Wykonywanie form i deskowań elementów betonowych i żelbetowych.
Rodzaje i elementy deskowań
1. Film in the standard version.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RnLKJSVHga4he
Przerwa śniadaniowa
2. Film with subtitles.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R1Mk6QmhhMqHQ
Przerwa śniadaniowa
3. Film with pauses. Listen and repeat.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RRxpMtYPP0T5P
Przerwa śniadaniowa
4. Film with narration.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R1PNaGuSexhOV
Film przedstawia rozmowę dwóch osób podczas przerwy śniadaniowej.
Put the dialogue in the correct order after watching the video. Po obejrzeniu filmu ułóż dialog w odpowiedniej kolejności.
- And you have to give the steel fixers time to reinforce the formworks.
- I know. What's more, the manager didn't buy any anti-adhesive agent for painting the formwork.
- Hi Kuba. Yes,indeed. I have a lot of formwork to do today.
- Hi Marek. It's gonna be a tough day today, isn't it?
- So, you have to wet them thoroughly with water. It'll take you even less time.
- Haven't you got shuttering systems?
- I'm working with the guys in the warehouse today. We're going to make footing formworks.
- And what is your team doing today?
- No, we haven't, but we've got almost everything ready. Yesterday we nailed and cut the horizontal centerings according to the pattern, and now the guys from the team are nailing boards to them.
- We're shuttering a curved wall of the office building.
Materiały stosowane do deskowań i elementy deskowań
Complete sentences with words in brackets. Uzupełnij zdania wyrażeniami w nawiasach.
shuttering plate, head, vaults, shores, soffit shape, edged, centerings, bracers
1. The concrete formwork elements consist of a ................................ (tarcza szalunkowa), support and stiffening.
2. (Stemple) ................................ , i.e. supports are made of round timber or steel pipes.
3. In masonry works formwork is used for brick ................................ (sklepienia) and arches.
4. (Krężyny) ................................ , beams or noggings and shores serve to support these formworks.
5. Boards used for formwork should be ................................ (obrzynane) and sorted.
6. Supports made of pipes can be stretched and thanks to the interchangeable ................................ (głowica) they can be combined with other supports, beams or formwork girders.
7. Ties, formwork anchors, uplift supports, i.e. ................................ (zastrzały) and support clamps, are used for stiffening and fixing.
8. The shape of the centering varies according to the ................................ (kształt podniebienia).
Deskowania i ich elementy (przykłady)
Match the Polish terms with their English equivalents. Połącz polskie terminy z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
deskowanie ślizgowe, stempel, krężyna, rozdeskowanie (rozszalowanie), deskowanie (szalowanie - jako czynność), deskowanie (szalunek - jako rzecz), rygiel, sklepienie, deskowanie tunelowe, podniebienie (element sklepienia), zastrzalik
formwork | |
shuttering | |
formwork dismantling | |
tunnel formwork | |
climbing formwork | |
shore | |
centering | |
sheathing | |
soffit | |
nogging | |
racker |
Prace wstępne i wykończeniowe w konstrukcji deskowań.
Complete the sentences with expressions in brackets. Uzupełnij zdania słowami w nawiasach.
traditional wooden formwork, paint the formwork, design office, shuttered, shuttering systems, anti-adhesive agent, monolithic reinforced concrete works, formwork dismantling
1. After ........................................................................ (rozszalowanie), the formwork should be cleaned of concrete residues.
2. The ........................................................................ (oszalowane) building elements can only be dismantled when the concrete hardens sufficiently.
3. Currently, with a large amount of ........................................................................ (roboty żelbetowe monolityczne), shuttering system is used.
4. (Deskowania systemowe) ........................................................................ are reusable.
5. Shuttering systems have much shorter assembly time than ........................................................................ (tradycyjne deskowania drewniane).
6. Remember to ........................................................................ (zagruntowanie deskowania) with anti-adhesive agent at the preparatory stage.
7. To make sure that the reinforcement will bond with the concrete, be careful not to contaminate it with the ........................................................................ (środek antyadhezyjny).
8. Formwork arrangement and list of materials are made in the ........................................................................ (biuro konstrukcyjne) with the aid of computer programs.
Wykonanie deskowania dla ławy fundamentowej

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RL9ATPjRVNdBU
Film przedstawia wykonanie deskowania dla ławy fundamentowej.
Choose a correct option from the drop-down menu. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź z listy.
him, them, he, her, We, me, us, They, me, we, I, she, they, I, Us, Them
1. Introduce ............ to the assumptions of the project.
2. ............ are constructing a footing.
3. Call ............ in case of any doubts.
4. Call ............ when you chose the materials.
5. Can you visit ............ today?
6. Send ............ exact schematic.
7. ............ want to dismantle formworks.
8. Notify ............ about the launch date.
Put the words in each line (1-8) in the correct order so that they form sentences. Ułóż słowa w zdaniach pytających w odpowiedniej kolejności.
1. The problem / is / we don't have / anti-adhesive / agent. / that
2. I will complete / the documentation / you select / if / the technology.
3. The contractor / asked / he can / start / the works. / when
4. the formwork / is dismantled, / you can / clean it / of concrete residues. / When
5. Some boards / need to / be / cut / they should / be / of the same / height. / because
6. He is saying / we should chose / the equipment / now. / that
7. You can start making formworks / you make / a lean concrete coating. / when
8. You need to drive / nails / on the other side / nailing shuttering boards. / after
Chose the correct answer from the drop-down menu. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź z listy.
needs, has, need, have to, mustn't, needs, must, must, can, can, needn't, ought, can, must, need, can, has to, need, may, has, have, have to, has to, must
1. How .............. I help you?
2. Contractors .............. start the works.
3. They .............. construct a formwork.
4. We .............. to dismantle formworks.
5. You .............. to order anti-adhesive agents.
6. Do we .............. to nail the boards?
7. Does he .............. to take a look at the project?
8. We .............. stiffen this structure.
Drag and drop the correct word to each sentence. Wybierz poprawny zaimek z listy.
when, How, What, Where, Why, how, Who, Which
1. ............ can I call in case of doubts?
2. ............ thick is the layer?
3. The client wants to know ............ we finish the construction.
4. ............ did the designer say?
5. What are you doing? ............ are you dismantling the formwork?
6. Can you explain ............ to protect the footing?
7. ............ plank do we need? There is such a variety of them.
8. ............ are the schematics? I can't find them anywhere.
Read the sentences and complete them with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Przeczytaj zdania I uzupełnij je poprawnymi formami wyrazów w nawiasach.
1. Forming planks are fixed. He said that forming planks ............ (be) fixed.
2. We will use the bracers.
He said that we ............ (will) use the bracers.
3. We can screw the plates.
The manager has told us that we ............ (can) screw the plates.
4. They use bracers.
He said that they ............ (use) bracers.
5. Boards are nailed to concrete.
He is saying that boards ............ (be) nailed to concrete.
6. It is best to use a circular saw.
They have told us that it ............ (be) best to use a circular saw.
7. Many technologies allow shuttering.
He is saying that many technologies ............ (allow) shuttering.
8. We are cutting the boards.
They said that they ............ (be) cutting the boards.
Chose the correct answer from the drop-down menu. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź z listy.
my, hers, mine, theirs, Theirs, yours, your, his, he, their, her, ours, Their, our, our, ours
1. They will construct it according to ............ project.
2. Introduce me to ............ assumptions of the project, please.
3. They own the building. It is .............
4. Can you visit ............ client today?
5. ............ new technology is available on the market.
6. These new projects are .............
7. Can I take a look at ............ design?
8. I want to talk to ............ contractors.
Put the words in each line (1-8) in the correct order so that they form sentences. Ułóż słowa w odpowiedniej kolejności, tak aby powstały zdania.
1. The concrete / arrives / soon / we still / don't have / the nailed plates. / but
2. We have / nailed / the centerings / now / we are nailing / boards to them. / and
3. You / will work / individually / you can work / in a team. / or
4. We do not / have / shuttering systems / we have got / almost / everything ready. / but
5. You / can email me / give me / a call. / or
6. Please / leave / your email / I'll send / you / the documents. / and
7. Supports made of pipes / can be stretched / they can be / combined / with other supports. / and
8. You / will work / for 8 hours a day, / sometimes / you / will have to work / longer. / but
Drag and drop. Przeciagnij liczebniki
eleventh, twelve, eleven, first, thirty-eight, fifth, third, twelfth, second, nineteen, forty, fifty-third, ninety-five, fifty, three, ninth
Ordinal numbers | |
Ordinal numbers |
/ˈænti ədˈhiːsɪv ˈeɪdʒənt/ [noun, countable, singular] preparat antyadhezyjny
/ˈbætn/ [noun, countable, singular] beleczka
/biːm/ [noun, countable, singular] zastrzał
/ˈbreɪsə(r)/ [noun, countable, singular] krążyna
/ˈklaɪmɪŋ fɔːmwɜːk/ [noun, countable, singular] deskowanie przesuwne / ślizgowe
/ˈkɒŋ.kriːt ˈkəʊ.tɪŋ/ [noun, countable, singular] wylewka betonowa
/ˈfʊtɪŋ/ [noun, countable, singular] ława fundamentowa
/fɔːmwɜːk/ [noun, countable, singular] szalunek
/fɔːm ɪŋ plæŋk/ [noun, countable, singular] deska oporowa
/ fɔːmwɜːk ˈæŋkə(r)/ [noun, countable, singular] kotwa szalunkowa
/fɔːmwɜːk dɪsˈmæntlɪŋ/ [noun, uncountable] rozszalowanie
/liːn ˈkɒŋ.kriːt/ [noun, uncountable] chudy beton
/ˈmeɪsənri mwɜːks/ [noun, countable, plural] roboty murarskie
/nɑːɡɪŋ/ [noun, countable, singular] rygiel
/rækə(r)/ [noun, countable, singular] zastrzalik
/ˌriːɪnˈfɔːsɪŋ/ [noun, countable, singular] zbrojenie
/ʃiːðɪŋ/ [noun, uncountable, singular] sklepienie
/ˈʃʌtə(r) ɪŋ/ [noun, uncountable] szalowanie
/ˈʃʌtə(r) ɪŋ bɔːd/ [noun, countable, singular] tarcza szalunkowa
/ˈʃʌtə(r) ɪŋ ˈsɪstəm/ [noun, countable, singular] deskowanie systemowe
/ˈsɑː.fɪt/ [noun, countable, singular] podniebienie sklepienia
/ˈsɒlɪd fɔːmwɜːk ˈɡɜːdə(r)/ [noun, countable, plural] dźwigar szalunkowy pełny
/ˈspredə(r)/ [noun, countable, singular] rozpora
/stiːl ˈfɪksə(r)/ [noun, countable, singular] zbrojarz
/stiːl ) ʃɔː(r)/ [noun, countable, singular] stempel z rur stalowych
/səˈpɔːt klæmp/ [noun, countable, singular] ścisk podporowy
/taɪ/ [noun, countable, singular] ścisk deskowania
/ˈtɪmbə(r) ʃɔː(r)/ [noun, countable, singular] stempel z okrąglaków
/trʌs fɔːmwɜːk ˈɡɜːdə(r)/ [noun, countable, singular] dźwigar szalunkowy kratownicowy
/ˈtʌnl fɔːmwɜːk/ [noun, countable, singular] deskowanie tunelowe
/ˈʌplɪft səˈpɔːt/ [noun, countable, singular] wypora podtrzymująca