Wykonywanie oraz renowacja sztukatorskich elementów architektury
Sztukateria w obiektach zabytkowych
After reading the text, choose the correct answer.Po zapoznaniu się z tekstem zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
Stuccowork includes the decorative elements only outside buildings. | □ | □ |
The elements of stuccowork are neither made of gypsum nor polyester resin. | □ | □ |
The elements of stuccowork are mounted to walls and ceilings. | □ | □ |
The removal of stuccowork may cause its damage. | □ | □ |
During the conservation work, it is not always possible to remove an element of the stuccowork. | □ | □ |
The elements of stuccowork ale sculpted from stone. | □ | □ |
If the stuccowork is made of gypsum, then the sites where the elements are joined must be covered with polyester resin. | □ | □ |
Some of the gypsum products with smooth and flat surfaces may be polished. | □ | □ |
Complete the sentences with expressions in brackets.Uzupełnij zdania wyrażeniami w nawiasach.
polyester resin, gypsum paste, decorative elements, architecture, stuccowork, sculpted, conservation work, invisible
1. Stuccowork includes ...................................... such as ornaments, cornices inside and outside buildings. (elementy dekoracyjne)
2. Most frequently, elements of stuccowork are made of gypsum or ...................................... . (żywica poliestrowa)
3. The elements of stuccowork are used in ...................................... since the antiquity, but they became more common in the period of Renaissance and Baroque. (architektura)
4. ...................................... in historical buildings often require the performance of the stuccowork according to an existing pattern. (roboty konserwatorskie)
5. The element of the stuccowork may be ...................................... , e.g. from stone and mounted in a manner that makes its removal impossible. (wyrzeźbiony)
6. Both the models and the finished ...................................... are made on many occasions from the respective elements, put together and joined to create one whole. (sztukateria)
7. The joints of the respective parts of the stuccowork must be made completely invisible ...................................... . (niewidoczne)
8. If the stuccowork is made of gypsum, then the sites where the elements are joined must be covered with ...................................... . (zaprawa gipsowa)
Wykonywanie modeli sztukatorskich
1. Film in the standard version.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R40kOR3ULNJ66
Wykonywanie modeli sztukatorskich
2. Film with subtitles.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RcpExEtNuR9Nm
Wykonywanie modeli sztukatorskich
3. Film with pauses. Listen and repeat.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RW9GYKEoAeDYo
Wykonywanie modeli sztukatorskich
4. Film with narration.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R1BFD7oIafteV
Wykonywanie modeli sztukatorskich
After watching the film, mark the correct answer.Po obejrzeniu filmu zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
Modelling involves the making of a natural-sized object or architectural element. | □ | □ |
Most frequently, stuccowork models can be prepared from clay, plasticine, gypsum and wood. | □ | □ |
Clay model is fragile and must be protected against drying up. | □ | □ |
The sculpting technique allows for the work with a plastic material. | □ | □ |
The model made of clay may be used as a casting mould. | □ | □ |
Plasticine dries up and can be used repeatedly. | □ | □ |
Based on the model made of clay, we form a plasticine model. | □ | □ |
Plasticine allows for less precise sculpting than clay. | □ | □ |
Put the dialogue in the correct order.Ułóż dialog w odpowiedniej kolejności.
- Modelling consists of making an object of a natural size, or an architectural element with a set shape and surface texture, intended for the reproduction of elements by means of gypsum casts.
- Andy, what is the solution to such a situation?
- What techniques can we apply for modelling in plasticine?
- It is fragile and must be protected against drying up. It is not possible to carry out a casting mould directly from clay.
- The sculpting technique allows for the work with a plastic material. As well as plasticine, we can also use clay.
- Maggie, what are the drawbacks of the clay model?
- What materials can be used to prepare stuccowork models?
- Most often from clay, plasticine, gypsum and wood.
- Before we proceed with the exercise, let’s check what you know about making models. Let’s start from the beginning. What is modelling? Perhaps Andy can answer.
- Based on the model made of clay, we carry out a gypsum cast, which will be used as a mould. The same refers to plasticine.
Narzędzia wykorzystywane do robót sztukatorskich
Connect the Polish terms with their English counterparts.Połącz polskie terminy z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
skrobaki, szpachelki, macka traserska do wymiarów zewnętrznych, macka traserska do wymiarów wewnętrznych, nóż, oczka
outside caliper | |
inside cali per | |
knife | |
trowels | |
trim to ols | |
loop tools |
Elementy sztukatorskie w architekturze

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R1DbvsZ1LEFOw
Elementy sztukatorskie w architekturze
Po obejrzeniu filmu zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.Po obejrzeniu filmu zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
Cornice is usually a vertical strip that protrudes from the wall surface. | □ | □ |
An archivolt is a local wall thickening in the form of a flat pillar. | □ | □ |
Pilaster is a local thickening of the wall in the form of a flat pillar placed at the wall. | □ | □ |
Column is one of the oldest construction elements used in architecture. | □ | □ |
Archivolt is profiled, often richly decorated surface of the arch that closes an opening in the wall of the structure from the top. | □ | □ |
A keystone is usually richly profiled and decorated arch peak finish. | □ | □ |
A column is a horizontal architectural support in the form of a pillar. | □ | □ |
A pilaster is a flat pillar which slightly juts from the wall surface. | □ | □ |
Match the numbers with the words.Połącz liczebniki główne z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
<span lang="en">ninety-eight </span>, <span lang="en">thirty </span>, <span lang="en">fifteen </span>, <span lang="en">fifty </span>, <span lang="en">forty </span>, <span lang="en">sixty-five </span>, <span lang="en">a hundred </span>, <span lang="en">thirteen </span>
13 | |
40 | |
15 | |
30 | |
50 | |
65 | |
98 | |
100 |
Choose the correct option from the drop-down menu. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź z listy.
s, -, s, -, s, , -, -, s, -, es, -, s, s, -, s, -
1. Building regulation ............ affects the conservation works.
2. The client ............ knows the date of launching construction efforts.
3. The ornament ............ are protected.
4. We need twenty pillar ............ .
5. Equipment ............ will be delivered tomorrow.
6. The first project ............ is urgent.
7. I’d like to complete this stuccowork ............ .
8. We've built 15 arch ............ .
Read the sentences and complete them with the correct forms of the words in brackets. Przeczytaj zdania i uzupełnij je poprawnymi formami wyrazów w nawiasach.
1. We ............ using a variety of gypsum casts. (be)
2. The company ............ built 15 piers. (have)
3. ............ he know how to protect this cornice? (do)
4. The client .............. know the date of the launch of renovation works. (do not)
5. They ............ need to evaluate the deformations. (do not)
6. He ............ carried out stuccowork yet. (have not)
7. We ............ approving renovation projects. (be not)
8. This company .............. clean up the clay work area. (do not)
Put the words in each line (1-8) in the correct order so that they form sentences. Ułóż słowa w odpowiedniej kolejności, tak aby powstały pytania.
1. we / clay / now? / form / the / Can ..................................................
2. they / any? / built / Have / yet / pillars ................................................................
3. going / to / again /Are / to / on / the / we? / meet / agree / details / stuccowork ............................................................................................................................
4. you / Will / at / the / look / cornice / take? / a ..........................................................................
5. you / of / show / arrangement / Can / the / the / me / column? / project ............................................................................................................
6. any / the / Has / company / built? / facilities ..........................................................................
7. it / Is / to / evaluate? / the / sculpting / necessary ....................................................................................
8. protect / the / designed / to / works / Are? / structures / construction ....................................................................................................................
Read the sentences and complete them with the correct forms of the words in brackets.Przeczytaj zdania i uzupełnij je poprawnymi formami wyrazów w nawiasach.
1. The conservation works must .............. according to the project. (be do)
2. The clay needs ........................ appropriately. (be shape)
3. The edges of the stucco ...................... . (be secure).
4. The mould should .......................... .(be clean up)
5. The stains can .................... with a cloth. (be clean)
6. The project has .......................... already. (be approve)
7. All stucco works should ............................ within months. (be carry out)
8. As a rule, texture ...................... by the builders. (be prepare)
Choose the correct option from the drop-down menu. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź z listy.
-, An, a, an, The, a, A, -, -, the, -, a, -, An, -, a,
1. ............ efflorescence is a natural process.
2. ............ losses will be covered.
3. ............ tight mortars should be used here.
4. The company has applied ............ number of chemical transformations so far.
5. You can handle the construction of ............ pillar.
6. Destructive factors have ............ impact on the condition of the building.
7. ............ arch is built above the door.
8. It is necessary to evaluate ............ stucckwork.
Put the words in each line (1-8) in the correct order so that they form sentences. Ułóż słowa w odpowiedniej kolejności, tak aby powstały zdania.
1. does / specialize / company / What / in? / the ........................................................................
2. do / efforts / What / conservation / include? / these ......................................................................................
3. conducts / Who / efforts? / conservation ....................................................................
4. disintegration? / the / What / stone / caused ..........................................................................
5. we / cement / expect / When / delivery? / do ....................................................................
6. do / we / What / prepare? / moulds ....................................................
7. do / the / you / fungi / How / from / wall ? / remove ............................................................................
8. you / gypsum / a / Can / cast? / prepare ..............................................................
Choose the correct option from the drop-down menu. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź z listy.
me, he, Us, , she, him, we, I, them, We, I, Them, me, They, they, us, her
1. Introduce ............ to the assumptions of the project.
2. ............ are constructing an arch.
3. Call ............ in case of any doubts.
4. Call ............ when you choose the pointing type.
5. Can you visit ............ today?
6. Send ............ oil paints.
7. ............ want to to scoop out black patina.
8. Notify ............ about gypsum delivery.
Choose the correct option from the drop-down menu. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź z listy.
can, can, have to, mustn't, needn't, need, may, need, needs, must, ought, have, must, need, has to, , have to, can, can, must, must, has, needs, has to, has
1. How .............. I help you?
2. Contractors .............. start the stucco works.
3. They .............. buy a new keystone.
4. We .............. to restore its original ornaments.
5. You .............. to order a few loop tools.
6. Do we .............. to secure the gypsum?
7. Does he .............. to take a look at the deformations?
8. We .............. examine the cornices.
Choose the correct option from the drop-down menu. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź z listy.
What, Who, What, Who, Where, Whose, How, who, When, How, Why, Who, What, When, , What, Who, Who, Who, Which, Where , Whose, whom, When, Why
1. ............ did you put the outside caliper?
2. ............ did you see the stains?
3. ............ brings the tools?
4. ............ is the equipment?
5. ............ documentation do we need?
6. ............ is the man over there? - That’s our new manager.
7. ............ does this machine work?
8. ............ whom do we report to?
/ɑːtʃ/ [noun, countable] łuk
/ar·chi·volt/ [noun, countable] archiwolta
/kɑːst/ [adjective] odlewana
/ˌsɪv.əl en.dʒɪˈnɪə.rɪŋ/ [noun, uncountable] budownictwo
/kleɪ/ [noun, uncountable] glina
/ˈkɒl.əm/ [noun, uncountable] kolumna
/ˌkɒn.səˈveɪ.ʃən wɜːk/ [noun, countable] roboty konserwatorskie
/ˈkɔː.nɪs/ [noun, countable] gzyms
/ˈdʒɪpsəm/ [noun, uncountable] gips
/ˈdʒɪp.səm kɑːst/ [noun, uncountable] odlew gipsowy
/ˈdʒɪp.səm peɪst/ [noun, uncountable] odlew gipsowy
/hɪˈstɒr.ɪ.kəl/ [adjective] zabytkowy
/ɪnˈsʌɪd kalɪpə/ [noun, countable] macka traserska do wymiarów wewnętrznych
/ˈkiː.stəʊn/ [noun, countable] zwornik
/naɪf/ [noun, countable] nóż
/luːp tuːls/ [noun, countable] oczka
/məʊld/ [noun, countable] forma
/ˈɔːr.nə.mənt/ [noun, countable] ornament
/ˌaʊtˈsaɪd kalɪpə/ [noun, countable] macka traserska do wymiarów zewnętrznych
/pɪər/ [noun, countable] filar
/pi·las·ter/ [noun, countable] pilaster
/ˈpɪl.ər/ [noun, countable] słup
/ˈplæs.tə.siːn/ [noun, uncountable] plastelina
/ˌpɑː.liˈes.tɚ ˈrez.ɪn/ [noun, uncountable] żywica poliestrowa
/vaɪˈbreɪ.ʃəns/ [verb] rzeźbienie
/skʌlptin /tekˈniːk/ [noun, countable] technika rzeźbiarska
/ˈstʌk.oʊ/ [noun, uncountable] stiuk
/stə‑kō‑ˌwərk/ [noun, uncountable] sztukateria
/stə‑kō‑ˌwərk ˈel.ɪ.mənt/ [noun, countable] element sztukatorski
/ˈteks.tʃər/ [noun, uncountable] faktura (powierzchni)
/trɪm tuːls/ [noun, countable] skrobaki
/traʊəl/ [noun, countable] szpachelka