, the, the, a
Diagnostics of the railway surface is an essential element necessary to maintain ............ safety in railway transport.
The track condition is evaluated based on ............ position of the rails and other track parameters.
Additionally, ............ deeper diagnostics of the surface elements is performed.
The monitoring of railway lines is aimed at ensuring the safety and continuity of ............ railway traffic.
According to ............ construction law, the railway surface should be subject to periodic inspection.
Special attention should be paid to the turnout diagnostics, as turnouts enable the change of ............ direction of the train.
The scope of the inspection includes ............ several elements.
............ technical inspections of turnouts are performed regularly.
After watching the animation “Diagnostics of railway surface”, match the Polish words and phrases with their translations.
Po obejrzeniu animacji z lektorem „Diagnostyka nawierzchni kolejowej”, połącz polskie słowa i frazy z ich tłumaczeniami.
ballast, turnout sleepers, track superelevation, setting devices, track twist, turnouts, sleepers, switch, set of frogs, track gauge
podkłady | |
podrozjazdnice | |
podsypki | |
przechyłka toru | |
rozjazdy | |
szerokość toru | |
urządzenia nastawcze | |
wichrowatość toru | |
zespół krzyżownicy | |
zwrotnica |
Operating train traffic
The text shows a conversation between a journalist and a railway representative regarding the operation of train traffic and the people involved in it.
Tekst przedstawia rozmowę dziennikarza z przedstawicielem kolei na temat prowadzenia ruchu kolejowego oraz osób zaangażowanych w ten proces.
Journalist: Good morning. Today we will talk about operating the train traffictrain traffic. Let's welcome Mrs. Monika May.
Railways representative: Good morning. I am glad to be here.
Journalist: Could you tell us what the work of employees responsible for train traffic looks like?
Railway representative: Employees involved in the operation of train traffic, that is, persons performing the profession of a train dispatcher, signalman, pointsmanpointsman, and crossing attendantcrossing attendant ensure traffic safety and take care of the punctuality of traffic. In addition, dispatchersdispatchers organise and manage train traffic.
Journalist: What is the responsibility of those people?
Railway representative: The train dispatchertrain dispatcher deals with traffic on the station and adjacent routes. The signalmansignalman takes part in the preparation of routes for train rides and shunting. The pointsman operates crossings and derails, while the crossing attendant operates and maintains the railway crossingrailway crossing or passage.
Journalist: These people control the movement using various technical devices. In addition to technical knowledge, which competences are the most important in working in these professions?
Railway representative: Resistance to stressful situations, accuracy and strict adherence to procedures are important. Communication is very important. The smooth running of trains depends on it.
Journalist: What does it look like?
Railway representative: Rail workers are subject to strict procedures, instructions and orders that they transmit by telephone and radiotelephone. For example, when announcing trains, it is necessary to strictly observe the use of established patterns of ***wireless message announcements.******wireless message announcements.***
Journalist: What is it about?
Railway representative: In our work, each procedure is assigned appropriate commands. E.g. „Do not dispatch trains from min. .. here we give the exact hour ... until further notice.”
Journalist: That sounds clear to me.
Railway representative: It is. If you receive a wireless message incompatible with the appropriate pattern, you must request it in a correct manner. The content of calls and the course of train movements are written down in the traffic logtraffic log.
Journalist: Thank you for the interview, and our listeners are invited to the next program in a week.
Railway representative: Thank you.
Press conference of the spokesperson of the Polish State Railways with journalists

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R1TIzLmPeiUea
The recording is a press conference of the spokesperson of the Polish State Railways with journalists regarding a fire on one of the trains. Nagranie przedstawia konferencję prasową rzecznika kolei z dziennikarzami na temat pożaru w jednym z pociągów.
After listening to the audio recording “Press conference of the spokesperson of Polish State Railways with journalists”, decide if the sentence is true, or false.
Po wysłuchaniu nagrania audio „Konferencja prasowa rzecznika polskich kolei państwowych z dziennikarzami”, zdecyduj, czy twierdzenie jest prawdziwe czy nie.
The overhead contact line is equipped with section disconnectors that allow the disconnection of the damaged section., The driver sent the alarm signal "Fire" using the lights on the front of the locomotive and a sound signal., It is clear what caused the wires to break., The immediate cause of the fire was the overvoltage resulting from the contact of the traction wires with the train's body., The turnouts excluded from the central adjustment were adapted to the automatic adjustment by the rail workers., The relevant services are checking the documentation regarding technical tests, as well as the traffic logs., The railway services and the fire services will be working on reopening the section in a year., Until full traction efficiency is restored, power generators will be used.
TRUE | |
After listening to the audio recording “Press conference of the spokesperson of Polish State Railways with journalists”, fill in the gaps in the sentences with the correct prepositions. Use the word bank.
Po wysłuchaniu nagrania audio „Konferencja prasowa rzecznika polskich kolei państwowych z dziennikarzami”, uzupełnij luki w zdaniach odpowiednimi przyimkami. Skorzystaj z banku słów.
with, in, on, of, from, into, for, at
We are meeting ............ connection with the fire of the train.
I would like to discuss the circumstances ............ the incident.
It resulted ............ the contact of the traction wires with the train's body.
Unfortunately, ............ this stage we do not know what happened.
Different scenarios are taken ............ account.
What kind of scenarios, ............ example?
The driver acted in accordance ............ the procedures.
The railway services and the fire services will work ............ reopening the section.
After listening to the audio recording “Press conference of the spokesperson of Polish State Railways with journalists”, match Polish words and phrases with their translations.
Po wysłuchaniu nagrania audio „Konferencja prasowa rzecznika polskich kolei państwowych z dziennikarzami”, połącz polskie słowa i frazy z ich tłumaczeniami.
central adjustment, damaged section, manual adjustment, traffic logs, traction wires, section disconnectors, warning signs, power generators, front of the locomotive, alarm signal
przewody trakcyjne | |
dziennik ruchu | |
czoło lokomotywy | |
sygnał alarmowy | |
tabliczki ostrzegawcze | |
odłączniki sekcyjne | |
uszkodzony odcinek | |
centralne nastawianie | |
ręczne nastawianie | |
agregat prądotwórczy |
The traffic log of the train signalling point r146

Crossword and Memory

Zasób interaktywny dostępny pod adresem

Zasób interaktywny dostępny pod adresem
przyjmowanie poleceń
sygnał alarmowy
samoczynna blokada liniowa
semafor samoczynny
zamknięcie pomocnicze
zwrotnica unieruchomiona
przebieg komunikacyjny
stan elementów systemu
stan toru
szyny łączące
dróżnik przejazdowy
uszkodzony odcinek
położenie zasadnicze
urządzenia zależnościowe
diagnostyka nawierzchni kolejowej
skrzyżowanie torów
tor zelektryfikowany
urządzenia zewnętrzne
pociąg towarowy
czoło lokomotywy
górka rozrządowa
zwrotnica nieuzależniona w przebiegach
styki izolowane
interpretacja wyników
tor główny podatkowy
tor główny zasadniczy
zalecenia utrzymaniowe
ręczne nastawianie
mapa linii kolejowych
ręczne wtaczanie
dozorowanie linii kolejowych
linia wielotorowa
podest wielopoziomowy
linia wąskotorowa jednotorowa
droga wolna
zalecenia eksploatacyjne
interfejs operatora
wskaźnik W24
kontrola okresowa
agregat prądotwórczy
łączniki szynowe
szyny, tok szynowy
przejazd kolejowo‑drogowy
tor stacyjny
urządzenia sterowania ruchem kolejowym
plan schematyczny
odłączniki sekcyjne
półsamoczynna blokada liniowa
semafor półsamoczynny
zespół krzyżownicy
urządzenia nastawcze
tor boczny
powtarzacz stanu blokady
linia jednotorowa zelektryfikowana
linia jednotorowa niezelektryfikowana
rozjazd krzyżowy
blokada stacyjna
pociąg podmiejski
przydatność do użytkowania
stan techniczny
badanie techniczne
obwody torowe
szerokość toru
przechyłka toru
wichrowatość toru
sygnalizatory przytorowe
przewody trakcyjne
dziennik ruchu
drużyna pociągowa
dyżurny ruchu
posterunek zapowiadawczy
ruch kolejowy
bryła pociągu
ukres rozjazdu
rozjazd, rozjazd zwyczajny
tabliczki ostrzegawcze
telefonogram zapowiadawczy