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Topic: Tribal societies and Roman traditions

Target group

5th‑grade students of elementary school

Core curriculum

5th‑grade students of elementary school (new core curriculum)

IV. Society and culture of medieval Europe. Pupil:

1) presents the institutions of the fiefdom system, (...) characterizes social divisions in the Middle Ages;

2) describes the living conditions of the medieval city and village;

3) compares knight's culture and urban culture (...).

General aim of education

Students learn about what characterized the society of the early Middle Ages

Key competences

  • communication in foreign languages;

  • digital competence;

  • learning to learn.

Criteria for success
The student will learn:

  • what led to the collapse of the culture and achievements of antiquity;

  • how a new kind of society developed;

  • what was the feudal pyramid.


  • expository

    • talk.

  • activating

    • discussion.

  • exposing

    • film.

  • programmed

    • with computer;

    • with e‑textbook.

  • practical

    • exercices concerned.

Forms of work

  • individual activity;

  • activity in pairs;

  • activity in groups;

  • collective activity.

Teaching aids

  • e‑textbook;

  • notebook and crayons/felt‑tip pens;

  • interactive whiteboard, tablets/computers.

Lesson plan overview

Before classes

  1. Students should watch the film from the textbook „Społeczeństwo średniowieczne”.


  1. The teacher gives the pupils the subject, the purpose of the lesson and the criteria for success.

  2. The teacher begins a brainstorming and asks students to write down 5 things that they associate with society and life in the Middle Ages. Then he creates a list of associations that students gave.


  1. The teacher begins the lesson, explaining to students what the economy and society of the early Middle Ages looked like. He should mention the economic regression, depopulation of Western Europe, the collapse of cities and trade, and the forgotten achievements of the science and technology of antiquity. At the same time, he should mention the mixing of Roman and barbaric cultures, the romanization of Germanic peoples and the taking over and matching of the many achievements of the Roman Empire (e.g. the law). Students get acquainted with the law and execute Task 1 and Task 2. The teacher makes sure that the tasks have been correctly performed and gives feedback.

  2. Next, the teacher explains how the social strata were developed, in particular the secular and spiritual nobles, and the dependencies between them. Explains to the students how the fiefdom relationship was created and why the system was beneficial for both parties (senior and vassal). Students look at the illustration of the feudal ladder (Task 3), and in Exercise 1 indicate the duties of the vassal and senior. The teacher together with the students checks the correctness of the exercises and then provides verbal feedback.

  3. The teacher characterizes and explains the role of each social group: slaves - students do Exercise 2; peasants - students do Exercise 3; clergy - students follow Task 4; magnates - students perform Exercise 4. The teacher makes sure that the tasks have been correctly performed and gives feedback.


  1. Teacher, asking questions to students about the subject of the lesson, recapitulates the most important knowlede regarding the appearance and formation of a new society.

  2. The teacher distributes evaluation surveys to the students, in which they evaluate their own work during the lesson, their activity as well as their colleagues. They will also assess what content was interesting to them, what they liked and what should be changed or improved.


  1. The teacher sets homework (it is not an obligatory part of the scenario): After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, many achievements of culture and science were forgotten. Find out which of them was rediscovered after centuries, most often after the end of the Middle Ages.


The following terms and recordings will be used during this lesson


The mighty, nobility
The mighty, nobility
Nagranie słówka: The mighty, nobility

Możni, możnowładcy – członkowie zamożnego rodu, elity mający wpływ na rządy kraju. W średniowiecznym społeczeństwie była najwyższą warstwą społeczną.

Nagranie słówka: Romanization

Romanizacja – proces upowszechniania się języka i kultury rzymskiej na terenach cesarstwa rzymskiego. Przejmowanie rzymskich wzorców trwało również po upadku cesarstwa zachodniorzymskiego.

Nagranie słówka: Vassal

Wasal – w ustroju feudalnym osoba oddająca się pod opiekę seniora, władcy. W zamian za lenno (ziemię) zobowiązywał się do służby zbrojnej w jego imieniu.

Nagranie słówka: Suzerain

Suzeren – w ustroju feudalnym osoba będąca najwyższym seniorem. Był nim najczęściej władca, który nie był niczyim wasalem.

Commendation ceremony
Commendation ceremony
Nagranie słówka: Commendation ceremony

Komendacja – występujący w średniowieczu akt oddania wasala, przyrzeczenia stosunków poddańczych swojemu seniorowi.

Nagranie słówka: Pagans

Poganie – określenie stosowane przez chrześcijan wobec wyznawców innych religii i wierzeń. Określnie to od zawsze miało charakter obelgi i oznaczało osobę gorszą, mniej znaczącą.

Nagranie słówka: Monastery

Klasztor – budynek zamieszkiwany przez zgromadzenie zakonników lub zakonnic.

Nagranie słówka: Celibacy

Celibat – dobrowolne zrezygnowanie z zawierania związku małżeńskiego. Obowiązuje kapłanów i mnichów Kościoła rzymskokatolickiego.

Nagranie słówka: Diocese

Diecezja – inaczej biskupstwo, jednostka administracyjna podległa biskupowi.

Nagranie słówka: Weregild

Główszczyzna – w średniowiecznym prawie jedna z kar polegająca na wypłacie odszkodowania rodzicie zabitej ofiary lub jej panu feudalnemu.

Nagranie słówka: Landgrave

Landgraf – jeden z tytułów władcy feudalnego obowiązujący w Rzeszy Niemieckiej. Landgrafowie podlegali bezpośrednio władzy cesarza i zarządzali ziemią nadaną przez niego.

Nagranie słówka: Senior

Senior – w ustroju feudalnym osoba sprawująca władzę nad wasalami. Nazywany był tak również najstarszy z rodu.

Feudal pyramid
Feudal pyramid
Nagranie słówka: Feudal pyramid

Drabina feudalna – określenie średniowiecznej hierarchii feudalnej. Na jej szczycie stał najwyższy senior – suzeren mający swoich wasali. Jeśli oni również posiadali wasali stawali się seniorami. Najniżej w hierarchii znajdowali się chłopi.

Texts and recordings

Nagranie dźwiękowe abstraktu.

Tribal societies and Roman traditions

The collapse of the Roman Empire and the rise of numerous barbarian states contributed to the change in the situation of the people living in those areas. Migrations and wars, disasters, epidemics, destruction of many cities and villages led to a long‑term depopulation of many lands. This resulted in the collapse of the economy of these areas. The provisions of the law inherited from the Romans mixed and blurred with the barbarians laws. Ancient knowledge, as well as developments in trade and economy started to fade. The Barbarian Europe in many respects regressed for hundreds of years.

The dominant role in the societies of the Germanic tribes was played by a group of warriors focused around their leader. A new aristocracy developed as a result of numerous mixed marriages with the local Roman elite. With time, the increase of its importance led to a decline in the importance of the role of warriors, who became dependent on the upper class. In exchange for the care and protection of their future and their families, they pledged to serve their protectors. Thus, the feudal system was born. The very basis of it was the loyalty of the vassal (subordinate) to their seniors. The knights paid tribute to their mighty (Castellans), who swore allegiance to the counts and princes (landgraves), while they obeyed the supreme senior – the suzerain, most often the king. At the very bottom of this feudal pyramid were the peasants who had to work for everyone.

A separate group in the society of the early Middle Ages was the clergy. It was not a homogeneous group, as it was divided into monks, living and deepening their knowledge and spirituality in monasteries, and priests, who were closer to the common believers. Just like the rest of society, they had families and tried to provide security for their loved ones. This image of the Church changed only in the 11th century. At that time, the first attempts to reform the priesthood were made, that required from its members, among others, celibacy. The senior clergy – bishops, archbishops, as well as abbots (superiors of monasteries) – became the elite occupying the highest places in the hierarchy of the society. Often, as the most educated people, they were the officials of the rulers they served.