Organizowanie robót związanych z utrzymaniem dróg kolejowych w wymaganym stanie technicznym
Wywiad dziennikarski
1. Film in the standard version.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R1cx8pMN0KcNA
Film przedstawia wywiad dziennikarski.
2. Film with subtitles.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RFxmI2e8TZDpQ
Film przedstawia wywiad dziennikarski.
3. Film with pauses. Listen and repeat.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R18Vp4Be0XCq8
Film przedstawia wywiad dziennikarski.
4. Film with narration.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R1ELCCY9V6r66
Film przedstawia wywiad dziennikarski.
Arrange the dialogue in the correct order.Ułóż dialog w odpowiedniej kolejności.
- Ladies and gentlemen, welcome. Now, the results of the control of the railroad conditions on this section are being analysed and on this basis a technical project will be prepared and the scope of works will be determined.
- It must involve high costs.
- It certainly can’t be avoided. However, we want renovation works and modernization to end as soon as possible.
- I understand that the scope of works will be large.
- Yes, but we have to take into account the fact that these investments are to serve us for many years to come and must be prepared for technical development.
- In addition to strengthening the present track structure, new tracks and turnouts are being designed, and also the overhead wiring will be reconstructed. We need to adapt the route to increased load and increased train speed, that is to obtain better technical and operational parameters. This involves a change in the track geometry.
- Thank you for this interview and for your attention.
- Ladies and gentlemen, welcome. Today I am talking with the spokesman of the railway, Mr Jan Kowalski, in connection with the planned renovation of the section of the railway line between Poznań and Bydgoszcz.
- Will this result in problems for passengers?
After listening to the above dialogue, mark the correct answer. Po wysłuchaniu powyższego dialogu zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
The renovation of the section of the railway line between Poznań and Warszawa is planned. | □ | □ |
Jan Kowalski is the spokesman of the railway. | □ | □ |
On the basis of the results of the control of the railroad conditions, a technical project will be prepared and the scope of works will be determined. | □ | □ |
Only strengthening of the present track structure is planned. | □ | □ |
The modernization project will involve the reconstruction of the overhead wiring. | □ | □ |
The modernization works will not include railway infrastructure facilities. | □ | □ |
Adapting the route to the increased load and increased train speed is related to the change in the geometry parameters. | □ | □ |
The change in the geometry parameters means, among others, increasing the radius of curves. | □ | □ |
The cost of works related to the repairs and modernization of the discussed section of railway line is not high. | □ | □ |
Match Polish terms with their English equivalents.Połącz polskie terminy z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
remont, parametry techniczno -eksploatacyjne, trasa objazdowa, obiekty infrastruktury kolejowej, modernizacja, sieć trakcyjna, projekt techniczny, rozjazd
technical project | |
bypassing route | |
overhead wiring | |
turnout | |
renovation | |
technical and operational parameters | |
railway infrastructure parameters | |
modernization |
Klasyfikacja napraw nawierzchni torowej i podtorza
Complete the sentences with words or phrases in the brackets. Uzupełnij zdania słowami lub określeniami zawartymi w nawiasie.
track machines, technical condition, ballast, track bed, simple, track geometry, operating parameters, maintenance
1. Maintaining the railroad in good ........................................ requires continuous maintenance as well as planning and carrying out renovation works. (stan techniczny)
2. According to the track works technology, track repairs can be divided into: ........................................ , renovation and modernization works. (konserwacja)
3. Maintenance includes the removal of defects and minor repairs of the track structure and ........................................ . (podtorze)
4. Repairs require closing the tracks and they are carried out with the use of ........................................ as well as mechanized equipment and tools. (maszyny torowe)
5. Main repairs can be complex and can involve the replacement of all elements of the track structure, that is rails, sleepers and ........................................ . (podsypka)
6. When one or two elements of the track structure are replaced, this repair is ........................................ . (niekompleksowa)
7. Modernization which aims at improving ........................................ by replacing all elements of the track structure. (parametry eksploatacyjne)
8. During modernization works, the ........................................ can be changed to adapt the route to increased load and increased train speed. (geometria torów)
Narzędzia do konserwacji nawierzchni kolejowej

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/Rg0XS8T5qtQwb
Film przedstawia narzędzia do konserwacji nawierzchni kolejowej.
After listening to the above dialogue, mark the correct answer. Po wysłuchaniu powyższego dialogu zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
Rail tongs are used to transport short sections of rails to short distances. | □ | □ |
A fishbolt spanner is used to lift sleepers during their replacement. | □ | □ |
Using a T wrench you can tighten and unscrew nuts of alloy screws. | □ | □ |
Loose alloy screws, fishbolts and screws can be tightened with a rail turning bar. | □ | □ |
A rail clamp is used to secure cracked rails. | □ | □ |
The damaged section of the rail can be cut out with a rail saw. | □ | □ |
Using a rail jack holes can be drilled in the rail to connect it to the rail insert. | □ | □ |
Rail tie rods are installed at every fourth sleeper and works can be carried out on forty sleepers at the same time. | □ | □ |
Complete the sentences with words or phrases in the brackets. Uzupełnij zdania słowami lub określeniami zawartymi w nawiasie.
rail turning bar, double arm fishbolt spanner, steel mallets, fishbolt spanner, track frame, rail drills, impact wrenches, head of the rail
1. Loose alloy screws, fishbolts and screws can be tightened with ...................................................... . (zakrętarki)
2. Depending on the use of the tongs, their arms are ended with jaws shaped to suit the ...................................................... or the shape of the sleeper. (główki szyny)
3. The ...................................................... can be equipped with the so called ratchet that allows you to work continuously without removing the spanner from the screw. (klucz łubkowy)
4. A ...................................................... is more versatile because it can be used to screw and unscrew bolts of various sizes. (klucz dwuramienny)
5. The rails with fixed sleepers are a ...................................................... . (rama torowa)
6. A ...................................................... is used for loading and unloading rails and at the storage places. (drążek do kantowania szyn)
7. During the replacement of the damaged section of the rail special ...................................................... and rail saws are used. (wiertarki do szyn)
8. During the maintenance works of the track structure, small, handheld equipment is also used, such as rail hammers, hammers for sleepers or ...................................................... . (podbijaki stalowe)
Maszyny do wykonywania robót związanych z utrzymaniem nawierzchni kolejowej i podtorza
Read the sentences and complete them with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Przeczytaj zdania i uzupełnij je poprawnymi formami czasowników w nawiasach.
1. Recently we .......................... information about planned modernization. (receive)
2. We .......................... results of the control at the moment. (analyse)
3. The engineers ........................ a technical project in a few weeks. (prepare)
4. Last month we .................... the scope of works. (determine)
5. Problems for passengers can’t be .............. . (avoid)
6. The company regularly .............. out maintenance works. (carry)
7. The engineer thinks that he ........................ necessary documents tomorrow. (receive)
8. The maintenance ................ the removal of defects. (include)
Choose the correct option from the drop-down menu. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź z listy.
broken, chose, built, damage, damages, damaged, did, build, done, come, choose, come, break, write, builded, begin, began, comes, chosen, written, wrote, begun, broke, do,
1. The worker replaced the rail which was .............. .
2. Maintenance activities must be .............. carefully.
3. The client has .............. to place an order with us.
4. The passengers have .............. a letter of complaint about the bad condition of tracks.
5. Last week the modernization of this line was .............. .
6. A new section of the railway line must be .............. .
7. They .............. a contractor to carry out modernization.
8. One of the elements of the track structure was .............. .
Choose the correct word(s) to complete the sentences. Wybierz właściwe słowo(a), aby uzupełnić zdania.
That, Which, it, second, Little, much, How, These, twice, Some, maintenances, I, the second, This, Who, its, mine, little, Any, maintain, this, my, , many, maintenance
1. The ongoing ........................ helps to keep the railroad in good condition.
2. This is ........................ time we have modernized this railroad.
3. ........................ tongs are you using now?
4. ........................ fixing screws and bolts don’t fit.
5. The spanner which you have taken is ........................ .
6. How ........................ holes do we need to drill?
7. A rail turning bar is used to rotate the rail along ........................ longitudinal axis.
8. ........................ maintenance works must be done only mechanically.
Complete the sentences with prepositions by dragging them from the box below to the appropriate gaps. Uzupełnij zdania poprawnymi przyimkami przeciągając je z ramki poniżej we właściwe miejsca.
into, in, of, off, out, away, on, for, to, up, with, from
1. We’re planning modernization ............ this railway line.
2. Will modernization result in any problems ............ passengers?
3. Nuts of alloy screws can be tightened ............ a T wrench.
4. We must take ............ account the fact that this structure will serve us for many years to come.
5. The scope of works depends ............ the funds we have at our disposal.
6. The route must be adapted ............ the increased load and speed of trains.
7. The last renovation of tracks was carried ............ in 2016.
8. Maintaining the railroad ............ good technical condition requires ongoing maintenance.
Put the words in each line in the correct order so that they make sentences. Ułóż słowa w odpowiedniej kolejności tak, aby powstały zdania.
1. are / We / doing / repairs. / current ..........................................................
2. many / elements. / involves / Modernization / replacing ..............................................................................................
3. track / The / be / geometry / changed. / can ....................................................................
4. was / A / prepared. / project / technical ..................................................................
5. overhead / be / reconstructed. / The / wiring / will ....................................................................................
6. will / bypassing / routes. / direct / We / trains / to ....................................................................................
7. are / control? / results / What / the / of / the ........................................................................
8. does / What / mean? / this ........................................
/track frame/ [noun, countable] śruba stopowa
/baləst kliːnə/ [noun, countable] oczyszczarka tłucznia
/bʌɪpɑːs/ [noun, countable] objazd
/klamp/ [noun, countable] imadło
/kreɪn/ [noun, countable] dźwig
/dʌb(ə) ɑːm spanə/ [noun, countable] klucz dwuramienny
/drɪlɪŋ məˈʃiːn/ [noun, countable] wiertarka
/fɪʃbəʊlt ˈspanə/ [noun, countable] klucz do śrub łubkowych
/ɡrav(ə)l skreɪpə/ [noun, countable] zgarniarka tłucznia
/ˈɪmpakt rɛn(t)ʃ:/ [noun, countable] zakrętarka
/dʒak kraŋk ˈhand(ə)l/ [noun, countable] podnośnik korbowy
/mɒd(ə)nʌɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n/ [noun, uncountable] modernizacja
/prəʊfʌɪlɪŋ məˈʃiːn/ [noun, countable] profilarka ław torowisk
/reɪl fɑːs(ə)nɪŋl/ [noun, countable] ściskacz
/reɪl ɡrʌɪndə/ [noun, countable] pociąg do szlifowania szyn
/reɪl ɪnsəːt/ [noun, countable] wstawka szynowa
/reɪl dʒak/ [noun, countable] dźwignik do podkładów
/reɪl tɒŋz/ [noun, plural] kleszcze do szyn
/reɪl təːnɪŋ bɑː/ [noun, countable] drążek do kantowania szyn
/reɪlz weldɪŋ meɪʃ(ə)n/ [noun, countable] zgrzewarka do szyn
/ratʃɪt/ [noun, countable] grzechotka
/ˌrɛnəˈveɪʃn/ [noun, uncountable] remont
/rɪb pleɪt/ [noun, countable] podkładka żebrowa
/sɔː/ [noun, countable] piła
/skruː/ [noun, countable] wkręt
/stiːl malɪt/ [noun, countable] podbijak stalowy
/swɪtʃ bak rɒd/ [noun, countable] ściąg szynowy
/tiː rɛn(t)ʃ/ [noun, countable] klucz sztorcowy
/tampɪŋ məˈʃiːn/ [noun, countable] podbijarka torowa
/ˈkarɪaʊt/ [verb, regular] wykonać
/mənˈteɪn/ [verb, regular] utrzymywać w dobrym stanie
/rɪˈpleɪs/ [verb, regular] wymieniać
/tʌɪt(ə)n/ [verb, regular] dokręcać
/trak freɪm/ [noun, countable] rama torowa