Organization of works related to the heating network, district heating substation and heating installation
Modernization of a building- a project design of central heating installation
1. Film in the standard version.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R1LR9YPww4gBM
Modernizacja budynku - projekt instalacji centralnego ogrzewania
2. Film with subtitles.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R8zHf6FR5l02z
Modernizacja budynku - projekt instalacji centralnego ogrzewania
3. Film with pauses. Listen and repeat.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R1RQCoQy1gKh8
Modernizacja budynku - projekt instalacji centralnego ogrzewania
4. Film with narration.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R19TOf2TrFhr6
Modernizacja budynku - projekt instalacji centralnego ogrzewania
Put the dialogue in the correct order.Ułóż dialog w odpowiedniej kolejności.
- I would like to know the heat transfer coefficient for the walls after thermo-modernization, so that I could choose the right radiators and make calculations for the installation.
- From what I can see the documentation is in the paper version. But are the building plan views done in a computer program?
- No, we don’t have any preferences. I would also appreciate it if you could prepare a project design and a cost estimate for plastic pipes for the installation-we want to show these projects for the board to choose from.
- Unfortunately, we only have an old documentation. That is why we planned a longer deadline. We want to finish on time with the project of a district heating substation.
- Three months. Do you accept such deadline?
- Of course. Shall I contact you with the insulation designer?
- Yes. We’ve already asked for proper documentation.
- We would like to modernize one of our buildings and install central heating system. Here is its project documentation.
- Ok. Do you have your own preferences? I would recommend stainless steel pipes and panel radiators.
- Is thermo-modernization included in the project?
- Ok. I will propose this option as well. What is the deadline for the project?
After listening to the above dialogue mark the correct answer. Po wysłuchaniu powyższego dialogu zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
The building plan views are made in a computer program. | □ | □ |
Panel radiators have been suggested. | □ | □ |
Pipes will be made of stainless steel. | □ | □ |
The deadline is 6 months. | □ | □ |
The project foresees the use of pipes from stainless steel. | □ | □ |
The project foresees the use of thermo-modernization. | □ | □ |
The project foresees the use of copper pipes. | □ | □ |
There will be two projects and cost estimates. | □ | □ |
Types of radiators in a central heating installation

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RpXt7rpB7iJUb
Rodzaje grzejników w instalacji centralnego ogrzewania
After watching the film mark the correct answer. Po obejrzeniu filmu zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
The cast iron radiator is corrosion resistant. | □ | □ |
The cast iron radiator is not pressure resistant. | □ | □ |
The panel radiator is easy to keep clean. | □ | □ |
The underfloor heating distributes heat unevenly from the floor to the ceiling. | □ | □ |
The ribbed pipe radiator has a small heating area. | □ | □ |
The wall heating reduces the cooling impact of the walls. | □ | □ |
The cast iron radiator was the least popular type of a radiator used in Poland. | □ | □ |
The aluminum radiator heats rooms the fastest. | □ | □ |
Match English terms with their Polish equivalents.Połącz angielskimi terminy z ich polskie odpowiednikami.
grzejnik rurowy ożebrowany, grzejnik aluminiowy, grzejnik płytowy, grzejnik wentylacyjny, aparat grzewczo wentylacyjny, grzejnik żeliwny, grzejnik konwektorowy, grzejnik rurowy łazienkowy
ventilation radiator | |
panel radiator | |
ribbed pipe radiator | |
bathroom pipe radiator | |
cast iron radiator | |
heating-ventilation unit | |
convector heater | |
aluminum radiator |
Devices in a ventilation system
Stages of underfloor heating installation
After reading the above text, mark the correct answer. Po przeczytaniu powyższego tekstu zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
In the underfloor heating pipes are laid spirally. | □ | □ |
We put the floor from natural stone tiles directly on fixed pipes. | □ | □ |
Edge insulation is laid along the walls. | □ | □ |
The moisture barrier is laid on every slab in a multistory house. | □ | □ |
It is not necessary to fix pipes to the thermal insulation. | □ | □ |
The thermal insulation prevents heat from spreading to other rooms. | □ | □ |
There is no need to pour off concrete topping above the pipes. | □ | □ |
We use a tacker to fix clamps. | □ | □ |
Complete the sentences by choosing the right expression or word from the phrases mentioned below:Uzupełnij zdania wybierając odpowiednie określenie lub wyraz z wymienionych poniżej:
thermal insulation, edge insulation, underfloor heating, moisture barrier, Concrete topping, floor , spiral layout, tacker
1. The .................................... is laid along the inside and outside walls and thermal panels. (izolacja brzegowa)
2. .................................... is used on pipes. (izolacja brzegowa)
3. The .................................... is used on the top of the ground. (izolacja przeciwwilgociowa)
4. Pipes from the underfloor heating have a .................................... . (układ ślimakowy)
5. The .................................... provides better heating comfort than traditional radiators. (ogrzewanie podłogowe)
6. The .................................... prevents heat from spreading to other rooms. (izolacja cieplna)
7. The .................................... on underfloor heating is most frequently made from natural stone and ceramic tiles. (podłoga)
8. We fix the pipes with clamps by means of a .................................... . (taker)
Decide if these nouns are written in plural or singular form.Zdecyduj czy podane rzeczowniki są zapisane w liczbie pojedynczej czy mnogiej.
<span lang="en">concrete topping</span>, <span lang="en">clamp</span>, <span lang="en">radiator</span>, <span lang="en">moisture barrier</span>, <span lang="en">soft lead tapes</span>, <span lang="en">screws</span>, <span lang="en">metal cutting shears</span>, <span lang="en">heaters</span>
Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Ułóż słowa w odpowiedniej kolejności, aby stworzyć zdania.
1. We / the / machine. / faulty / going / to / replace / are ......................................................................................
2. new / a / to / going / warehouse. / We / build / are ..............................................................................
3. inspected. / The / be / line / is / going / assembly / to ......................................................................................
4. in / We / be / will / touch. ........................................
5. going / work / workers / to / are / overtime. / The ..............................................................................
6. to / introduce / are / rotation. / job / We / going ..............................................................................
7. be / in / Tests / near / future. / the / carried / will / out ..........................................................................................
8. the / at / tomorrow. / meeting / You / supplier / o'clock / 12 / are ........................................................................................................
Complete sentences with the correct verb in the Present Perfect tense. Uzupełnij zdania prawidłowym czasownikiem w czasie Present Perfect.
1. We ............ already ............ for proper documentation. (ASK)
2. ............ the local community ever .................... any local buildings? (MODERNIZE)
3. The technicians ............................ hot water pipes spirally on polystyrene. (INSTALL)
4. ............ you
............ the contract yet? (SIGN)
5. The supervisor ........................ the documents today. (PREPARE)
6. Our contractor .................. a supporting wall. (BUILD)
7. The supervisor ...................... the underfloor heating today. (CHECK)
8. My company ........................ different radiators since 2015. (REPAIR)
Read the questions and choose the correct form. Przeczytaj zdania i wybierz poprawna formę.
, will, will, ought to, should, Shall, shouldn’t, will, can’t, can’t , can, can, mustn’t, Needn’t, mustn’t, should , would, can’t, can’t, mustn’t, must, will, will, Can’t, must
1. You ...................... touch the convector heater when it is in operation.
2. We ...................... put another layer of moisture barrier if you agree.
3. You ...................... always follow safety regulations.
4. You ...................... leave the heating system on when go home.
5. You ...................... start installing any heaters without proper tools.
6. ...................... I inform all the workers about health and safety regulations before the employees enter the warehouse tomorrow?
7. I ...................... order more clamps if I were you.
8. I ...................... look at the price of cast iron radiators in the catalogue tomorrow.
/ˌæl·juˈmɪn·i·əm fɔɪl/ [noun, uncountable] folia aluminiowa
/ˌæl·juˈmɪn·i·əm ˈreɪ.di.eɪ.tər/ [noun, countable] grzejnik aluminiowy
/ˈbɪl.dɪŋ plæn vjuː/ [noun, countable] rzut budynku
/kɑːst aɪən ˈreɪ.di.eɪ.tər/ [noun, countable] grzejnik żeliwny
/səˈræmɪks taɪl/ [noun, countable] płytka ceramiczna
/klæmp/ [noun, countable] uchwyt
/ˈkɒŋ.kriːt ˈtɒp.ɪŋ [noun, countable] wylewka betonowa
/kənˈvek.tər ˈhiː.tər/ [noun, countable] grzejnik konwektorowy
/ˈdɪs.trɪkt ˈhiː.tɪŋ ˌsʌbˈsteɪ.ʃən mɔːtər/ [noun, countable] węzeł ciepłowniczy
/edʒ ˌɪn.sjəˈleɪ.ʃən teɪp/ [noun, uncountable] taśma izolacji brzegowej
/ɪkˈspænd pɒlɪˈstaɪriːn fəʊm/ / [noun, countable] styropian
/hiːt trænsˈfɜːr ˌkəʊ.ɪˈfɪʃ.ənt/ [noun, countable] współczynnik przenikania ciepła
/ˈmɔɪstʃər ˈbæriər/ [noun, countable] izolacja przeciwwilgociowa
/ˈpæn.əl ˈreɪ.di.eɪ.tər/ [noun, countable] grzejnik płytowy
/ˈ rɪbd paɪp reɪ.di.eɪ.tər/ [noun, countable] grzejnik rurowy ożebrowany
/skriːd/ [noun, uncountable, singular] jastrych
/ˈspaɪə.rəl ˈleɪ.aʊt/ [noun, countable] układ ślimakowy
/tækə/ [noun, countable] taker
/ˌʌn.dəˈflɔːr ˈhiː.tɪŋ/ [noun, uncountable] ogrzewanie podłogowe
/ˌven.tɪˈleɪ.ʃən reɪ.di.eɪ.tər/ [noun, countable] grzejnik wentylacyjny
/wɔːl ˈhiː.tɪŋ / [noun, uncountable] ogrzewanie ścienne