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World War II - a revision lesson

Germans on the border crossing in Sopot, on 1st September 1939 (propaganda photo, taken on 14th of September)
Source: Hans Sönnke, Niemcy na przejściu granicznym w Sopocie, dnia 1 IX 1939 r., 1939, domena publiczna.

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You will learn
  • to list the most important events of 1939‑1945;

  • to describe the most important facts, names and dates;

  • to characterize the consequences of the World War II;

  • to explain how did the war influence the events in the world.

nagranie abstraktu

Nearly 20 years after the Great War, peace in Europe was threatened again. Growing power of the Third Reich and its political and military activity, including The Anschluss of Austria and the invasion in Czechoslovakia caused the world to face war once again. World War II began on 1st of September 1939, when German army attacked Poland. On 17th September 1939, in accordance with the Ribbentrop‑Molotov pact, the USSR army joined the German army attacking Poland from the East. Until 1941, under German occupation and the occupation of their allies was nearly entire continental Europe. The USSR also had its armaments policy and expanded its territory by fighting against Finland and by invading the Baltic countries. A turning point of the conflict was the attack of Germany on the USSR, on 22nd of June 1941, which not only decided on changes in the alliances (the Soviets joined the Allies), but also forced the Third Reich to fight on two fronts. On the conquered and occupiedoccupationoccupied territories, the Germans introduced the policy of terror and persecution, especially among the Jews and the Gypsies, persecuting and exterminating the enemies, e.g. in concentration camps. In 1941, the United States of America joined the war, as a result of the attack on their naval base in Pearl Harbor conducted by the Japanese air force. This extended the territory of military action nearly to the entire world. The anti‑Hitler coalition, which main force was the Big Three – the rulers of the USA - Roosevelt, the USSR – Stalin and of Great Britain – Churchill, played a vital role in military and political plans during the war, and also after it finished, while establishing the new order. The victories and the might of the German army was broken in the battles of Stalingrad and Kursk in 1943. Since then, the Allied forces started the offensive, forcing the German soldiers to retreat, and leading to the ultimate defeat in May of 1945. It was not the end of World War II. It lasted until 2nd of September 1945 – the capitulation of Japan, which was caused by the use of new type of weapons of mass destruction – the atomic bomb. The conflict of 1939‑1945 was the biggest war in the history of the world and took place in Europe, North Africa, Far East and all the oceans.

Task 1
Zapoznaj się z tekstem. Ile ofiar pochłonęła II wojna światowa? Ile ofiar to ludność cywilna?
Zapoznaj się z tekstem. Ile ofiar pochłonęła II wojna światowa? Ile ofiar to ludność cywilna?

The armed conflict of 1939‑1945, called the World War II, was the most bloody of all the conflicts in the history of the world until this day. Within 6 years over 60 million people died all over the world, which was around 3% of the population of that time. The total number of military victims was nearly 25 million of fallen soldiers, the rest were civilians. In addition, it is assumed that another 20 million were the victims of hunger and diseases connected with war and its direct causes. The biggest loss among European populations was suffered by the people of Jewish origin. Nearly 78% of them was killed as a result of the HolocaustHolocaustHolocaust policy.

Wykres przestawia ofiary drugiej wojny w poszczególnych krajach. Oprócz tego zawiera dodatkowe opisy. Highest number of victims. The biggest victim of the World War II in absolute terms was the Soviet Union. It is assumed that, as a result of war, the total number of all victims might have been 27 mln. Holocaust. The consequence of Holocaust was murdering during the war ca. 6 mln Jews including many intellectuals, artists and people connected with culture and art. The highest loss was suffered by the Jewish people on Soviet territories occupied by Germany and around 99% of the population of Poland and 89% of the entire population. Accounts. During the Potsdam Conference in July-August 1945 it was established that one of the most important issues after the end of the war would be the need to make the perpetrators accountable. The sentences on the leaders and high officials of the Third Reich were passed by the International Military Tribunal which included the representatives of four superpowers. The trial ended in October 1946, sentencing 12 remaining Hitlerian perpetrators to death. Towards Germany. In order to make sure that Germany will not threaten the peace anymore, it was established that they will undergo demilitarization disarmament, decartelization destroying big monopolies, denazification destroying all influences and traces of Nazi regime and democratization.
World War II Deaths
Source: Oberiko, GroMar Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0.
Exercise 1
Match the facts to the correct group. World War I Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. 08.05.1945, 2. Big Three, 3. Hiroshima, 4. 11.11.1918, 5. Battle of England, 6. Triple Entente, 7. Kursk salient, 8. Verdun, 9. Józef Piłsudski, 10. The Assassination in Sarajevo, 11. D-Day, 12. October Revolution, 13. Warsaw Uprising, 14. Treaty of Versailles, 15. Triple Alliance, 16. Tsar Nicholas II World War II Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. 08.05.1945, 2. Big Three, 3. Hiroshima, 4. 11.11.1918, 5. Battle of England, 6. Triple Entente, 7. Kursk salient, 8. Verdun, 9. Józef Piłsudski, 10. The Assassination in Sarajevo, 11. D-Day, 12. October Revolution, 13. Warsaw Uprising, 14. Treaty of Versailles, 15. Triple Alliance, 16. Tsar Nicholas II
Task 2
Wysłuchaj nagrania abstraktu i zastanów się, czego jeszcze chciałbyś się dowiedzieć w związku z tematem lekcji.
Wysłuchaj nagrania abstraktu i zastanów się, czego jeszcze chciałbyś się dowiedzieć w związku z tematem lekcji.
Europe after World War II
Source: Krystian Chariza i zespół, Europa po II wojnie światowej, licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0.


Totalitarian regime, Holocaust, deportation, occupation, overloading, independence


Totalitarian regime
Totalitarian regime
Nagranie słówka: Totalitarian regime

Totalitaryzm – system rządów politycznych połączony z uzasadniającą jego istnienie ideologią, która głosi całkowite podporządkowanie jednostki i pełną kontrolę przez państwo społeczeństwa.

Resistance movement
Resistance movement
Nagranie słówka: Resistance movement

Ruch oporu – oddziały, których celem jest walka z okupantem kraju najczęściej sposobami partyzanckimi. Swoją działalność rozpoczynają najczęściej po zaprzestaniu regularnych działań wojennych.

Nagranie słówka: Conspiracy

Konspiracja – tajna działalność prowadzona przez organizacje polityczne skierowana przeciw władzy, najczęściej okupanta kraju. Ma bezpośredni związek z działaniami ruchu oporu.

Nagranie słówka: Holocaust

Holokaust – prześladowanie i zagłada ok. 6 mln Żydów, dokonana w czasie II wojny światowej przez III Rzeszę i wspierana przez jej sojuszników.

Nagranie słówka: Deportation

Deportacja – przymusowe przesiedlenie (wywózka), najczęściej do odległego miejsca, połączone z ograniczeniem wolności.

Nagranie słówka: Occupation

Okupacja – czasowe zajęcie jakiegoś terenu (np. państwa) przez wrogie siły i wprowadzenie tam swojej władzy.

Nagranie słówka: Diplomacy

Dyplomacja – wszelkie czynności jakie prowadzi państwo w celu rozwiązania w pokojowy sposób problemów międzypaństwowych.

Nagranie słówka: Overloading

Prześladowania – celowe nękanie, szykanowanie i wyrządzanie krzywdy wybranym osobom lub grupie osób, którego celem jest ich upokorzenie lub wyniszczenie.

Nagranie słówka: Independence

Niepodległość – niezależność państwa od wpływu innych państw, instytucji na swoje działania.