Źródło: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Mechanical cutting of apple trees

1. Film in the standard version.

The film presents a conversation between an orchardist and a sales representative of an agricultural commercial company. Film przedstawia rozmowę między sadownikiem a przedstawicielem firmy handlowej rolniczej.

2. Film with subtitles.

The film presents a conversation between an orchardist and a sales representative of an agricultural commercial company. Film przedstawia rozmowę między sadownikiem a przedstawicielem firmy handlowej rolniczej.

3. Film with subtitles and pauses. Listen and repeat after the speaker.

The film presents a conversation between an orchardist and a sales representative of an agricultural commercial company. Film przedstawia rozmowę między sadownikiem a przedstawicielem firmy handlowej rolniczej.

4. Film with subtitles and narration.

The film presents a conversation between an orchardist and a sales representative of an agricultural commercial company. Film przedstawia rozmowę między sadownikiem a przedstawicielem firmy handlowej rolniczej.
Exercise 1
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 2
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

How to plan a fruit farm?

The animation presents the spatial planning of a fruit farm: the sketch of plantings, quarters, meteorological stations, access roads, irrigation systems, water intake points and storage rooms. Animacja przedstawia planowanie przestrzenne gospodarstwa sadowniczego: szkic nasadzeń, kwater, stacji meteo, dróg dojazdowych, nawodnienia i ujęć wody, przechowalni.
Exercise 3
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Work schedule in an apple orchard

The animation presents the work schedule in an apple orchard: sanitary cuts, weed control, fertilization, caring for inter-rows, etc. Animacja pokazuje harmonogram prac w sadzie jabłoniowym: cięcia sanitarne, walka z chwastami, nawożenie, pielęgnacja międzyrzędzi itp.
Exercise 4
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Cutting an apple tree

The hypertext material is a briefing carried out by a farmer for his employees. The farmer explains what corrections need to be made after the mechanical cutting of the apple tree orchard. He explains the principles of cutting apple trees.

Hipertekst jest odprawą przeprowadzoną przez sadownika dla pracowników. Omawianym problemem jest wyjaśnianie poprawek po mechanicznym przycięciu sadu jabłoniowego z wyjaśnieniami dotyczącymi zasad cięcia jabłoni.

Orchardist: Good morning to you. Today we will make corrections after the mechanical pruningmfcfb209dc96b3961_1497279637332_0mechanical pruning of the jonagold quarters.

Employee 1: Are we to remove everything that’s suitable for cutting?

Orchardist: There’s no need for that. The machine has already made a contour cutmfcfb209dc96b3961_1497279718401_0contour cut, but many short shootsmfcfb209dc96b3961_1497279733582_0short shoots are too weakly cut. The parts that didn’t get exactly on the blades are raggedmfcfb209dc96b3961_1497279738479_0ragged and crushedmfcfb209dc96b3961_1497279743621_0crushed.

Employee 1: So we have to make corrections so that the shoots are well and evenly cut?

Orchardist: That's it. Peter, remember that crushed tissue is the gateway to diseases, the source of infectionmfcfb209dc96b3961_1497279748379_0source of infection. In the case of a large tearing, after leveling, use a fruit ointmentmfcfb209dc96b3961_1497279753543_0fruit ointment to coat the wound.

Employee 2: We only have manual pruning scissors. Will they be enough?

Orchardist: Take at least two hydraulic pruning scissorsmfcfb209dc96b3961_1497279762480_0hydraulic pruning scissors too. All broken branchesmfcfb209dc96b3961_1497279767416_0broken branches, clearly bent at an angle into the tree crownmfcfb209dc96b3961_1497279772536_0tree crown have to be removed. You also have handsaws in the tractor. Every large cut should be covered with an ointment.

Employee 1: Should I be the tractor driver, or should I cut the trees?

Orchardist: You will do the cuts. Ride in pairs on the tractor platformmfcfb209dc96b3961_1497279777622_0tractor platform. Everyone cuts their part. In case of too fast driving, shout to the driver if something happens. Be careful not to hit the branches. Never hold the bud with your hand when you put the blades to it.

Employee 2: Should we make a long cutmfcfb209dc96b3961_1497279782995_0long cut, or a short cut?

Orchardist: Oh, I see you know a bit about running an orchard. Make a long cut. The varieties from the jonagold group are characterized by strong growth, fruiting alternationmfcfb209dc96b3961_1497279787842_0fruiting alternation and large fruit. Each cut causes a growth response. We should try to make as few cuts as possible in this group of varieties. The best branches have moderate annual growthsmfcfb209dc96b3961_1497279793098_0growths, about 30‑40cm, and are ended in a flower bud.

Employee 3: Everything’s clear. Let’s get to work.

Exercise 5
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Orchard insurance

The hypertext material is a fragment of a conversation between an orchardist and an insurer. The threats to orchards are listed: droughts, frosts, hail, gales. The conversation is concerned with orchard insurance and its costs.

Hipertekst jest fragmentem rozmowy sadownika z ubezpieczycielem. Wymienione są zagrożenia dla sadów: susza, przymrozki, grad, wichury. Rozmowa dotyczy ubezpieczenia sadu i jego kosztów.

Insurer: Greetings, Mister Henry. Will we be insuring the orchard? Maybe the buildings too?

Orchardist: Just the orchard for now. Please, tell me what I can insuremfcfb209dc96b3961_1497292341857_0insure myself against?

Insurer: We have a standard offer: from hailmfcfb209dc96b3961_1497292338305_0hail, violent windmfcfb209dc96b3961_1497292330786_0violent wind, heavy rainmfcfb209dc96b3961_1497292326285_0heavy rain and frostsmfcfb209dc96b3961_1497292312053_0frosts. And from fire, for a small surcharge.

Orchardist: A firemfcfb209dc96b3961_1497292307534_0fire in the orchard? I’ve never heard of it. But please explain what the insurance ratesmfcfb209dc96b3961_1497292302003_0insurance rates are.

Insurer: In your case, they won’t be big. They depend on the value of the plantingmfcfb209dc96b3961_1497292294450_0value of the planting and potential yield lossesmfcfb209dc96b3961_1497292283746_0potential yield losses: varieties, the age of the orchardmfcfb209dc96b3961_1497292278430_0age of the orchard. We also estimate the risk of damage. There are no so‑called hail routesmfcfb209dc96b3961_1497292272551_0hail routes in your area. These are places where hail is particularly frequent. There is also no increased risk of frost.

Orchardist: I have over‑crown sprinklers and anti‑hail nets on two quarters. Do I have to insure them?

Insurer: They may not be 100% effective. You can insure them, but the rate will be 12.5% of the normal rate. However, you can insure the nets against wind damagemfcfb209dc96b3961_1497292265719_0wind damage, since they cost a lot and can be torn off.

Orchardist: And do you insure against droughtmfcfb209dc96b3961_1532952529220_0drought?

Insurer: You have full irrigation in the orchard, so drought is harmless to you.

Orchardist: I have to think about all of this carefully, because the amount to be paid won’t be small.

Insurer: But I want to tell you that the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Developmentmfcfb209dc96b3961_1497292257697_0Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has informed about the possible subsidiesmfcfb209dc96b3961_1497292242188_0subsidies for agricultural producersmfcfb209dc96b3961_1497292211623_0agricultural producers from the state budget for insurance rates for agricultural crops, or farm animals.

Orchardist: Oh, that’s something interesting. Subsidies in every form are always nice.

Insurer: According to the act, the subsidies from the state budget for insurance rates will be granted to agricultural producers in the amount of up to 65% under certain conditions.

Orchardist: In that case, I will take insurance against violent wind, heavy rain and frosts.

Insurer: That’s a very good choice.

Exercise 6
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Soft fruit harvest

The hypertext material is a conversation between the owner of soft fruit harvesters and the owner of a plantation. During the conversation, the costs and dates of the harvest of the soft fruit on the plantation are agreed on. The use of a fruit harvester and a half‑feeding combine harvester is also considered.

Hipertekst jest rozmową właściciela kombajnów do zbiorów owoców miękkich z właścicielem plantacji. Podczas rozmowy uzgadniane są koszty i terminy zbioru owoców miękkich na plantacji. Rozważane jest także użycie kombajnu całorzędowego lub połówkowego.

Andrew: Hello, Miss Joanne.

Joanne: Hello, Mister Andrew.

Andrew: As every year, I’m calling to arrange the datemfcfb209dc96b3961_1497302764422_0arrange the date of rentingmfcfb209dc96b3961_1497302754287_0renting the combine harvestersmfcfb209dc96b3961_1497302748645_0combine harvesters. My currants didn’t bear fruit this year. I can come earlier.

Joanne: I’m glad you can come earlier. My clients collect fruit from me for jams with pieces of fruit. They want a lot of undamaged currantsmfcfb209dc96b3961_1497302736917_0undamaged currants. Please, tell me which harvester is more accurate and gives better fruit quality?

Andrew: Definitely the fruit harvestermfcfb209dc96b3961_1497302733680_0fruit harvester. It has resistance sensors, floating noses. It collects precisely and doesn’t destroy shrubsmfcfb209dc96b3961_1497302728712_0doesn’t destroy shrubs. It’s more expensive, but the efficiencymfcfb209dc96b3961_1497302618223_0efficiency is twice as high as of the half‑feeding combine harvestermfcfb209dc96b3961_1497302614191_0half‑feeding combine harvester. It collects into boxesmfcfb209dc96b3961_1497302609415_0boxes or jumbo boxesmfcfb209dc96b3961_1497302603612_0jumbo boxes.

Joanne: And what is the price of the servicemfcfb209dc96b3961_1497302598187_0price of the service? How much more expensive is it than the half‑feeding one?

Andrew: About three times, but it’s faster and has the pros I just mentioned.

Joanne: And what are the pros of the half‑feeding one?

Andrew: It collects fruit from half of the rows. It’s easy to use and provides a high level of harvest. The two‑head harvester is equipped with two shaking unitsmfcfb209dc96b3961_1497302589553_0shaking units. Each consists of seven wheels, with galvanized rods made of improved steel and a smaller vibrator. This special configuration is mainly intended for harvesting currants. I have an enlarged version with nine wheels, but this model is best used for harvesting large chokeberries.

Joanne: And will the half‑feeding combine harvester also be available? I won’t need it for chokeberry. I don’t have a lot. But it's good that you told me, because my brother‑in‑law has a lot of chokeberry. Recently he complained that he had a problem with the harvest last year. The combine, which he borrowed, broke down. He had to finish the harvest by handmfcfb209dc96b3961_1497302944027_0harvest by hand because there was no one to rent another machinemfcfb209dc96b3961_1497302952671_0machine from.

Andrew: Yes, the half‑feeding one is available. But you would have to provide an employee to operate the machinemfcfb209dc96b3961_1497302963254_0provide an employee to operate the machine, and the fruit one works on its own.

Joanne: So I want to order the fruit one.

Andrew: OK, I’m penciling you in.

Joanne: Thank you.

Exercise 7
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.



Word search

Play the game. Zagraj w grę.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.


adjusting the yielding [ə.ˈdʒʌst.ɪŋ ðə ˈjiːld.ɪŋ] [phrase]
adjusting the yielding [ə.ˈdʒʌst.ɪŋ ðə ˈjiːld.ɪŋ] [phrase]

wyrównanie plonowania

age of the orchard [eɪdʒ əv ði ˈɔː.tʃəd][phrase]
age of the orchard [eɪdʒ əv ði ˈɔː.tʃəd][phrase]

wiek sadu

agricultural producer [ˌæ.ɡrɪˈk.ʌlt.ʃrəl prə.ˈdjuː.sə][noun, countable]
agricultural producer [ˌæ.ɡrɪˈk.ʌlt.ʃrəl prə.ˈdjuː.sə][noun, countable]

producent rolny

air heaters [eə ˈhiː.təz] [noun, plural]
air heaters [eə ˈhiː.təz] [noun, plural]

nagrzewnice powietrza

anti‑frost system [ˈæn.ti frɒst ˈsɪ.stəm][noun, countable]
anti‑frost system [ˈæn.ti frɒst ˈsɪ.stəm][noun, countable]

system przeciwprzymrozkowy

anti‑hail system [ˈæn.ti heɪl ˈsɪ.stəm][noun, countable]
anti‑hail system [ˈæn.ti heɪl ˈsɪ.stəm][noun, countable]

system przeciwgradowy

arrange the date [ə.ˈreɪndʒ ðə deɪt][phrase]
arrange the date [ə.ˈreɪndʒ ðə deɪt][phrase]

umówić termin

bar cutting element [bɑː ˈkʌt.ɪŋ ˈel.ɪ.mənt][noun, countable]
bar cutting element [bɑː ˈkʌt.ɪŋ ˈel.ɪ.mənt][noun, countable]

listwowy element tnący

bending of side shoots [ˈbend.ɪŋ əv saɪd ʃuːts] [phrase]
bending of side shoots [ˈbend.ɪŋ əv saɪd ʃuːts] [phrase]

przyginanie pędów bocznych

biennial bearing [baɪ.ˈe.nɪəl ˈbeər.ɪŋ] [noun, uncountable]
biennial bearing [baɪ.ˈe.nɪəl ˈbeər.ɪŋ] [noun, uncountable]

przemienność plonowania

box [bɒks][noun, countable]
box [bɒks][noun, countable]


branched budwood [brɑːntʃt 'bʌd.wʊd][noun, uncountable]
branched budwood [brɑːntʃt 'bʌd.wʊd][noun, uncountable]

okulant rozgałęziony

broken branch [ˈbrəʊkən brɑːntʃ] [noun, countable]
broken branch [ˈbrəʊkən brɑːntʃ] [noun, countable]

gałąź złamana

burning fires in the orchard [ˈbɜːn.ɪŋ ˈfaɪəz ɪn ði ˈɔː.tʃəd] [phrase]
burning fires in the orchard [ˈbɜːn.ɪŋ ˈfaɪəz ɪn ði ˈɔː.tʃəd] [phrase]

palenie ognisk w sadzie

chemical thinning of flowers/bud**s [ˈke.mɪk.l̩ ˈθɪn.ɪŋ əv ˈflaʊəz bʌdz] [phrase]
chemical thinning of flowers/bud**s [ˈke.mɪk.l̩ ˈθɪn.ɪŋ əv ˈflaʊəz bʌdz] [phrase]

przedzenie chemiczne kwiatów/zawiązków

coil spring [kɔɪl sprɪŋ] [noun, countable]
coil spring [kɔɪl sprɪŋ] [noun, countable]

sprężyna śrubowa

combine harvester [kəm.ˈbaɪn ˈhɑː.vɪ.stə] [noun, countable]
combine harvester [kəm.ˈbaɪn ˈhɑː.vɪ.stə] [noun, countable]


contour cut [ˈkɒn.tʊə kʌt] [noun, countable]
contour cut [ˈkɒn.tʊə kʌt] [noun, countable]

cięcie konturowe

crushed [krʌʃt] [adjective]
crushed [krʌʃt] [adjective]


cutting place [ˈkʌt.ɪŋ ˈpleɪs] [noun, countable]
cutting place [ˈkʌt.ɪŋ ˈpleɪs] [noun, countable]

miejsce cięcia

doesn't destroy shrubs [ˈdʌznt dɪˈstro.ɪ ʃrʌbz] [phrase]
doesn't destroy shrubs [ˈdʌznt dɪˈstro.ɪ ʃrʌbz] [phrase]

nie niszczy krzewów

drought [ˈdraʊt] [noun, countable]
drought [ˈdraʊt] [noun, countable]


efficiency [ɪ.ˈfɪʃn.si] [noun, uncountable]
efficiency [ɪ.ˈfɪʃn.si] [noun, uncountable]


ends of hangers [endz əv ˈhæŋəz] [phrase]
ends of hangers [endz əv ˈhæŋəz] [phrase]

końce wieszaków

feeder [ˈfiː.də] [noun, countable]
feeder [ˈfiː.də] [noun, countable]


felling [ˈfel.ɪŋ] [noun, uncountable]
felling [ˈfel.ɪŋ] [noun, uncountable]


fire [ˈfaɪə] [noun, countable]
fire [ˈfaɪə] [noun, countable]


frosts [frɒsts] [noun, plural]
frosts [frɒsts] [noun, plural]


fruit farm [fruːt fɑːm] [noun, countable]
fruit farm [fruːt fɑːm] [noun, countable]

gospodarstwo sadownicze

fruit harvester [fruːt ˈhɑː.vɪ.stə] [noun, countable]]
fruit harvester [fruːt ˈhɑː.vɪ.stə] [noun, countable]]

kombajn całorzędowy

fruit ointments [fruːt ˈɔɪnt.mənts][noun, plural]
fruit ointments [fruːt ˈɔɪnt.mənts][noun, plural]

maści sadownicze

fruiting alternation [ˈfruːt.ɪŋ ˌɔːl.ˈtə.ˈneɪʃ.n̩] [noun, uncountable]
fruiting alternation [ˈfruːt.ɪŋ ˌɔːl.ˈtə.ˈneɪʃ.n̩] [noun, uncountable]

przemienność owocowa

growth [ɡrəʊθ] [noun, countable]
growth [ɡrəʊθ] [noun, countable]


hail [heɪl] [noun, countable]
hail [heɪl] [noun, countable]


hail route [heɪl ruːt] [noun, countable]
hail route [heɪl ruːt] [noun, countable]

szlak gradowy

half feeding combine harvester [hɑːf ˈfiːd.ɪŋ kəm.ˈbaɪn ˈhɑː.vɪ.stə] [noun, countable]
half feeding combine harvester [hɑːf ˈfiːd.ɪŋ kəm.ˈbaɪn ˈhɑː.vɪ.stə] [noun, countable]

kombajn połówkowy

harvest by hand [ˈhɑː.vɪst baɪ hænd] [phrase]
harvest by hand [ˈhɑː.vɪst baɪ hænd] [phrase]

zbiór ręczny

heavy rain [ˈhe.vi reɪn] [noun, countable]
heavy rain [ˈhe.vi reɪn] [noun, countable]

deszcz nawalny

hydraulic pruning scissors [haɪ.ˈdrɔː.lɪk ˈpruːn.ɪŋ ˈsɪ.zəz][noun, plural]
hydraulic pruning scissors [haɪ.ˈdrɔː.lɪk ˈpruːn.ɪŋ ˈsɪ.zəz][noun, plural]

sekator hydrauliczny

insurance rate [ɪn.ˈʃʊə.rəns reɪt] [noun, countable]
insurance rate [ɪn.ˈʃʊə.rəns reɪt] [noun, countable]

stawki ubezpieczenia

insure [ɪn.ˈʃʊə] [verb]
insure [ɪn.ˈʃʊə] [verb]


irrigation system [ˌɪ.rɪ.ˈɡeɪʃ.n̩ ˈsɪ.stəm system] [noun, countable]
irrigation system [ˌɪ.rɪ.ˈɡeɪʃ.n̩ ˈsɪ.stəm system] [noun, countable]


jumbo box [ˈdʒʌm.bəʊ bɒks] [noun, countable]
jumbo box [ˈdʒʌm.bəʊ bɒks] [noun, countable]


long cut [ˈlɒŋ kʌt] [noun, countable]
long cut [ˈlɒŋ kʌt] [noun, countable]

cięcie na długo

machine [mə.ˈʃiːn] [noun, countable]
machine [mə.ˈʃiːn] [noun, countable]


main frame [meɪn freɪm] [noun, countable]
main frame [meɪn freɪm] [noun, countable]

główna rama

main shoot [meɪn ʃuːt] [noun, countable]
main shoot [meɪn ʃuːt] [noun, countable]

pęd główy

manhour ['mæn.aʊə] [noun, countable]
manhour ['mæn.aʊə] [noun, countable]


mechanical cutting [mɪˈk.æ.nɪk.l̩ ˈkʌt.ɪŋ] [noun, uncountable]
mechanical cutting [mɪˈk.æ.nɪk.l̩ ˈkʌt.ɪŋ] [noun, uncountable]

mechaniczne cięcie

mechanical pruning [mɪˈk.æ.nɪk.l̩ ˈpruːn.ɪŋ] [noun, uncountable]
mechanical pruning [mɪˈk.æ.nɪk.l̩ ˈpruːn.ɪŋ] [noun, uncountable]

przycinanie mechaniczne

meteorological station [ˌmiː.tjə.rə.ˈlɒ.dʒɪk.l̩ ˈsteɪʃ.n̩][noun, countable]
meteorological station [ˌmiː.tjə.rə.ˈlɒ.dʒɪk.l̩ ˈsteɪʃ.n̩][noun, countable]

stacja meteorologiczna

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development [ˈmɪ.nɪ.stri əv ˈæ.ɡrɪˌk.ʌl.tʃə ənd ˈrʊə.rəl dɪ.ˈve.ləp.mənt] [phrase]
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development [ˈmɪ.nɪ.stri əv ˈæ.ɡrɪˌk.ʌl.tʃə ənd ˈrʊə.rəl dɪ.ˈve.ləp.mənt] [phrase]

Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi

mobile anti‑frost fan [ˈməʊ.baɪl ˈæn.ti frɒst fæn] [noun, countable]
mobile anti‑frost fan [ˈməʊ.baɪl ˈæn.ti frɒst fæn] [noun, countable]

mobilny wiatrak przeciwmrozowy

monitoring the degree of moisture [ˈmɒ.nɪ.tər.ɪŋ ðə dɪ.ˈɡriː əv ˈmɔɪs.tʃə][phrase]
monitoring the degree of moisture [ˈmɒ.nɪ.tər.ɪŋ ðə dɪ.ˈɡriː əv ˈmɔɪs.tʃə][phrase]

monitorowanie stopnia uwilgotnienia

orchard protection program [ˈɔː.tʃəd prə.ˈtek.ʃn̩ ˈprəʊ.ɡræm] [noun, countable]
orchard protection program [ˈɔː.tʃəd prə.ˈtek.ʃn̩ ˈprəʊ.ɡræm] [noun, countable]

program ochrony sadu

over‑crown irrigation [ˈəʊv.ə kraʊn ˌɪ.rɪ.ˈɡeɪʃ.ən] [noun, uncountable]
over‑crown irrigation [ˈəʊv.ə kraʊn ˌɪ.rɪ.ˈɡeɪʃ.ən] [noun, uncountable]

deszczowanie nadkoronowe

period after blooming [ˈpɪə.rɪəd ˈɑːf.tə ˈbluːm.ɪŋ] [phrase]
period after blooming [ˈpɪə.rɪəd ˈɑːf.tə ˈbluːm.ɪŋ] [phrase]

termin po kwitnieniu

pink bud phase [pɪŋk bʌd feɪz] [phrase]
pink bud phase [pɪŋk bʌd feɪz] [phrase]

faza różowego pąka

planning quarters [ˈplæn.ɪŋ ˈkwɔː.təz][phrase]
planning quarters [ˈplæn.ɪŋ ˈkwɔː.təz][phrase]

planowanie kwater

planting additional trees [ˈplɑːnt.ɪŋ ə.ˈdɪʃ.n̩əl triːz] [phrase]
planting additional trees [ˈplɑːnt.ɪŋ ə.ˈdɪʃ.n̩əl triːz] [phrase]

dosadzanie drzew

pollinator [ˈpɒlɪneɪtə] [noun, countable]
pollinator [ˈpɒlɪneɪtə] [noun, countable]


potential yield loss [pə.ˈten.ʃl̩ jiːld lɒs] [phrase]
potential yield loss [pə.ˈten.ʃl̩ jiːld lɒs] [phrase]

potencjalne straty plonu

price of the service [praɪs əv ðə ˈsɜː.vɪs] [phrase]
price of the service [praɪs əv ðə ˈsɜː.vɪs] [phrase]

cena usługi

provide an employee to operate the machine [prə.ˈvaɪd ən ˌemplo.ɪ.ˈiː tu ˈɒ.pə.reɪt ðə mə.ˈʃiːn] [phrase]
provide an employee to operate the machine [prə.ˈvaɪd ən ˌemplo.ɪ.ˈiː tu ˈɒ.pə.reɪt ðə mə.ˈʃiːn] [phrase]

zapewnić pracownika do obsługi maszyny

ragged [ræɡd] [adjective]
ragged [ræɡd] [adjective]


rent [rent] [noun, uncountable]
rent [rent] [noun, uncountable]


risk of grinding [rɪsk əv ˈɡraɪnd.ɪŋ] [phrase]
risk of grinding [rɪsk əv ˈɡraɪnd.ɪŋ] [phrase]

ryzyko drobnienia

rotating disc [rəʊ.ˈteɪt.ɪŋ dɪsk][noun, countable]]
rotating disc [rəʊ.ˈteɪt.ɪŋ dɪsk][noun, countable]]

obrotowe tarcze

shaker [ˈʃeɪkə][noun, countable]
shaker [ˈʃeɪkə][noun, countable]


shaking unit [ˈʃeɪkɪŋ ˈjuː.nɪt] [noun, countable]
shaking unit [ˈʃeɪkɪŋ ˈjuː.nɪt] [noun, countable]

zespół otrząsający

short shoot [ʃɔːt ʃuːt][noun, countable]
short shoot [ʃɔːt ʃuːt][noun, countable]


side shoot [saɪd ʃuːt] [noun, countable]
side shoot [saɪd ʃuːt] [noun, countable]

pęd boczny

smaller branch [ˈsmɔː.lə ˈbrɑːntʃ] [noun, countable]
smaller branch [ˈsmɔː.lə ˈbrɑːntʃ] [noun, countable]

drobniejsza gałąź

source of infection [sɔːs əv ɪn.ˈfek.ʃn̩] [phrase]
source of infection [sɔːs əv ɪn.ˈfek.ʃn̩] [phrase]

źródło infekcji

spreading fertilizers [ˈspred.ɪŋ ˈfɜː.tə.laɪ.zəz] [phrase]
spreading fertilizers [ˈspred.ɪŋ ˈfɜː.tə.laɪ.zəz] [phrase]

rozsypanie nawozów

subsidy [ˈsʌb.sə.di] [noun, countable]
subsidy [ˈsʌb.sə.di] [noun, countable]


summer cutter [ˈsʌ.mə ˈkʌ.tə] [noun, countable]
summer cutter [ˈsʌ.mə ˈkʌ.tə] [noun, countable]

nóż do letniego cięcia

tank for filling the sprayer [tæŋk fə ˈfɪl.ɪŋ ðə ˈspreɪə] [phrase]
tank for filling the sprayer [tæŋk fə ˈfɪl.ɪŋ ðə ˈspreɪə] [phrase]

zbiornik do napełniania opryskiwacza

tee crown [tiː kraʊn] [noun, countable]
tee crown [tiː kraʊn] [noun, countable]

korona drzewa

thinning of buds [ˈθɪn.ɪŋ əv bʌdz] [phrase]
thinning of buds [ˈθɪn.ɪŋ əv bʌdz] [phrase]

przerzedzenie zawiązków

thinning of tree crowns [ˈθɪn.ɪŋ əv triː kraʊnz][phrase]
thinning of tree crowns [ˈθɪn.ɪŋ əv triː kraʊnz][phrase]

prześwietlanie koron drzew

tie rod [taɪ rɒd] [noun, countable]
tie rod [taɪ rɒd] [noun, countable]


tractor platform [ˈtræk.tə ˈplæt.fɔːm] [noun, countable]
tractor platform [ˈtræk.tə ˈplæt.fɔːm] [noun, countable]

platforma ciągnika

trimming [ˈtrɪm.ɪŋ] [noun, uncountable]
trimming [ˈtrɪm.ɪŋ] [noun, uncountable]


turf [tɜːf] [noun, uncountable]
turf [tɜːf] [noun, uncountable]


unbranched budwood [ʌnˈbrɑːnʧt 'bʌd.wʊd] [noun, uncountable]
unbranched budwood [ʌnˈbrɑːnʧt 'bʌd.wʊd] [noun, uncountable]

okulant nierozgałęziony

undamaged currant [ʌn.ˈdæ.mɪdʒd ˈkʌ.rənt] [noun, countable]
undamaged currant [ʌn.ˈdæ.mɪdʒd ˈkʌ.rənt] [noun, countable]

nieuszkodzona porzeczka

value of the plantings [ˈvæ.ljuː əv ðə ˈplɑːn.tɪŋz] [phrase]
value of the plantings [ˈvæ.ljuː əv ðə ˈplɑːn.tɪŋz] [phrase]

wartość nasadzeń

violent wind [ˈvaɪə.lənt wɪnd] [noun, countable]
violent wind [ˈvaɪə.lənt wɪnd] [noun, countable]

gwałtowny wiatr

wind damage [wɪnd ˈdæ.mɪdʒ] [noun, countable]
wind damage [wɪnd ˈdæ.mɪdʒ] [noun, countable]

szkody wiatrowe