Best quality of vegetables
1. Film in the standard version.

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
The film presents a dialogue between a vegetable farmer and a student working at a vegetable purchasing point during the holidays. The vegetable farmer tells the student what is important for the excellent quality of vegetables. She emphasizes the preparation of the field, water supply, organic and natural fertilization. Dialog między warzywnikiem a uczniem pracującym przez wakacje w punkcie skupu warzyw. Warzywnik opowiada uczniowi co wpływa na doskonałą jakość, kładąc nacisk na przygotowanie stanowiska, zaopatrzenie w wodę, nawożenie organiczne i naturalne.
2. Film with subtitles.

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
The film presents a dialogue between a vegetable farmer and a student working at a vegetable purchasing point during the holidays. The vegetable farmer tells the student what is important for the excellent quality of vegetables. She emphasizes the preparation of the field, water supply, organic and natural fertilization. Dialog między warzywnikiem a uczniem pracującym przez wakacje w punkcie skupu warzyw. Warzywnik opowiada uczniowi co wpływa na doskonałą jakość, kładąc nacisk na przygotowanie stanowiska, zaopatrzenie w wodę, nawożenie organiczne i naturalne.
3. Film with subtitles and pauses. Listen and repeat after the speaker.

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
The film presents a dialogue between a vegetable farmer and a student working at a vegetable purchasing point during the holidays. The vegetable farmer tells the student what is important for the excellent quality of vegetables. She emphasizes the preparation of the field, water supply, organic and natural fertilization. Dialog między warzywnikiem a uczniem pracującym przez wakacje w punkcie skupu warzyw. Warzywnik opowiada uczniowi co wpływa na doskonałą jakość, kładąc nacisk na przygotowanie stanowiska, zaopatrzenie w wodę, nawożenie organiczne i naturalne.
4. Film with subtitles and narration.

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
The film presents a dialogue between a vegetable farmer and a student working at a vegetable purchasing point during the holidays. The vegetable farmer tells the student what is important for the excellent quality of vegetables. She emphasizes the preparation of the field, water supply, organic and natural fertilization. Dialog między warzywnikiem a uczniem pracującym przez wakacje w punkcie skupu warzyw. Warzywnik opowiada uczniowi co wpływa na doskonałą jakość, kładąc nacisk na przygotowanie stanowiska, zaopatrzenie w wodę, nawożenie organiczne i naturalne.
After watching the film “Best quality of vegetables”, put the sentences in the right order.
Po obejrzeniu filmu „Najlepsza jakość warzyw”, ułóż zdania w odpowiedniej kolejności.
- Good morning. I have a cucurbit vegetable transport.
- Our cucurbit vegetables are always in the export class.
- Thank you. Goodbye.
- Yes, I even have a nitrate content analysis done.
- Here are your warehouse documents.
- Are you sure?
- I’ll write out the warehouse documents in a moment. Please, specify the class of the product.
- Good morning, how can I help you?
Weed control

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
The animation presents mechanical and chemical methods of weed control. Weed control on organic farms is discussed. Animacja przedstawia mechaniczne i chemiczne metody zwalczania chwastów. Omówiona jest walka z chwastami w gospodarstwach ekologicznych.
On the basis of the animation “Weed control”, assign the elements to the correct categories. Use the word bank.
Na podstawie animacji „Zwalczanie chwastów”, przypisz elementy do odpowiednich kategorii. Skorzystaj z banku słów.
chemical method, manual weeding, non-selective herbicide, finger for finger weeder, selective herbicide, weeding, tractor weeder, inter-row cultivation, thermal shock, flame weeder, glyphosate, ridging
chemical weed control | |
non-chemical weed control | |
machines |
Cultivation on covered embankments

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
The animation shows the preparation of cultivation on covered embankments. Animacja przedstawia przygotowanie do uprawy na wałach okrytych okrywami.
After familiarizing yourself with the silent animation “Cultivation on covered embankments”, match the Polish words/phrases with their English equivalents.
Po zapoznaniu się z animacją bez dźwięku „Uprawa na wałach okrytych okrywami”, połącz polskie słowa/zwroty z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
fertigation, covering with soil, seedling, windbreaker, spacing, filet mesh, forming embankments, nonwoven fabric
formowanie wałów | |
włóknina | |
obsypywanie ziemią | |
fertygacja | |
siatka osłonowa | |
łamacz wiatru | |
rozstawa | |
rozsada |
Irrigation systems
The hypertext material presents the sales transaction of an irrigation system. The salesperson discusses the advantages of the drip irrigation system, the number of valves, the types of drippers, and compares microsprinklers with drippers and the T‑tape system.
Hipertekst przedstawia transakcję sprzedaży systemu nawodnienia. Sprzedawca omawia zalety kroplowego systemu nawadniania, liczbę zaworów, rodzaje kroplowników oraz porównuje mikrozraszacze z kroplownikami i systemem T‑tape.
Client: Good morning, I came to buy irrigationirrigation. We talked on the phone today.
Salesperson: Hello, Sir. What crops do you need the irrigation for?
Client: I'm thinking about 0.5 hectareshectares of pumpkin and 1.2 hectares of leek.
Salesperson: I recommend a system with individual drippersindividual drippers for the pumpkins, and dripping hosesdripping hoses with a T‑tape system for the leek.
Client: Isn’t one system enough for everything?
Salesperson: Leek has denseplantingplanting and individual drippersdrippers would have to be used too densely. A dripping hose with the capacity of 1 liter per hour, with emitters every 50cm, is the ideal solution here. In the case of pumpkin, the spacing is at least 80cm x 80cm.
Client: I have a 1.2m spacing per 1m. This is Cucurbita maxima.
Salesperson: At 100 linear meters of rows, 82 drippers with the capacity of 0.5 to 12 liters per hour are enough. The dripline is very durable. Its lifetime is between 5 and 10 years. You only have to exchange the used drippers.
Client: And how will I determine the performance of the dripping hose?
Salesperson: I can offer you a controllercontroller to set up the irrigation program. The module is mounted onto the valvevalve in front of the pumppump, and with the help of a smartphone via Bluetooth, we set up an irrigation cycleirrigation cycle, e.g. 40 liters per day, every 2 days.
Client: This equipment is probably expensive, right?
Salesperson: If you have a smartphone, you can download a free application. The controller costs 500 PLNs. The application saves all irrigation information. It also informs you about an upcoming rainfall, when you can turn off the program.
Client: What elements do I need to buy?
Salesperson: A dripping hose, main hosesmain hoses, a pump, a mechanical filtermechanical filter and an iron removeriron remover, connectorsconnectors, a controller. The hose is cheap. It costs only 300 PLNs for 400 linear meters. I also recommend a system‑rinsing fluid after the end of the season.
Client: What does this liquid contain?
Salesperson: Phosphoric acid and supporting substances. It allows you to use the line for at least 4 seasons.
Client: Alright, thank you for the information, I'll think about it.
Salesperson: Of course. Goodbye.
After familiarizing yourself with the hypertext “Irrigation systems”, choose the correct answer.
Po zapoznaniu się z hipertekstem „System nawodnienia”, wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Pumpkin, meters, the irrigation cycle, nutrients, T-tape system, for no more than 4 seasons, I-tape system, fruit, pumpkin and leek, Cucurbita maxima, kilograms, the growing season, Leek, phosphoric acid, hectares, minerals, irrigation, for at least 4 seasons, for about 4 seasons, weeding, vegetables, leek, B-tape system, pumpkin
The client wants to buy .....................................................
The salesperson recommends a system with individual drippers for the .....................................................
The dripping hoses have a .....................................................
.................................................... has dense planting.
A system-rinsing fluid contains .....................................................
A system-rinsing fluid allows to use the equipment .....................................................
A smartphone with Bluetooth is enough to set up .....................................................
The client has 1.2 .................................................... of leek.
Delivery of vegetable seedlings
The hypertext material presents the acceptance of root vegetable seedlings. The vegetable farmer talks about planting individual species using a seedling planting machine.
Hipertekst przedstawia przyjęcie rozsady warzyw korzeniowych. Warzywnik mówi o sadzeniu poszczególnych gatunków przy pomocy sadzarki do rozsady.
Vegetable farmer: Good morning, did you bring everything I ordered?
Supplier: Hi. I have 50.000 seedlings of celery in multi‑cell plant traysmulti‑cell plant trays, tomato and leek in boxesboxes of 5.000. 100.000 seedlings in total.
Vegetable farmer: What does the leek seedling look like? I will be using a grapple plantergrapple planter for seedlings with exposed rootsseedlings with exposed roots.
Supplier: As specified in your order, the tomato is full‑grown, the leeks are the size of a pencil. The seedling was made of healthy plants, the strongest ones, with light roots and a not narrowed root collarroot collar.
Vegetable farmer: Do I have to additionally season the roots?
Supplier: I don't think so. The roots of our material are dipped in a clayclay slurry with a combined dressingdressing against diseases and pests before delivery. So far our customers have always been satisfied with the effectiveness of the dressing.
Vegetable farmer: Was the celery in the multi‑cell plant trays also treated?
Supplier: The celery seeds were seasoned before sowing into the pots, the peat substratepeat substrate was sterilizedsterilized with superheated steam.
Vegetable farmer: How many seedlings are there in a multi‑cell plant tray?
Supplier: We offer seedling on 260 mesh‑thickened trays, the cost of a tray is 3 PLNs. We have 195 trays in total, which gives 50.700 seedlings with a reserve.
Vegetable farmer: I have a double‑row rotary planterrotary planter. The size of the pot won’t be a problem, right?
Supplier: No, the pots are adapted to all types of standard rotary planters. Therootingrooting of the pots is very good. As you can see, the plants are healthy. They aren’t etiolated and have no yellowing symptoms.
Vegetable farmer: That's true. The seedling is stockystocky, pretty, equal in size, with no wiltwilt, physiological or mechanical damagesmechanical damages. Thank you very much for the delivery.
Supplier: And healthy, without any diseases or pests. It has a healthy root system that creates a compact body. May it grow well. Goodbye.
Vegetable farmer: Goodbye.
After familiarizing yourself with the hypertext “Delivery of vegetable seedlings”, choose the correct answer.
Po zapoznaniu się z hipertekstem „Dostawa rozsad warzyw”, wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź.
pots, trimmed, pots, and small, substrates, with no mechanical damages, Clay substrate, a grapple planter, a narrowed root collar, seasoned, dark roots, fertilized, sterilized, multi-cell plant trays, a tractor, watered, seedlings, watered, light roots, boxes, Peat substrate, and sick, boxes, Mulch substrate
For planting seedlings with exposed roots, we can use .....................................................
Healthy seedling is pretty, equal in size and stocky, .....................................................
The roots don’t need to be .................................................... additionally because the roots were dipped in a clay slurry before delivery.
The peat substrate for the celery seeds was .................................................... with superheated steam.
The vegetable farmer ordered seedlings of celery in .....................................................
The seedlings were made of healthy plants, with .....................................................
.................................................... was used for the celery seeds.
The .................................................... are adapted to all types of standard rotary planters.
Carrot disease
The hypertext material presents an e‑mail that explains which disease agent causes the symptoms of white mold, how to distinguish it from other pathogens, and which products can be used to fight it.
Hipertekst przedstawia e‑mail, który wyjaśnia jaki czynnik chorobowy wywołuje objawy zgnilizny twardzikowej i w jaki sposób odróżnić ją od innych patogenów oraz jakimi preparatami ją zwalczać.
From: John Peterson, senior adviser of the Eastern region of PestDistribution
To: Andrew Smith, vegetable producer
Subject: Intervention regarding carrot rot
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your e‑mail and the pictures of the carrot disease. The perpetrator of the rottingrottingof the root is white mold. The symptoms of this disease can occur on practically every organ of the plant: on the shootsshoots, roots, leaves, flowers and fruit.
A characteristic symptom is a white mycelium with a wadding consistencyconsistency, in which black spores are formed, so‑called sclerotia. They are extremely resistant to negative weather conditionsweather conditions, high temperatures, lack of access to water, and to chemicals.
In the soilsoil, they can survive even a dozen or so years, and develop when favorable conditions arise.
Unfortunately, we can’t do much in the moundmound. The speed of action is important: the mound needs to be uncovered, and it is necessary to remove the rotted roots. The diseased carrot needs to be removed and destroyed. Don’t use it for compostcompost which is used as a fertilizer for vegetables. The mound area should be thickly covered with oxideoxide or hydrated limehydrated lime: you won’t be able to place mounds there for at least 10 years.
White moldWhite mold is a soil diseasesoil disease. One of the solutions in the protection against white mold is the Contans preparation. The Coniothyrium minitans fungusfungus, which is an ectoparasiteectoparasite, is the active substance in this preparation. It is registered in Poland in vegetable and ornamental plants. In contact with the pathogen, this ectoparasite needs up to 6 weeks to fully dissolve the sclerotia.
The preparation should be used in a dose of 4‑8 kg/ha in the form of a sprayingspraying, and then the soil should be shallowly mixed (10‑20 cm). The Contans preparation is intended as a preventative measurepreventative measure, therefore it should be used before the planned cultivationcultivation.
Yours sincerely,
John Peterson.
On the basis of the hypertext “Carrot disease”, decide whether the sentence is true or false.
Na podstawie hipertekstu „Choroba marchwi”, zdecyduj czy twierdzenia są prawdziwe czy fałszywe.
Sclerotia are not resistant to weather conditions., It takes the Contans preparation 2 months to fully dissolve the sclerotia., The symptom of the disease is a white mycelium with a wadding consistency., A new mound can’t be placed on the place of a mound with diseased carrots for 3 years., The Contans preparation is intended as a preventative measure., White mold is a soil disease., Diseased carrots can be used as compost., Sclerotia can survive a couple of years in the soil.
TRUE | |

Zasób interaktywny dostępny pod adresem https://zpe.gov.pl/a/DHb1D3m7w
metoda chemiczna
obsypywanie ziemią
warzywo dyniowate
linia kroplująca
wąż kroplujący
taśma kroplująca
obumieranie chwastów
klasa eksportowa
zraszacz polowy
siatka osłonowa
zraszacz drobnokroplisty
gwiazda do pielnika
wypalacz płomieniowy
formowanie wałów
grzyb, grzyby
sadzarka chwytakowa
termin zbioru
wapno hydratyowane
indywidualny kroplownik
uprawa międzygrzędowa
most nawadniający
cykl nawodnienia
system nawadnienia
konsola niskociśnieniowa
wąż główny
ręczne pielenie
uszkodzenie mechaniczne
filtr mechaniczny
składnik mineralny
analiza zawartości azotanów, analizy zawartości azotanów
herbicyd nieselektywny
rolnictwo ekologiczne
wapno tlenkowe
podłoże torfowe
sadzenie do gruntu
środek zapobiegawczy
usuwanie chwastów
szyjka korzeniowa
sadzarka karuzelowa
rozsada rwana
herbicyd selektywny
choroba odglebowa
odczyn gleby
termin siewu
nazwa gatunku
szok termiczny
pielnik ciągnikowy
działko wodne
czynniki atmosferyczne
siewka chwastów
zgnilizna twardzikowa
łamacz wiatru