E-resource GEOLOGY
Macroscopic analysis of loose soils
1. Film in the standard version.

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
A training session of a new employee takes place in a geological office. A senior employee provides the new employee with the instructions for conducting a macroscopic recognition of soil. The conversation concerns the types of soil, their color, humidity and calcium carbonate content. W biurze geologicznym odbywa się szkolenie nowego pracownika. Instrukcji na temat rozpoznawania makroskopowego gruntów udziela starszy pracownik. Rozmowa dotyczy rodzaju gruntów, ich barwy, wilgotności i zawartości węglanu wapnia.
2. Film with subtitles.

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
A training session of a new employee takes place in a geological office. A senior employee provides the new employee with the instructions for conducting a macroscopic recognition of soil. The conversation concerns the types of soil, their color, humidity and calcium carbonate content. W biurze geologicznym odbywa się szkolenie nowego pracownika. Instrukcji na temat rozpoznawania makroskopowego gruntów udziela starszy pracownik. Rozmowa dotyczy rodzaju gruntów, ich barwy, wilgotności i zawartości węglanu wapnia.
3. Film with subtitles and pauses. Listen and repeat after the speaker.

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
A training session of a new employee takes place in a geological office. A senior employee provides the new employee with the instructions for conducting a macroscopic recognition of soil. The conversation concerns the types of soil, their color, humidity and calcium carbonate content. W biurze geologicznym odbywa się szkolenie nowego pracownika. Instrukcji na temat rozpoznawania makroskopowego gruntów udziela starszy pracownik. Rozmowa dotyczy rodzaju gruntów, ich barwy, wilgotności i zawartości węglanu wapnia.
4. Film with subtitles and narration.

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
A training session of a new employee takes place in a geological office. A senior employee provides the new employee with the instructions for conducting a macroscopic recognition of soil. The conversation concerns the types of soil, their color, humidity and calcium carbonate content. W biurze geologicznym odbywa się szkolenie nowego pracownika. Instrukcji na temat rozpoznawania makroskopowego gruntów udziela starszy pracownik. Rozmowa dotyczy rodzaju gruntów, ich barwy, wilgotności i zawartości węglanu wapnia.
After watching the film “Macroscopic analysis of loose soils”, choose the correct answer.
Po obejrzeniu filmu „Analiza makroskopowa gruntów sypkich”, wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź.
the deluvial origin, CO2, using a petrographic microscope, using a magnifying glass, whose loam fraction content does not exceed 1%, are wet, that are “stuck”, up to 25% of grains bigger than 2mm, the riverine origin, at least 75% of grains bigger than 2mm, contain calcium carbonate, using a magnifying glass, the lake origin of the Pliocene period, that are coarse, sandy gravel, more than 50% of grains bigger than 2mm, have grains smaller than 2mm, gravel, sands, HCL, CaCO3
Non-cohesive soils are soils .............................................................................................
Fine-grained soils include .............................................................................................
White sands can be of .............................................................................................
Rocks that react with hydrochloric acid .............................................................................................
Gravel is soil that has .............................................................................................
The formula for calcium carbonate is .............................................................................................
A macroscopic analysis is carried out .............................................................................................
After watching the film “Macroscopic analysis of loose soils”, match the Polish words/phrases with their English equivalents.
Po zapoznaniu się z filmem „Analiza makroskopowa gruntów sypkich” połącz polskie słowa/zwroty z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
grain, fine-grained soils, riverine origin, humidity, lake origin, hydrochloric acid, dry soils, irrigated soils, macroscopic analysis, coarse soils
analiza makroskopowa | |
grunty gruboziarniste | |
ziarno | |
grunty drobnoziarniste | |
geneza rzeczna | |
geneza jeziorna | |
wilgotność | |
grunty nawodnione | |
grunty suche | |
kwas solny |
Cohesive soil tests

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
The animation discusses cohesive soils and the method of their recognition based on a soil plasticity table. W animacji omówione zostały grunty spoiste oraz metoda rozpoznawania ich na podstawie tabeli spoistości gleb.
After watching the animation “Cohesive soil tests”, decide whether the sentences are true or false.
Po obejrzeniu animacji „Badania gruntów spoistych” zdecyduj, czy twierdzenia są prawdziwe, czy fałszywe.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
Cohesive soils are soils which become hard when water is added. | □ | □ |
During the rubbing test in the water, we pay attention to the content of the sand fraction. | □ | □ |
Softening tests consists in splashing the sample with water every hour until it breaks apart. | □ | □ |
The symbol I//π means silt interbedded with loam. | □ | □ |
The color of a sample is described with primary colors. | □ | □ |
Samples which cannot be used to form a ball have a solid consistency. | □ | □ |
Samples which can be used to form a ball have a semi-solid consistency. | □ | □ |
Soils that behave like a liquid have a liquid consistency. | □ | □ |
Physical and mechanical properties of geological samples

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
The animation presents soil properties: bulk density, porosity, humidity, compressive strength and compressibility. W animacji przedstawione zostały właściwości gruntów: gęstość, porowatość, wilgotność, wytrzymałość na ściskanie, ściśliwość.
Operating instructions of a petrographic microscope and the preparation of thin sections for testing
The hypertext material presents a fragment of operating instructions for a petrographic microscope and the preparation of thin sections for testing.
Hipertekst przedstawia fragment instrukcji mikroskopu polaryzacyjnego i instrukcję przygotowania próbek płytek‑szlifów do badań.
Operating instructions of a petrographic microscopepetrographic microscope and the preparation of thin sectionssections for testing
Attention: The device is designed for use by specialized and trained personnel only.
A petrographic microscope is used for tests on thin sections of minerals and rocks.
A petrographic microscope consists of a basebase, a standstand and a lens tubelens tube, which is a metal tube ended with an ocularocular. The section is placed on a rotating stage. The polarizerpolarizer and the illuminating system are located under the stage. Thanks to that, we obtain polarized light: through theNicol prismNicol prism from calcite or synthetic polaroids. The lens tube also holds the analyzeranalyzer. The analyzer is mobile and can be placed on the path of the light ray. When we use the polarizer, we can determine the refractive index of crystals. In colored anisotropic crystalsanisotropic crystals, we can observe pleochroismpleochroism, in other words different colors of the crystals in their various positions.
Safety measures: Transporting the device may result in dropping the section. Remove the section before transporting the microscope. The microscope is a precision device. Avoid hitting and shaking it.
Making the preparation on a thin sectionthin section
We have to cut a small piece of rock and ground it smooth until it is about 0.03mm thick. The section should then be glued to a glass tile. Preparations for mineralogical tests can be single‑side ground. When making grain preparationsgrain preparations, we need to remember to dry them in a temperature of 30‑40 °C. The samples are placed on an aluminum tilealuminum tile on a carbon adhesivecarbon adhesive.
After familiarizing yourself with the hypertext “Operating instructions of a petrographic microscope and the preparation of thin sections for testing”, match the Polish words/phrases with their English equivalents.
Po zapoznaniu się z hipertekstem „Instrukcja obsługi mikroskopu polaryzacyjnego i przygotowanie cienkich płytek-szlifów do badań”, połącz polskie słowa/zwroty z ich angielskim odpowiednikami.
carbon adhesive, stand, base, ocular, polarizer, sections, lens tube, petrographic microscope
mikroskop polaryzacyjny | |
płytki-szlify | |
przylepiec węglowy | |
podstawa | |
statyw | |
tubus | |
okular | |
polaryzator |
Carrying out a sieve analysis
The hypertext material presents an offer of a geological laboratory regarding the possibility of performing a sieve analysis.
Hipertekst przedstawia ofertę laboratorium geologicznego dotyczącą możliwości wykonania analizy sitowej.
Offer of the Geo‑Tech geological laboratory, based in Lodz
We encourage you to use our services in the field of laboratory testing. We have eleven years of experience in the industry, and we have completed nearly 9.000 sieve analysessieve analyses last year.
We have a complete set of square mesh sievessquare mesh sieves and a shaking device. Before carrying out a granulometric analysisgranulometric analysis, we drydry and weighweigh the sample you bring. Then, the soil sample passes through a set of sieves with smaller and smaller meshes from 25mm to 0.063mm. After the screening is done, we weigh the residue on each sieve. We record the mass of each fraction in a table and calculate the percentage of each fraction. In a separate column, we add the mass of a given fraction to the mass of all the previous ones. In the last column, we receive the so‑called cumulative value of the fractioncumulative value of the fraction.
The result of the test is the presentation of a grain‑size distribution curvegrain‑size distribution curve, and the interpretation of a grain‑size distribution chartgrain‑size distribution chart made by our laboratory. At the end, we give the uniformity coefficientuniformity coefficient and the filtration coefficientfiltration coefficient.
We invite you to make use of the high level of our services.
After familiarizing yourself with the hypertext “Carrying out a sieve analysis”, complete the sentences with the correct words/phrases. Use the word bank.
Po zapoznaniu się z hipertekstem „Przeprowadzenie analizy sitowej” , uzupełnij zdania odpowiedni słowami/wyrazami. Skorzystaj z banku słów.
square mesh, weigh, grain-size distribution curve, with smaller and smaller, on each sieve, grain-size distribution chart, uniformity coefficient and the filtration coefficient, cumulative value of the fraction
We have a complete set of .......................................................................................................... sieves and a shaking device.
Before carrying out a granulometric analysis, we dry and .......................................................................................................... the sample you bring.
Then, the soil sample passes through a set of sieves .......................................................................................................... meshes from 25mm to 0.063mm.
After the screening is done, we weigh the residue ...........................................................................................................
The result of the test is the presentation of a ...........................................................................................................
The result of the tests is also the interpretation of a ...........................................................................................................
In the last column, we receive the so-called ...........................................................................................................
At the end, we give the ...........................................................................................................
Soil analysis: rolling
An experienced laboratory worker conducts a training session for a younger employee. The worker talks about the basic activities carried out when recognizing cohesive soils.
Doświadczony pracownik laboratorium prowadzi szkolenie dla młodszego stażem pracownika. Opowiada o podstawowych czynnościach przeprowadzanych przy rozpoznawaniu gruntów spoistych.
Barbra: Ana, come over here, please. You'll help me determine types of cohesive soils based on rollingrolling.
Ana: Alright, but you have to remind me how it's done.
Barbra: A small7mm diameter ball7mm diameter ball should be formed from a small piece of the sample. We put it on the palm of our hand and roll it with the other hand.
Ana: So it’s a bit like playing with plasticine, but it’s still a serious examination.
Barbra: When you get a 3mm diameter roll3mm diameter roll, you investigate it to see if it has any cracks. What else can you see?
Ana: The sample is ***matte,******matte,*** without ***gloss.******gloss.***
Barbra: That's right, let’s continue the rolling. Look, transverse crackstransverse cracks appeared after the third time. It’s sandy silty claysandy silty clay.
Ana: How do you know?
Barbra: There are no grains of sand in it. Hence, such a classification.
Ana: Why are cracks formed?
Barbra: The sample loses water on the palm of our hands. We cause it to evaporate.
Ana: The more clay fractions the sample contains, the longer it will be unbroken and ***plastic.******plastic.***
Barbra: That's right. We’ll determine the plasticity indexplasticity index on the basis of each test.
Ana: This is important information about the bearing capacity of the substrate for the architect.
Barbra: The degree of plasticity is a leading parameterleading parameter and is necessary for the implementation of the geological engineering documentationgeological engineering documentation.
Ana: This roll ***breaks longitudinally.******breaks longitudinally.*** There are many grains of sand in it.
Barbra: In that case, it’s loamy sandloamy sand.
Ana: That's simple. I'm getting to work.
Barbra: We have 20 samples, but we'll finish quickly together.

Zasób interaktywny dostępny pod adresem https://zpe.gov.pl/a/D7oPGS0y
wałeczek o średnicy 3 mm
kulka o średnicy 7 mm
stan powietrzno‑suchy
płytka aluminiowa
kryształy anizotropowe
pękać podłużnie
gęstość objętościowa
węglan wapnia
przylepiec węglowy
dwutlenek węgla
frakcja iłowa
śruba makrometryczna
grunty gruboziarniste
grunty spoiste
wytrzymałość na ściskanie
wartość skumulowana frakcji
gęstość właściwa gruntu
grunty suche
współczynnik filtracji
śruba mikrometryczna
grunty drobnoziarniste
świeży przełam
dokumentacja geologiczno‑inżynierska
krzywa uziarnienia
preparaty ziarnowe
uziarnienie gruntu
wykres uziarnienia gruntu
analiza granulometryczna
kwas solny
grunty nawodnione
wstrząsarka laboratoryjna
geneza jeziorna
parametr wiodący
stan płynny
stopień plastyczności
frakcja iłowa
piasek gliniasty
spękania podłużne
analiza makroskopowa
masa szkieletu gruntowego
własności mechaniczne gruntów
pryzmat Nicola
grunty niespoiste
średnica cząsteczki
mikroskop polaryzacyjny
własności fizyczne gruntów
plastyczna próba
grunty plastyczne
stopień plastyczności
geneza rzeczna
frakcja piaskowa
glina pylasta zwięzła
szlify, płytki
stan półzwarty
wytrzymałość na ścinanie
analiza sitowa
średnice sita
gęstość objętościowa gruntu
porowatość gruntu
stan zwarty
sita o kwadratowych oczkach
syntetyczne polaroidy
płytka cienka
spękania poprzeczne
wskaźnik różnoziarnistości