Montaż elementów z kamienia oraz renowacja wyrobów kamieniarskich
Narzędzia i sprzęt do montażu elementów z kamienia naturalnego i sztucznego
Connect the Polish terms of stone element installation with their English counterparts.Połącz polskie terminy z montażu elementów kamiennych z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
zawiesie linowe, kołek stalowy, klamra, przyssawki próżniowe, hak jednorożny, zwora, hak dwurożny, kotwa
jumper | |
steel dowel | |
clamp | |
anchor | |
single hook | |
bridle sling | |
vacuum suction cups | |
double hook |
Wykonywanie oczyszczania wyrobów kamieniarskich

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RAUWiCX4cBeJC
Wykonanie oczyszczania wyrobów kamieniarskich
After listening to the film above, mark the correct answer. Po wysłuchaniu powyższego filmu zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
Each maintenance should be preceded with careful cleaning. | □ | □ |
Dry rubbing with a pencil rubber is sufficient for little, single soiling removal. | □ | □ |
Bigger soiling may be removed by dry rubbing with a pencil rubber. | □ | □ |
Sand-blasting consists in the removal of soiling with compressed air or water under pressure. | □ | □ |
Vast soiling may be cleaned with water. | □ | □ |
Grease and oil stains may be removed from the sandstone surface with a water jet. | □ | □ |
Removal of the old oil coating from the stone may be done with Zwinger paste. | □ | □ |
Salt efflorescences may be removed from the sandstone surface by desalinising. | □ | □ |
Biological soiling (fungi and lichen) may be removed with antifungal substances. | □ | □ |
Wykonanie pionowej okładziny kamiennej
Complete the text with expressions in brackets.Uzupełnij tekst wyrażeniami w nawiasach.
corners, grouted, wooden, rope, anchor bolt, full trapping, vertical contact points, first, stone cladding
1. Vertical installation of .............................................. starts from the bottom. (okładzina kamienna)
2. Installation of vertical stone cladding starts with laying the .............................................. row of elements. (pierwszy)
3. Cladding elements are set with respect to tense and levelled .............................................. . (sznur)
4. Mounting starts with .............................................. . (narożniki)
5. Mandrels or other fastening elements should be mounted in .............................................. . (pionowe styki)
6. Stone slabs should be immobilized when mounting at .............................................. . (pełna zalewka)
7. In case of full trapping mounting, mounting of .............................................. in sections should be performed. (kotwa)
8. Edges of already mounted elements are protected by laying thin .............................................. wedges underneath. (drewniane)
9. If slabs are to be .............................................. , a narrow stripe of plywood should be placed at the upper contact surface. (spoinowane)
Montaż okładzin kamiennych
1. Film in the standard version.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R2VX7fMMIX3kZ
Montaż okładzin kamiennych
2. Film with subtitles.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RI1meliMkS8ig
Montaż okładzin kamiennych
3. Film with pauses. Listen and repeat.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R16JkjfwOsHF9
Montaż okładzin kamiennych
4. Film with narration.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RrnR8NRK7aKGp
Montaż okładzin kamiennych
After watching the movie, put the dialogue in the correct order.Po obejrzeniu filmu ułóż dialog w odpowiedniej kolejności.
- A black granite slab, to be mounted above the entrance, with the inscription sandblasted, is to be delivered on Friday.
- Good morning.
- I've looked through the design and I have a few questions.
- I remember checking at the order, lifting equipment will be needed for unloading; a construction crane with bridle sling must be ordered.
- Good morning. Please take a seat.
- We need to determine the installation of stone claddings at our building.
- Let's determine how you plan the arrangement of the stone fountain at the yard by the car park.
- OK. Dry, direct mounting applies to granite cladding in the main hall.
- Stone blocks will be mounted with the use of steel clams and steel dowels, and they will be sealed with lead.
- Connectors and mandrels for erection are in the storage room, walls are prepared. The installation team will come tomorrow.
After listening to the film above, mark the correct answer. Po wysłuchaniu powyższego filmu zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
The contractor determines the performance of stone cladding. | □ | □ |
The contractor has familiarized themselves with the design. | □ | □ |
Granite cladding will be mounted at the external plinth. | □ | □ |
The installation team will come tomorrow. | □ | □ |
Granite cladding will be mounted in the main hall. | □ | □ |
A black granite slab, to be mounted above the entrance, is to be delivered on Wednesday. | □ | □ |
There is no need to order a construction crane. | □ | □ |
A stone fountain will be mounted at the yard by the car park. | □ | □ |
Montaż okładziny kamiennej
Translate the words in brackets into English. Przetłumacz słowa w nawiasach na język angielski.
1. ............ table saw is over there? (czyja)
2. ............ has given you this flat chisel? (kto)
3. ............ oil did you use? (której)
4. ............ hooks did you order? (które)
5. Come with us and I will show you ............ is in charge of this tracery work team. (kto)
6. ............ is responsible for the connectors installation? (kto)
7. ............ chisels would you rather use? (których)
8. ............ meanders seems to be the most suitable for thissurface? (która)
Read the questions and choose the correct form. Przeczytaj zdania i wybierz poprawna formę.
am, can, is, are, are, has got, has got , can, is, are , can, Is, can, Have, have got, , have got, is, can, am, are, can, have got, Can, can
1. I ................ angry with the foreman as he can not explain to me know to do it.
2. The cornice work ................ supervised by our specialist group.
3. You ................ a number of connectors to check.
4. ................ you pass me the bridle slings, please?
5. You ................ install pilasters made of mineral wool here if you want.
6. We ................ a serious construction crane problem.
7. We ................ carry on with the valves installation.
8. I ................ too tired to check the desalination process documentation. I will do it tomorrow.
Read the questions and choose the correct form. Przeczytaj zdania i wybierz poprawna formę.
despite, so that, for, despite, so, because, in order to , for, as, because, so , unless , because, , due to , in case , so as to , so that , because, as, although, as, in case, an spite of, so
1. I was angry with the foreman ........................ he informed me about the new installation hooks last night.
2. The plywood have been installed ........................ we could carry on with all the remaining work.
3. You have to check the thickness of the oil coating ........................ avoid further complications.
4. Could you send me the wood clamps ........................ I need it urgently, please?
5. You need to apply the grease ........................ to avoid such a problem.
6. We should check the cornices ........................ it will be hard to change anything later.
7. We will carry on with the with the volutes work ........................ we have to change the plan.
8. I need to double check the carbide bushing tool ........................ I am not sure how it works.
Translate the words in brackets into English. Przetłumacz słowa w nawiasach na język angielski.
1. They need to have the table saws delivered at ........................................ . (siódma czterdzieści pięć)
2. What time did he come to check the meanders? Was it at ............................ ? (godzina piąta)
3. They started with the tracery work at ...................................... . (punktualnie o dziesiątej)
4. I need to have some double hooks at ................ at the latest. (dziewiętnasta)
5. She did not send the single hooks on time. She delivered them .............. , which was far too late. (w południe)
6. The engraving machine was supposed to be ready by ...................... . (północ)
7. I wonder if he wants to meet our team at ............................ or later? (szesnasta)
8. All the costs of the tracery work will have to be explained at ...................... . (dziesiąta piętnaście)
Read the sentences and choose the correct option. Przeczytaj zdania i wybierz poprawna opcje.
An, A, -, a, an, an, -, an, , an, a, -, an, An, -, A, a, a , -, a, a, -, -, an, -
1. He put ............ hook on the floor.
2. ............ oil should be kept buckets!
3. There is ............ point chisel.
4. ............ marble is stored in the warehouse.
5. You will find ............ sandstones there.
6. Put ............ clamps over there.
7. ............ carbide bushing tool is over here.
8. ............ grease kept in buckets.
Read the questions and complete them with the correct forms of the words in brackets. Przeczytaj zdania i uzupełnij je poprawnymi formami czasowników w nawiasach.
1. Has he used a chisel? He asked me if he ................ a chisel? (use)
2. Are you putting mortar now? My foreman asked me if I ...................... mortar then? (put)
3. Will you take the outside caliper with you ?The foreman wanted to know if I .................... the outside caliper with me? (take)
4. Are they putting the oil ? I was wondering if they ........................ the oil? (put)
5. Have you checked the crane? He wanted to know if I ...................... the crane? (check)
6. Do you want to check it first? He asked me if I ............ to check it first? (want)
7. Have you installed the single hook? Can you tell me if he .......................... the single hook? (install)
8. Does the foreman suggest which palisters should go first? They wanted to know if the foreman .................. which palisters should go first. (suggest)
Put the words in each line (1-8) in the correct order so that they form sentences. Ułóż słowa w odpowiedniej kolejności tak, aby powstały pytania.
1. we / desalination / a / process? / look / Can / at / have / the
2. you / oil / protection? / any / coating / taken / samples / Have / of / the
3. grease? / going / some / you / to / put / Are / the
4. you / hooks? / a / installation / look / have / at / Will / this
5. meanders? / finished / Have / with / you / the
6. it / Is / to / put / the / coating? / fire-resistant / necessary
7. the / difficult / operate? / construction / to / Is / crane
8. the / chisel? / you / pass / Will / me
Read the questions and choose the correct form. Przeczytaj zdania i wybierz poprawna formę.
Are, Would, Would, Could, Shall, Will, Can, Is, Shall, Could, Will , Will, Can, , Can, Would, Could, Shall, Would, Shall , Can, Can, Would, Will, Will
1. ............ one of the workers give me a hand with these clamps?
2. ............ you like to do me a favour and bring the double hook?
3. ............ you possibly show me the way to the sandstone storage, please?
4. ............ you like to come with me to the warehouse?
5. ............ I help you with this wedge?
6. ............ you be so kind and show me the way to the crane, please?
7. ............ I help you with the spindles?
8. ............ I check the oil costs for you?
Match the numbers with the words.Połącz liczebniki główne z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
<span lang="en">sixty-five </span>, <span lang="en">fifty-one </span>, <span lang="en">thirty </span>, <span lang="en">sixteen </span>, <span lang="en">a hundred </span>, <span lang="en">twelve </span>, <span lang="en">forty </span>, <span lang="en">eighty-nine </span>
12 | |
40 | |
16 | |
30 | |
51 | |
65 | |
89 | |
100 |
Choose the correct option from the drop-down menu. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź z listy.
-, s, s, , s, s, -, -, -, s, s, s, -, -, -, s, -
1. A builder ............ trying to solve the problem.
2. Client ............ know the date of sandblasting.
3. A special chisel ............ is necessary for this job.
4. We need two inside caliper ............ .
5. Equipment ............ will be delivered tomorrow.
6. The hand-held circular saw ............ urgent.
7. We have to carry out a few test ............ of the table saws.
8. We've bought 12 carbide bushing tool ............ .
Read the sentences and complete them with the correct forms of the words in brackets. Przeczytaj zdania i uzupełnij je poprawnymi formami wyrazów w nawiasach.
1. The tracery must .............. according to the project. (be do)
2. The mortar needs .................. appropriately. (be put)
3. The scope of the cornice work must .......................... . (be determine)
4. How is the system going to ...................... with water? (be supply)
5. Grease .............. in this work space. (be use)
6. The project has .......................... already. (be approve)
7. Hooks have ............................ in three ways. (be installed)
8. As a rule, cornice designs ........................ by experts. (be prepare)
/ˈæŋkər boʊlt/ [noun, countable] kotwa
/æn.ti fʌŋ.ɡəl ˈsʌb.stəns/ [noun, uncountable] preparat grzybobójczy
/ˈben.ziːn/ [noun, uncountable] benzyna ekstrakcyjna
/ˈbraɪ.dəl slɪŋ/ [noun, countable] zawiesie linowe
/klæmp/ [noun, countable] klamra
/kəˈnek.tər/ [noun, countable] łącznik
/kənˈstrʌk.ʃən kreɪn/ [noun, countable] żuraw budowlany
/diː.sæl.ɪˈneɪ.ʃən/ [noun, uncountable] odsalanie
/dʌb.əl hʊk/ [noun, countable] hak dwurożny
/ɡriːs/ [noun, uncountable] smar
/ɡraɪn.dər/ [noun, countable] szlifierka
/ɡraʊtid/ [adjective] spoinowane
/hɑːd brɪs.əl brʌʃ/ [noun, countable] szczotka włosiana
/ɪnstəleɪʃən hʊks/ [noun, countable] hakami montażowymi
/dʒʌm.pər/ [noun, countable] zwora
/led/ [noun, uncountable] ołów
/mɑrbəl/ [noun, uncountable] marmur
/moːtə/ [noun, uncountable] zaprawa
/ɔɪl/ [noun, uncountable] olej
/ɔɪl kəʊ.tɪŋ/ [noun, countable] powloki olejne
/pɪlɑːstəʳ/ [noun, countable] pilastr
/ˈplaɪ.wʊd/ [noun, uncountable] sklejka
/sænd ef.ləˈres.əns/ [noun, countable] wykwity solne
/ˈsænd.blɑːst/ [adjective] wypiaskowanym
/sænd.blɑːst ing/ [noun, countable] piaskowanie
/ˈsænd.stəʊn/ [noun, uncountable] piaskowiec
/sɪŋ.ɡəl hʊk/ [noun, countable] hak jednorożny
/səʊkəl/ [noun, countable] cokół
/ˈspindl/ [noun, countable] trzpień
/stiːl daʊəl/ [noun, countable] kołek stalowy
/stoʊn klæd.ɪŋ/ [noun, uncountable] okładzina kamienna
/ˈstəʊnˌmeɪ.sən/ [noun, countable] kamieniarz
/ˈstəʊnˌmeɪ.sən/ [noun, countable] przyssawki próżniow
/wɛdʒ/ [noun, countable] klin
/wɪtheta fʊl træpin/ [noun, uncountable] na pełną zalewkę