Wykonywanie oraz renowacja kamieniarskich elementów architektury
Uzgodnienia dotyczące zakresu prac przy renowacji elementów wykonanych z kamienia
1. Film in the standard version.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RcEGfO2C9KSvp
Uzgodnienia dotyczące zakresu prac przy renowacji elementów wykonanych z kamienia
2. Film with subtitles.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R1IcfTcehDvsi
Uzgodnienia dotyczące zakresu prac przy renowacji elementów wykonanych z kamienia
3. Film with pauses. Listen and repeat.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RZPss9lY8QGp0
Uzgodnienia dotyczące zakresu prac przy renowacji elementów wykonanych z kamienia
4. Film with narration.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RrjSDcJSCvEsY
Uzgodnienia dotyczące zakresu prac przy renowacji elementów wykonanych z kamienia
Put the dialogue in the correct order.Ułóż dialog w odpowiedniej kolejności.
- Great ! In this case we have an arrangement ! See you !
- For the moment being, it is difficult for me to determine. But I will inform you about the progress of work and I will try to determine more or less the date after thorough evaluation of all elements.
- How long will the entire renovation last?
- It seems that there are not many of these objects, but I am afraid that you have to pay a lot of attention to them.
- Ok. And to what extent?
- It probably will not be much work?
- Good morning, I would like to ask you for help in renovating this interior.
- Good morning.
- Generally, I care about the total renovation of this room.
- Generally, I care about the total renovation of this room.
Renowacja kamieniarskich elementów architektury
Match English terms with their Polish equivalents.Połącz angielskie terminy z ich polskimi odpowiednikami.
elementy nagrobka, wymagające renowacji, stiuk przed konserwacją, kamienne epitafium, piaskowanie części gzymsu, stiuk po konserwacji, nadproża w zabytkowym obiekcie, sztukateria na ścianie, szkodliwa czarna patyna
sandblasting of a part of the cornice | |
harmful black patina | |
elements of the tombstone, requiring renovation | |
lintels in a historical building | |
stucco before maintenance | |
stucco after maintenance | |
stucco on the wall | |
stone epitaph |
Przyczyny zniszczeń kamienia
Match the words to make correct phrases.Połącz wyrazy tak, aby razem stanowiły poprawne zwroty.
<span lang="en">coniferous </span>, <span lang="en">conservation </span>, <span lang="en">cement </span>, <span lang="en">destructive </span>, <span lang="en">surface </span>, <span lang="en">rock-forming elements </span>, <span lang="en">chemical </span>, <span lang="en">air </span>, <span lang="en">stone </span>
desintegration | |
mortar | |
washing | |
binders | |
polluted | |
transformations | |
efforts | |
sealing | |
factors |
Mark the correct answer. Zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
Destructive factors can be divided into biological and chemical factors. | □ | □ |
Destruction may occur both in the internal stone structure and also on its surface. | □ | □ |
Water is not a destructive factor for elements of architecture made of stone. | □ | □ |
Structural changes consist of the displacement of the stone binder under the influence of chemical transformations. | □ | □ |
The impact of water causes powdering of the stone surface. | □ | □ |
Under the influence of atmospheric gases, various chemical reactions take place in the stone, formation of salt and slow decomposition of stone. | □ | □ |
The most dangerous is the deterioration resulting from industrial air pollution. | □ | □ |
The stone can deteriorate also as a result of use of unprofessional and inappropriate conservation efforts. | □ | □ |
A seriously destructive effect results from the painting of stones with oil paints or from the use of tight mortars. | □ | □ |
Snow acts favorably because it creates a natural protective layer on the surface of the stone. | □ | □ |
Translate the words in brackets into English and drag the appropriate ones.Przetłumacz słowa w nawiasach na język angielski i przeciągnij odpowiednie wyrażenie.
Destructive, deformations, rock-forming, limestones, unprofessional, weather, paints, Structural, dissolution, internal
1. ............................ factors, because of their nature, can be divided into three groups physico-chemical, biological and mechanical factors. (niszczące)
2. Destruction may occur both in the ............................ stone structure and also on its surface. (wewnętrznej)
3. The impact of water in different forms causes the ............................ , swelling and washing out of ............................ elements. (rozpuszczenie, skałotwórczych)
4. The stone can deteriorate also as a result of use of ............................ and inappropriate conservation efforts. (niefachowych)
5. A seriously destructive effect results from the painting of stones with oil ............................ or from the use of tight mortars. (farbami)
6. Under the influence of ............................ gases, various chemical reactions take place in the stone, formation of salt and slow decomposition of stone. (atmosferycznych)
7. ............................ changes consist of the displacement of the stone binder under the influence of water, and of its chemical transformations. (strukturalne)
8. Light limestone and ............................ with the clay and limestone binder are most vulnerable to the impact of water. (wapienie)
9. The surface is most frequently affected by black patina, salt stains and efflorescence, blisters, peeling and powdering, as well as ............................ and losses. (deformacje)
Zakres prac przy renowacji elementów kamiennych

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RY74P042GigSB
Zakres prac przy renowacji elementów kamiennich
Mark the correct answer.Zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
The method of surface cleaning is selected depending on the type of stone and the type of dirt. | □ | □ |
The safest and at the same time effective technology is cleaning by sandblasting. | □ | □ |
If the shape of the damaged element is not known, a new one should be made according to its concept. | □ | □ |
Reconstruction is about faithful rebuilding, reproduction of the missing element. | □ | □ |
The reconstruction is performed to allow full reception of artistic and aesthetic values of the object. | □ | □ |
Hydrophobization is a procedure that initiates the conservation process. | □ | □ |
The hydrophobization process is performed with a special device. | □ | □ |
If it is not possible to recover the cavity, no renovation works are carried out. | □ | □ |
Before each application, the objects should be cleaned. | □ | □ |
Cleaning of stone elements with a sandblasting machine is applied, but is also often undesirable, as it leads to damage and wear of minor details. | □ | □ |
Read the sentences and complete them with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Przeczytaj zdania i uzupełnij je poprawnymi formami wyrazów w nawiasach.
1. It will require excellent pointing’. He said that it ............ require excellent pointing. (will)
2. 'Efflorescence will cover the whole area'. He said that Efflorescence ............ cover the whole area. (will)
3. 'You can use the oil paints'. The manager has told us that we ............ use the oil paints. (can)
4. 'We have to limit the peeling'. He said that we ............ limit the peeling. (have to)
5. 'We must stick to the deadlines'. The manager is saying that we ............ stick to the deadlines. (must)
6. 'We'll prepare the schedule'. They have told us that they ............ prepare the schedule. (will)
7. 'Many technologies allow conservation works'. He is saying that many technologies ............ conservation works. (allow)
8. 'We are cleaning up the blisters'. They said that they ............ cleaning up the blisters. (are)
Read the questions and choose the correct form. Przeczytaj zdania i wybierz poprawna formę.
despite, as, , so that, as, for, in order to , an spite of, so that, so as to, as, so, because, in case, for, so, although, despite, because, because, due to , because, in case , unless, because
1. I was angry with the foreman ........................ he informed me about the coniferous binders far too late.
2. The stains have been installed ........................ we could carry on with all the remaining work.
3. You have to check the polyester resin ........................ avoid further complications.
4. Could you send me the moulds ........................ I need it urgently, please?
5. You need to apply the oil paints ........................ to avoid such a problem.
6. We should check the mechanical factors ........................ it will be hard to change anything later.
7. We will carry on with the with the stuccowork ........................ we have to change the plan.
8. I need to double check the trim tools ........................ I am not sure how they work.
Translate the words in brackets into English and drag the appropriate ones.Przetłumacz słowa w nawiasach na język angielski i przeciągnij odpowiednie wyrażenie.
seven pm, at noon, ten o’clock sharp, twenty five to eight, by midnight, four o’clock, five o’clock, ten fifteen
1. They need to have cement delivered at ........................................ . (siódma czterdzieści pięć)
2. What time did he come to check the conservation works ? Was it at ........................................ ? (godzina piąta)
3. They started with the sculpting at ........................................ . (punktualnie o dziesiątej)
4. I need to have some black patina at ........................................ at the latest. (dziewiętnasta)
5. She did not send the moulds on time. She delivered them ........................................ which was far too late. (w południe)
6. The archivolt installation was supposed to be ready by ........................................ . (północ)
7. I wonder if he wants to meet our contractors at ........................................ or later? (szesnasta)
8. All the expenses for outside and inside calipers will have to be explained at ........................................ . (dziesiąta piętnaście)
Read the questions and choose the correct form.Przeczytaj zdania i wybierz poprawna form.
Shall, Would, Would, Could, Shall, Would, <span lang='en'Can, Shall, Would, Could, Will, Will, Are, Could, , Can, Would, Will, Can, Shall, Is, Will, Will, Can, Can
1. .......................................... one of the workers give me a hand with these trim tools?
2. .......................................... you like to do me a favour and bring the keystones?
3. .......................................... you possibly show me the way to the conservation work area, please?
4. .......................................... you like to come with me to the cement storage?
5. .......................................... I help you with these loop tools?
6. .......................................... you be so kind and show me the way to the mould storage, please?
7. .......................................... I help you with the ornaments?
8. .......................................... I check the plasticine costs for you?
Put the words in each line (1-8) in the correct order so that they form sentences. Ułóż słowa w odpowiedniej kolejności, tak aby powstały zdania.
1. the / Place / the / corner. / moulds / in ..............................................................
2. are / The / uneven. / pilasters ..................................................
3. had / We / put / some / better / resin / here. / polyester ........................................................................................
4. need / first. / You / the / inside / check / to / caliper ......................................................................................
5. the / me / trowel. / Pass ......................................
6. paint / The / knives / work. / don’t ............................................................
7. is / The / missing. / trowel ............................................
Read the sentences and complete them with the correct forms of the words in. Przeczytaj zdania i uzupełnij je poprawnymi formami wyrazów w nawiasach.
1. Our company deals with construction .................. . (moulds)
2. Can you check the tightness ................ ? (pointing)
3. Bring me .............. trowel. (Tom)
4. Where is ...................... knife? (builders)
5. The owner ................................ gave the keys to the worker. (the warehouse)
6. Let’s look at the ........................ losses. (building)
7. Here are the ...................... tools. (foreman)
8. Bring me ................ trim tools. (John)
Choose the correct option from the drop-down menu. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź z listy.
Let us, Could you check, Will you, You could check, Please, Don’t, Will, Let's, Could, Let's, Let's, Why don't, Can, Can, Could, , Won’t, Would, Could, Check, Let's, Will you, You can, Let’s, Could
1. .............................. use the rock forming elements.
2. .............................. the pointing.
3. .............................. select the most suitable loop tools.
4. .............................. you check the efflorescence in the room?
5. .............................. check the pointing first.
6. .............................. pass me the trim tool, please?
7. Jeff, .............................. step on the deformations.
8. .............................. sign the maintenance conservation works protocol.
Choose the correct option from the drop-down menu. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź z listy.
Theirs, Their, our, their, our, theirs, his, your, he, , ours, ours, my, yours, mine, theirs, their
1. You can use ............ trim tool.
2. Use ............ moulds for better shapes.
3. They own the keystone. It is ............ .
4. Can you use ............ oil paints?
5. ............ new knife is unavailable on the market.
6. These new trim tools are ............ .
7. Can I take a look at ............ losses, please?
8. I wish to talk to ............ sub-contractors as the arch is misplaced.
Read the sentences and complete them with the correct forms of the words in brackets. Przeczytaj zdania i uzupełnij je poprawnymi formami wyrazów w nawiasach.
1. I believe that the texture is .............. . (thick)
2. Knives are ............ in this case. (good)
3. It is ............ to put some pillars than anything else. (easy)
4. The arch is the .............. in the country. (long)
5. They should be ................................ during the conservation works. (cooperative)
6. What is the length of this pilaster .............. ? (exact)
7. Clay is the ................ one to use. (cheap)
8. It is advised to do the stuccowork ................ . (proper)
For each sentence choose the correct preposition from the box. Wybierz poprawny przyimek z listy.
against, through, out, with, on, about, with, about
1. I am excited .............. this new conservation work.
2. He deals .............. all the conservation efforts.
3. Could we finally agree .............. the details of the stuccowork.?
4. Tell us more .............. the stone disintegration.
5. It protects .............. efflorescence.
6. Let's begin .............. the stuccowork.
7. Why don’t we go .............. the arches first.
8. This equipment is used to take .............. cement.
/bækˈtɪəriə/ [noun, countable] bakteria
/ˌbaɪ.əˈlɒdʒ.ɪ.kəl fæk.təsr/ [noun, countable] czynniki biologiczne
/blæk pæt.ɪ.nə/ [noun, uncountable] czarna patyna
/ˈblɪs.tərs/ [noun, countable] spęcherzenia
/sɪˈment/ [noun, uncountable] cement
/ˈkem.ɪ.kəl træns.fəˈmeɪ.ʃəns/ [noun, countable] przemiany chemiczne
/kəˈnɪf.ər.əs baɪn.dərs/ [noun, countable] lepiszcze iglaste
/ˌkɒn.səˈveɪ.ʃən ef.əts/ [noun, countable] zabiegi konserwatorskie
/ˌdiː.fɔːˈmeɪ.ʃəns/ [noun, countable] odkształcenia
/dɪˈstrʌk·tɪv fæk.təs/ [noun, countable] czynniki niszczące
/ˌdɪs.əˈluː.ʃən/ [noun, uncountable] rozpuszczanie
/ˈfʌŋ.ɡai ænd laɪ.kəns/ [noun, countable] grzyby i porosty
/ɪnˈtɜː.nə stəʊn strʌk.tʃər/ [noun, countable] wewnętrzna struktura kamienia
/lɒses/ [noun, countable] ubytki
/məˈkæn.ɪ.kəl fæk.təs/ [noun, countable] czynniki mechaniczne
/ɔɪl peɪnts/ [noun, uncountable] farby olejne
/piːling/ [verb] łuszczenie
/ˈsaɪ.kəʊ kem.ɪ.kəl fæk.təs/ [noun, uncountable] czynniki fizykochemiczne
/pɔɪnting/ [verb] spoinowanie
/pəˈluːtid eər/ [noun, uncountable] zanieczyszczenia powietrze
/ˈpaʊ.dering/ [verb] pudrowanie się
/rɒk fɔːming el·ə·mənts/ [noun, countable] składniki skałotwórcze
/sɒlt ef.ləˈres.əns/ [noun, uncountable] wykwity solne
/steɪns/ [noun, countable] zaplamienia
/stəʊn baɪn.dər/ [noun, countable] lepiszcze kamienia
/stəʊn dɪˌsɪn.tɪˈɡreɪ.ʃən/ [noun, uncountable] dezintegracja kamienia
/sweling/ [verb] pęcznienie
/taɪt ˈmɔː.tərs/ [noun, uncountable] szczelne zaprawy
/ˌʌn.prəˈfeʃ.ən.əl/ [adjective] niefachowe
/ˈwɒʃ.ɪŋ aʊt/ [verb] wymywanie