Dobór systemu nawadniania terenu m46a2d0ca674c2559_1516315582267_0 The talk between the irrigation system designer and the producer 1. Film in the standard version.
R1GeMrr8Lr7HV 1 Rozmowa projektanta z producentem systemów nawadniania
Rozmowa projektanta z producentem systemów nawadniania
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R1GeMrr8Lr7HV
The talk between the irrigation system designer and the producer
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Rozmowa projektanta z producentem systemów nawadniania
m46a2d0ca674c2559_1516315713520_0 2. Film with subtitles.
m46a2d0ca674c2559_1516315731083_0 RmC7StPzTIfj7 1 Rozmowa projektanta z producentem systemów nawadniania
Rozmowa projektanta z producentem systemów nawadniania
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RmC7StPzTIfj7
The talk between the irrigation system designer and the producer
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Rozmowa projektanta z producentem systemów nawadniania
m46a2d0ca674c2559_1517519920974_0 3. Film with pauses. Listen and repeat.
m46a2d0ca674c2559_1516315855551_0 R1C6onQ6OIhEY 1 Rozmowa projektanta z producentem systemów nawadniania
Rozmowa projektanta z producentem systemów nawadniania
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R1C6onQ6OIhEY
The talk between the irrigation system designer and the producer
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Rozmowa projektanta z producentem systemów nawadniania
m46a2d0ca674c2559_1516315946508_0 4. Film with narration.
m46a2d0ca674c2559_1516315951214_0 R1GvryCqhsoyJ 1 Rozmowa projektanta z producentem systemów nawadniania
Rozmowa projektanta z producentem systemów nawadniania
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R1GvryCqhsoyJ
The talk between the irrigation system designer and the producer
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Rozmowa projektanta z producentem systemów nawadniania
m46a2d0ca674c2559_1516316024463_0 Exercise 1
RPfdJHPqCJC8n 1 zadanie
After watching the movie, put the dialogue in the correct order. Po obejrzeniu filmu ułóż dialog w odpowiedniej kolejności.
First of all, what crops are going to be irrigated by this system?
Good morning. How can I help you?
The usual crop fields where the investor grows vegetables.
Of course. So, thank you very much and good bye.
Great. When can we start our cooperation?
I was commissioned with the design and implementation of the irrigation system. I'd like us to determine the scope of the project together; I'll do the project, and afterwards your company will execute the irrigation system.
Of course, how can I help you?
If you are determined to cooperate, we can arrange to meet next week. But I think there are a few things we can set up today, because it'll allow me to prepare myself better for the meeting.
Yes of course. So, what information do you need at the moment?
Good morning. I need your help in fulfilling a customer's order.
Thank you. I'll prepare a draft offer for the meeting and then we'll fix further details.
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
m46a2d0ca674c2559_1516383283628_0 Systemy nawadniania a sposoby rozprowadzania wody R1Fy721l7c4Gs 1 zadanie
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Przejdź do poprzedniej ilustracji
Przejdź do następnej ilustracji
RSIfW3hqaQNak 1 Ilustracja przedstawia nawadnianie bruzdowe.
Furrow irrigation
RSoys2S1ZxPHi 1 Ilustracja przedstawia nawadnianie podsiąkowe.
RBBbSR3lhueME 1 Ilustracja przedstawia nawadnianie przesiąkowe.
Subsurface irrigation
RJJncWdO0nyJd 1 Ilustracja przedstawia nawadnianie stokowe.
Slope irrigation
RSpnlZ71E4O3T 1 Ilustracja przedstawia nawadnianie zalewowe.
Basin irrigation
RQqZKts28oDdC 1 Ilustracja przedstawia deszczowanie.
Sprinkling irrigation
R5OCZGgOGB1AA 1 Ilustracja przedstawia nawadnianie liniami kroplującymi.
Drip line irrigation
RuzLxd7RQwHgb 1 Ilustracja przedstawia nawadnianie kroplownikami indywidualnymi.
Individual dripper irrigation
RJrVRVw3n2BVo 1 Ilustracja przedstawia nawadnianie zraszaczami.
Sprinkler irrigation
RIAPrCR0teP4D 1 ilustracja przedstawia nawadnianie mikrozraszaczami.
Mikro sprinkler irrigation
Exercise 2
RIOVAQhjuLj4B 1 zadanie
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
R1bHJt45qwTyR 1 zadanie
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
m46a2d0ca674c2559_1520166770903_0 Rodzaje nawodnień kropelkowych Rar8NvXsimJUc 1 zadanie
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 3
R1HRmjaPwDQc7 1 zadanie
Match the definitions to appropriate collocations and expressions. Przyporządkuj definicję do odpowiednich zwrotów i wyrażeń.
used for waste water treatment, irrigation is done with a kit consisting of a pin stuck into the ground, irrigation with thin layer of water flow on the inclined surface, flooding the area divided by small dikes into quarters with around 20 cm of water layer, irrigation consisting in damming water in the drainage ditches, is used for irrigation of small green areas, flower beds and rock gardens, can be used in areas with regular or irregular shapes, bringing water to deeper layers of soil, irrigation by means of artificial rain, is used in tunnels or greenhouses and field crops
furrow irrigation
subsurface irrigation
slope irrigation
basin irrigation
sprinkling irrigation
drip line irrigation
individual dripper irrigation
sprinkler irrigation
mikro sprinkler irrigation
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 4
RsABnFkT2IhPj 1 zadanie
Complete the sentences with the words below. Uzupełnij tekst, korzystają z poniższych słów.
deeper, slope irrigation, grassland, subsurface irrigation, flooding, irrigation systems, sprinkling, drainage, drip irrigation, arable land
1. (Systemy nawadniania) .......................................... are classified primarily due to the method of water distribution.
2. Irrigation of fields with artificial rain is called .......................................... (deszczowanie).
3. (Grunty orne) .......................................... is irrigated with a furrow system.
4. Subirrigation is used for .......................................... (użytki zielone) irrigation.
5. (Nawadnianie przesiąkowe) .......................................... is also called deep irrigation.
6. Bringing water to .......................................... (głębsze) layers of soil is usually done by means of drain channels or porous pipes.
7. (Nawadnianie stokowe) .......................................... consists in irrigation with thin layer of water flow on the inclined surface.
8. (Zalewanie) .......................................... he area with 20 cm layer of water is specific for basin irrigation.
9. Water excess is drained to the .......................................... (odwadniające) ditches.
10. (Nawadnianie kroplowe) .......................................... allows dosing dissolved mineral fertilizer.
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
m46a2d0ca674c2559_1516316248437_0 Nawadnianie ogrodów m46a2d0ca674c2559_1516316309335_0 Irrigation of gardens R1I5WQmM1PugH 1 Nawadnianie użytków rolnych - dobór systemów nawadniania
Nawadnianie użytków rolnych - dobór systemów nawadniania
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R1I5WQmM1PugH
Irrigation of agricultural land - selection of irrigation systems
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Nawadnianie użytków rolnych - dobór systemów nawadniania
Exercise 5
RboEZovozDenF 1 zadanie
Match each kind of grassland and fieldcrop to appropiate irrigation system. Połącz rodzaje użytków i upraw, z najodpowiedniejszymi systemami nawadniania.
drip lines, drip lines, drip and micro sprinkler irrigation, sprinkling and drip systems, water cannons, field sprinklers, atomizing sprinklers, drip lines and drip tapes, sprinkler water cannons, rotary sprinklers, Individual drippers equipped with tubes and drippers, static sprinklers, atomizing sprinklers
lawns (smaller areas)
larger lawns (bigger areas)
ornamental plants, hedges
greenhouse and tunnel cultivation
cultivating plants in pots and containers.
tree and shrub nurseries
vegetables resistant to strong stream of water
species susceptible to sprinkling
field crops
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 6
R3n4VYjb13YL1 1 zadanie
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
R14Q03mXwJytn 1 zadanie
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
m46a2d0ca674c2559_1516383280961_0 Zadania Exercise 7
RwRVHhTJQGLn2 1 zadanie
Read the sentences and complete them with the correct forms of the words in brackets. Przeczytaj zdania i uzupełnij je poprawnymi formami wyrazów w nawiasach.
1. The water supply network must .............. (be do) according to the project.
2. The area needs ........................ (be shape) appropriately.
3. The scope of the project must .......................... (be determine)
4. How is the irrigation system going to ...................... (be supply) with water?
5. Drip irrigation. .............. (be use) in greenhouses.
6. The project has .......................... (be approve) already.
7. Drip irrigation has ................................ (be implement) in three ways.
8. As a rule, maps ........................ (be prepare) by surveyors.
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 8
RstWI02sDxdGZ 1 zadanie
Choose the correct answer from the drop-down menu. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź z listy.
a , A , an , - , a , - , A , a , - , - , a , - , a , - , - , the
1. ............ field research is conducted by specialized companies.
2. ............ sprinkler irrigation is used to irrigate the garden.
3. Drip irrigation is primarily used for watering ............ hedges.
4. We need to install ............ 15 rotary sprinklers.
5. Can you realize ............ my project?
6. Irrigation system is ............ installation that saves time
7. Each container is supplied with ............ tube.
8. Drip lines are laid along ............ plantings.
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 9
RqYq8FuwQN7US 1 zadanie
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 10
R1KHg07d8OhPn 1 zadanie
Choose the correct answer from the drop-down menu. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź z listy.
Us , I , they , her , he , Them , me , we , she , him , me , them , us , They , I , We
1. Introduce ............ to the assumptions of the project.
2. ............ are constructing subirrigation systems.
3. Call ............ in case of any doubts.
4. Call ............ when you chose the materials.
5. Can you visit ............ today?
6. Send ............ exact schematic.
7. ............ want to use driplines.
8. Notify ............ about the launch date.
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
m46a2d0ca674c2559_1516384819599_0 Słownik atomizing sprinkler atomizing sprinkler
/ˈætəmaɪzɪŋ ˈsprɪŋklər/ [noun, countable, singular ] zraszacz drobnokroplisty
basin irrigation basin irrigation
/ˈbeɪsn ˌɪrɪˈɡeɪʃn/ [noun, uncountable ] nawadnianie zalewowe
drip irrigation drip irrigation
/drɪp ˌɪrɪˈɡeɪʃn/ [noun, uncountable ] nawadnianie kropelkowe
drip line drip line
/drɪp ˈlaɪn/ [noun, countable, singular ] linia kroplująca
drip tape drip tape
/drɪp teɪp/ [noun, countable, singular ] taśma kroplująca
dripper dripper
/drɪpər / [noun, countable, singular ] kroplownika
field crops field crops
/fiːld krɒps/ [noun, countable, plural ] uprawy polowe
field sprinkler field sprinkler
/fiːld ˈsprɪŋklər/ [noun, countable, singular ] zraszacz polowy
furrow irrigation furrow irrigation
/ˈfʌrəʊ ˌɪrɪˈɡeɪʃn/ [noun, uncountable ] nawadnianie bruzdowe
grasslands grasslands
/ˈɡrɑːslænd/ [noun, countable, plural ] użytki zielone
greenhouse cultivation greenhouse cultivation
/ˈɡriːnhaʊs ˌkʌltɪˈveɪʃn/ [noun, uncountable ] uprawa szklarniowa
hoarfrost hoarfrost
/ˈhɔː.frɒst/ [noun, uncountable ] przymrozek
impact sprinkler impact sprinkler
/ˈɪmpækt ˈsprɪŋklər/ [noun, countable, singular ] zraszacz młoteczkowy
individual dripper individual dripper
/ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl drɪp ər / [noun, countable, singular ] kroplownik indywidualny
irrigation irrigation
/ˌɪrɪˈɡeɪʃn/ [noun, uncountable ] nawadnianie
irrigation system irrigation system
/ˌɪrɪˈɡeɪʃn ˈsɪstəm/ [noun, countable, singular ] system nawadniania
micro sprinkler micro sprinkler
/ˈmaɪkrəʊ ˈsprɪŋklər/ [noun, countable, singular ] mikrozraszacz
orchard orchard
/ˈɔːtʃəd/ [noun, countable, singular ] sad
penetration penetration
/ˌpenəˈtreɪʃn/ [noun, uncountable ] wsiąkanie
planting planting
/ˈplɑːntɪŋ/ [noun, countable, plural ] nasadzenie
rotary sprinkler rotary sprinkler
/ˈrəʊtəri ˈsprɪŋklər/ [noun, countable, singular ] zraszacz rotacyjny
slope irrigation slope irrigation
/sləʊp ˌɪrɪˈɡeɪʃn/ [noun, uncountable ] nawadniacze stokowe
sprinkler sprinkler
/ˈsprɪŋklər/ [noun, countable, singular ] zraszacz
sprinkler irrigation sprinkler irrigation
/ˈsprɪŋklər ˌɪrɪˈɡeɪʃn/ [noun, uncountable ] nawadnianie zraszaczami
sprinkler water cannon sprinkler water cannon
/ˈsprɪŋklər ˈwɔːtər ˈkænən/ [noun, countable, singular ] działko wodne
sprinkling head sprinkling head
/ˈsprɪŋklɪŋ hed/ [noun, countable, singular ] głowica deszczująca
static sprinkler static sprinkler
/ˈstætɪk ˈsprɪŋklər/ [noun, countable, singular ] zraszacz statyczny
subirrigation subirrigation
/sʌbˌɪrɪˈɡeɪʃn/ [noun, uncountable ] nawadnianie podsiąkowe
subsurface irrigation subsurface irrigation
/sʌb ˈsɜːfɪs ˌɪrɪˈɡeɪʃn/ [noun, uncountable ] nawadnianie wgłębne
water supply network water supply network
/ˈwɔːtər səˈplaɪ ˈnetwɜːk/ [noun, countable, singular ] wodociąg
watering watering
/ˈwɔːtərɪŋ/ [noun, uncountable ] podlewanie