E-resource GEOLOGY
Geotourism in the world
1. Film in the standard version.

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
A travel agency employee suggests a cooperation to a geologist in the preparation of a geotourism offer. The geologist suggests taking a look at the geysers in the Yellowstone Park in North America, and the Norwegian fjords. Together, they discuss the law on geotourism. Pracownik biura podróży proponuje geologowi współpracę w zakresie przygotowania oferty geoturystycznej. Geolog sugeruje obejrzenie gejzerów w Parku Yellowstone w Ameryce Północnej i fiordów Norwegii. Wspólnie omawiają przepisy prawa dotyczące działalności geoturystycznej.
2. Film with subtitles.

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
A travel agency employee suggests a cooperation to a geologist in the preparation of a geotourism offer. The geologist suggests taking a look at the geysers in the Yellowstone Park in North America, and the Norwegian fjords. Together, they discuss the law on geotourism. Pracownik biura podróży proponuje geologowi współpracę w zakresie przygotowania oferty geoturystycznej. Geolog sugeruje obejrzenie gejzerów w Parku Yellowstone w Ameryce Północnej i fiordów Norwegii. Wspólnie omawiają przepisy prawa dotyczące działalności geoturystycznej.
3. Film with subtitles and pauses. Listen and repeat after the speaker.

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
A travel agency employee suggests a cooperation to a geologist in the preparation of a geotourism offer. The geologist suggests taking a look at the geysers in the Yellowstone Park in North America, and the Norwegian fjords. Together, they discuss the law on geotourism. Pracownik biura podróży proponuje geologowi współpracę w zakresie przygotowania oferty geoturystycznej. Geolog sugeruje obejrzenie gejzerów w Parku Yellowstone w Ameryce Północnej i fiordów Norwegii. Wspólnie omawiają przepisy prawa dotyczące działalności geoturystycznej.
4. Film with subtitles and narration.

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
A travel agency employee suggests a cooperation to a geologist in the preparation of a geotourism offer. The geologist suggests taking a look at the geysers in the Yellowstone Park in North America, and the Norwegian fjords. Together, they discuss the law on geotourism. Pracownik biura podróży proponuje geologowi współpracę w zakresie przygotowania oferty geoturystycznej. Geolog sugeruje obejrzenie gejzerów w Parku Yellowstone w Ameryce Północnej i fiordów Norwegii. Wspólnie omawiają przepisy prawa dotyczące działalności geoturystycznej.
After watching the film “Geotourism in the world”, choose the correct answer.
Po obejrzeniu filmu „Geoturystyka na świecie”, wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź.
sandy deserts, a closed quarry, can be punished for intentional offenses, a monument of animate nature, fjords, does not have to be in good health, extinct volcanoes, periodic lakes, geological objects and processes, Mesozoic seas, an igloo built in Greenland, a geotourism attraction, a closed geosite, a fragment of the Earth’s crust, a place of temporary glacier stop, volcanic rocks, high mountains in Scandinavia, hot springs throwing out steam, urban processes, a place for a geological object in a museum, uses a commonly known language, a museum of industrial history, deep bays cutting into the land, created by flooding glacial valleys, objects of ecological construction
Geotourism gives the opportunity to learn about .........................................................................................................................................
Geotourist attractions include .........................................................................................................................................
The fjords are .........................................................................................................................................
Geysers are .........................................................................................................................................
A geosite is .........................................................................................................................................
In Norway, you can see .........................................................................................................................................
According to the Tourist Services Act, a tour guide .........................................................................................................................................
An underground tourist route is .........................................................................................................................................
After familiarizing yourself with the film “Geotourism in the world”, match the Polish words/phrases with their English equivalents.
Po zapoznaniu się z filmem „Geoturystyka na świecie”, połącz polskie słowa/zwroty z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
closed quarries, waterfalls, fjords, volcanoes, geosites, Jurassic parks, geotourism, glacial valleys, geotourist attractions, underground tourist routes
geoturystyka | |
atrakcje geoturystyczne | |
parki jurajskie | |
podziemne trasy turystyczne | |
nieczynne kamieniołomy | |
wodospady | |
wulkany | |
geostanowiska | |
fiordy | |
doliny polodowcowe |
Geological forms and phenomena as an example of geotourist sites

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
The animation presents geotourist sites such as mountain ranges, deserts, sea shores, canyons, river gorges, volcanoes, waterfalls, rocks and caves. Animacja przedstawia obiekty geoturystyczne takie jak: masywy górskie, pustynie, wybrzeża morskie, kaniony i przełomy rzeczne, wulkany, wodospady, skałki, jaskinie.
After watching the animation “Geological forms and phenomena as an example of geotourist sites”, decide whether the sentences are true or false.
Po obejrzeniu animacji „Formy i zjawiska geologiczne jako przykład stanowisk geoturystycznych”, zdecyduj, czy twierdzenia są prawdziwe, czy fałszywe.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
Geosites have scientific and landscape significance. | □ | □ |
Historic buildings can be geotouristic sites. | □ | □ |
Mines and quarries cannot be made available in the form of geotouristic sights. | □ | □ |
Geological phenomena include processes that last a thousand or millions of years, such as the drift of continents. | □ | □ |
Geotourist sights and phenomena create a joint category of geotourist attractions. | □ | □ |
Geotourist attractions are found in protected areas of landscape parks and nature reserves more and more often. | □ | □ |
Volcanoes, waterfalls, rocks and caves can be a geotourist site. | □ | □ |
Fossils, rocks and minerals are gathered in oceanariums. | □ | □ |
How to design a geotourist route?

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
The animation presents the stages of designing a geotourist route. Animacja przedstawia etapy tworzenia trasy geoturystycznej.
Visiting the „Wieliczka” salt mine
During an employee meeting, a geologist introduces a geotourist route to the guides. The geologist informs them how to present information about the geological history of the object to tourists.
Na zebraniu pracowniczym geolog przedstawia przewodnikom zaprojektowaną trasę geoturystyczną. Informuje jak mają przedstawiać turystom wiedzę o historii geologicznej obiektu.
Geologist: Welcome to the “Wieliczka” salt minesalt mine. My task is to present the geological history of this object in order to help you give reliable information to tourists.
Guide: What routes have been designated here?
Geologist: I want to propose a description of two routes: a tourist route and a mining route. Let's start with the one easier to walk.
Guide: Please, continue. We’ll take notes.
Geologist: The deposit was created in the Miocene periodMiocene period, about 15 million years ago. The hot climate caused the sea reservoir to dry out.
Guide: I have a question about the sight with the depicted people from the NeolithicNeolithic period. Did people already use the resources of the mine in the Stone Age?
Geologist: Yes. At first, they used the saline springssaline springs on the surface of the Earth. They brewed, in other words boiled the brinebrine extracted from the spring. Later, deeper wells were drilled, and finally shaftsshafts.
Guide: The next point of the route is the chapel of St. Kinga.
Geologist: Here, we draw special attention to the fact that the floor was made of a homogeneous solid body. The chandeliers are made of salt crystals. Let's move on to the „Groty Kryształowe” nature reserve.
Guide: Stop no. 4 is the „Groty Kryształowe” nature reserve and its huge crystals of halite...
Geologist: …Crystals with an isomorphic shapeisomorphic shape, in the form of a cube. Remember that some specimens from these caves have been handed over to the largest museums in the world, such as the Museum of Natural History in Vienna.
Guide: Please, tell us more.
Geologist: At the top, we can see stalactitesstalactites resembling icicles. We can also see stalagmitesstalagmites growing from the bottom of the cave. It’s a precipitate of calcium carbonate.
Guide: And what if they join?
Geologist: Then stalagnatesstalagnates are created.
Guide: And what sights will we discuss on the mining route?
Geologist: Mining excavationMining excavation sights. You’ll need to go through the corridors of the Regis shaft.
Guide: Will we get a written text about the route?
Geologist: Of course, you’ll also get a map with the tour directions. And now, I invite you to walk the route.
After familiarizing yourself with the hypertext “Vising the ‘Wieliczka’ salt mine”, choose which word is not concerned with the text.
Po zapoznaniu się z hipertekstem „Zwiedzanie kopalni soli „Wieliczka”, wskaż, który z wymienionych wyrazów nie jest związany z tekstem.
- salt mine
- Miocene period
- granulometric analysis
- saline springs
- brine
- shafts
- isomorphic shape
- stalactites
- stalagmites
- stalagnates
Trip to the open mine pit in Sieniawa
A geologist guides the visitors around the smallest open pit lignite mine.
Geolog oprowadza zwiedzających po terenie najmniejszej kopalni odkrywkowej węgla brunatnego.
Geologist: Good morning. You’re in the open pit mineopen pit mine **of lignite in Sieniawa.
Visitors: Since when does the mine function?
Geologist: It has been operating since 1873. At first, it was an underground mineunderground mine extracting lignitelignite, the only one in Poland.
Visitors: At what depth is the deposit here?
Geologist: At the depth of 40m. What's important, we don’t disturb the deep waters.
Visitors: I think there are sands on the ***heap.******heap.***
Geologist: The deposit has folded structures, formed during the quaternary glaciation. The lignite depositsdeposits are between sands, clays and gravels.
Visitors: Where exactly is the lignate located?
Geologist: It’s located in a dozen or so separate heights - upfoldsupfolds, and the thillthill of the deposit is strongly inclined even at an angle of 45 degrees.
Visitors: How long will it be possible to mine the deposit?
Geologist: The current licenselicense allows for mining until 2063. Please, take a look at the geological cross sections and the balance depositsbalance deposits.
Visitors: What is the origin of these rocks?
Geologist: Dead plant debris accumulated in anaerobic conditions initiated the process of the rocks’ emergence in the NeogeneNeogene.
Visitors: What exactly is lignite intended for?
Geologist: The lignite goes to individual consumers and to coal‑fired power plants.
Visitors: I must admit that the land after reclamation looks just like a forest. It’s hard to believe that it used to be a mine area.
Geologist: Yes, you can get some fresh air in the area of the open pitopen pit now. Let's move on.
After familiarizing yourself with the hypertext “Trip to the open pit mine in Sieniawa”, match the Polish words/phrases with their English equivalents.
Po zapoznaniu się z hipertekstem „Wycieczka do kopalni odkrywkowej w Sieniawie”, połącz polskie słowa/terminy z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
upfolds, balance deposits, heap, deposits, thill, license, open pit mine, underground mine, open pit, lignite
kopalnia odkrywkowa | |
kopalnia podziemna | |
węgiel brunatny | |
zwałowisko | |
złoża | |
siodła | |
spąg | |
koncesja | |
złoża bilansowe | |
odkrywka |
Designing a new geotourist route in the St. Anne Mountain geopark
A geologist informs a colleague via email about the geologist’s observations regarding the designing of a new geotourist route.
Geolog w mailu do kolegi z pracy informuje o obserwacjach dotyczących tworzenia nowej ścieżki geoturystycznej.
Subject: Project of a new geotourist route, July 1, 2018.
Adam, I’m writing to you about the project of a new geotourist route in the St. Anne Mountain ***geopark.******geopark.***
In the introduction of our guide, let’s write that the park is the highest point of the Chełm Ridge, and is 404m above sea level. At its peak, you can admire a historic Franciscan monastery and the church of Saint Anne. I’ve noticed a faultfault by the amphitheater. It’s a documentary site of inanimate nature. Let the quarryquarry be the next geosite. There are lots of limestoneslimestones here.
This is where the new geotourist route should be designated. This will contribute to the protection of geodiversity. On the educational board, information should be placed that 250 million years ago there was a Triassic sea in the Opole region, abundant with life.
The limestones were formed as a result of the accumulation of the remains of animals with skeletonsskeletons or shellsshells. This will explain to the visitors why there are so many fossilsfossils here. I’m sending you pictures of clamsclams, snailssnails and dayliliesdaylilies in the attachment. The local krynoid limestones owe their name to -Crino‑idea, the Latin name for daylilies. At the time when St. Anne Mountain was within a bit deeper 30‑meter sea, brachiopods developed here. There are fewer nautilidsnautilids and ammonitesammonites here. In the place of the former nephelinitenephelinite and limestone quarry, a nature reservenature reserve was created. The volcanic tuff cone is a natural monumentnatural monumenthere. According to the Nature Conservation Act, no specimens can be taken away. Maybe we should write this in bold font in the guide.
We can also mention that students participating in educational trips don’t have to pay admission to the national park and that entry to strict protection areas is prohibited.
That’s all. I can’t wait when the route will be open for tourists. I’ll be at the office on Monday. I hope you’ll manage to print our guide by then. See you soon,

Zasób interaktywny dostępny pod adresem https://zpe.gov.pl/a/D15a1VhbY
procesy eoliczne
jeziora antropogeniczne
obszar rekultywacji
złoża bilansowe
nieczynne kamieniołomy
obiekty geologiczne
zjawisko geologiczne
procesy geologiczne
obiekty geologiczne
obiekt geoturystyczny
stanowisko geoturystyczne
atrakcje geoturystyczne
obiekty geoturystyczne
trasa geoturystyczna
głazy narzutowe
doliny polodowcowe
poziom zwierciadła wód podziemnych
natura nieożywiona
tablice informacyjne
pokrój izomorficzny
parki jurajskie
węgiel brunatny
wyrobiska górnicze
okres miocen
szczyt górski
masywy górskie
pomnik przyrody
rezerwat przyrody
kopalnia odkrywkowa
piaskowce prekambryjskie
zrekultywowany teren
przełomy rzeczne
ostaniec skalny
źródła solankowe
wybrzeża morskie
kopalnia podziemna
podziemne trasy turystyczne
punkt widokowy
komin lawowy