Chemical analysis laboratory
1. Film in the standard version.

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
A laboratory technician discusses the results of an orchardist’s soil analysis. During the conservation, the laboratory technician makes sure that the samples were collected in accordance with the rules for orchard tests. Pracownik laboratorium omawia z klientem wyniki analizy gleby. W trakcie rozmowy pracownik upewnia się, że próby zostały pobrane zgodnie z zasadami dla prób sadowniczych.
2. Film with subtitles.

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
A laboratory technician discusses the results of an orchardist’s soil analysis. During the conservation, the laboratory technician makes sure that the samples were collected in accordance with the rules for orchard tests. Pracownik laboratorium omawia z klientem wyniki analizy gleby. W trakcie rozmowy pracownik upewnia się, że próby zostały pobrane zgodnie z zasadami dla prób sadowniczych.
3. Film with subtitles and pauses. Listen and repeat after the speaker.

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
A laboratory technician discusses the results of an orchardist’s soil analysis. During the conservation, the laboratory technician makes sure that the samples were collected in accordance with the rules for orchard tests. Pracownik laboratorium omawia z klientem wyniki analizy gleby. W trakcie rozmowy pracownik upewnia się, że próby zostały pobrane zgodnie z zasadami dla prób sadowniczych.
4. Film with subtitles and narration.

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
A laboratory technician discusses the results of an orchardist’s soil analysis. During the conservation, the laboratory technician makes sure that the samples were collected in accordance with the rules for orchard tests. Pracownik laboratorium omawia z klientem wyniki analizy gleby. W trakcie rozmowy pracownik upewnia się, że próby zostały pobrane zgodnie z zasadami dla prób sadowniczych.
After watching the film “Chemical analysis laboratory”, complete the sentences with the correct words or phrases.
Po obejrzeniu filmu „Laboratorium analiz chemicznych”, uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi słowami lub frazami.
soil stick, arable layer, magnesium lime, pH, phosphorus, orchard analysis, carbonate lime, macroelements
In the laboratory, the orchardist collects the results of his .................................
The samples for analysis are collected from the ................................ and subsoil.
The soil for analysis can be collected with a ................................ , or a spade.
For orchard fertilization, it is important to determine the soil’s richness in .................................
The ................................ on two summer quarters is too low.
The orchardist should calcify the summer quarters with .................................
The orchardist shouldn’t calcify the summer quarters with .................................
There is a very high content of ................................ on the Cortland quarters.
Principles of forming and caring for fruit shrubs and trees

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
The animation concerns the forming of fruit trees and shrubs. The material presents the tools used for cutting trees, and the methods of tree cutting and tree caring after planting. Animacja dotyczy formowania drzew i krzewów owocowych. Materiał prezentuje narzędzia do wykonania cięcia oraz sposoby cięcia i prowadzenia drzew po posadzeniu.
On the basis of the animation “Principles of forming and caring for fruit shrubs and trees”, decide whether the sentences are true or false.
Na podstawie animacji „Zasady formowania i prowadzenia krzewów i drzew owocowych”, zdecyduj czy twierdzenie jest prawdziwe czy nie.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
We cut trees using a saw, or pruning shears. | □ | □ |
The cut by the branch root consists in cutting out a piece of the branch. | □ | □ |
Cutting branches back to the stub means cutting out the entire branch. | □ | □ |
The forming cut lasts 3-4 years after planting the trees. | □ | □ |
The trimming cut is done in autumn. | □ | □ |
The renewal cut consists in removing the tips of the boughs and branches. | □ | □ |
The branches of trees with a spindle-shaped tree crown are almost symmetrically arranged. | □ | □ |
A nearly natural crown does not require a trimming cut. | □ | □ |
Methods of preventing diseases and pests in an orchard

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
The animation presents popular orchard weeds, diseases, pests, and prophylactic treatments in fruit tree cultivations. Animacja przedstawia popularne chwasty, choroby i szkodniki sadu oraz zabiegi profilaktyczne w uprawie drzew owocowych.
Interview with an orchardist
The hypertext material is an interview between a journalist and an orchardist. They talk about orchard cultivation, soil and weather conditions and topographic relief, and their influence on the selection of fruit plants species. The interview is broadcast on the radio.
Materiał hipertekstowy jest rozmową dziennikarza z sadownikiem, który mówi o uprawach sadowniczych, warunkach glebowych i klimatycznych oraz rzeźbie terenu i ich wpływie na dobór poszczególnych gatunków upraw sadowniczych. Rozmowa jest transmitowana w radio.
Journalist: Good morning, we’ve met today to talk about fruit growing. Please, tell me where an orchard can be set up.
Orchardist: Well, to ensure high and stable yieldingstable yielding, we need to carefully examine the place where the trees will grow.
Journalist: So, what do we need to pay attention to?
Orchardist: We need to find out whatsoilsoiland subsoilsubsoil we have, what the water relations are, and what the topographic relieftopographic relief is like. The soil for most fruit cultivations can’t be too heavy, which means it can’t contain too much clayclay. It can’t be too light either. In other words it can’t be too sandy. In the former, the roots won’t develop well and there will be a problem with air shortageair shortage. In the latter, there will be no water and nutrientsnutrients. Tree roots reach great depths, therefore the requirements for the subsoil, which is the layer below the level of ploughinglevel of ploughing, are equally important.
Journalist: Are water relations important if we can irrigate the soil?
Orchardist: The groundwater tablegroundwater table level is important for fruit growing. If it is too shallow, the roots will drown and rot.
Journalist: I understand. Could you please tell me what the topographic relief affects?
Orchardist: It affects possible freezing. The recesses whichcold air masscold air mass flows into aren’t suitable for fruit cultivations, because trees and shrubs will freezefreeze there. Flowers and buds will also be at risk of freezing.
Journalist: What about the soil for establishing the orchard?
Orchardist: The soil should be fertile, rich in humushumus, sufficiently moist and permeable. But even the most fertile soil should be properly prepared, starting with removing the permanent weeds and the plough panplough pan, and enriching the soil with humus.
Journalist: Unfortunately, we have run out of time. Dear listeners, please send your questions for our guest by email. We’ll return to this conversation next week. Thank you for time.
Orchardist: Thank you as well. I’ll be waiting for the questions.
After familiarizing yourself with the hypertext “Interview with an orchardist”, match the Polish expressions with their English equivalents.
Po zapoznaniu się z hipertekstem „Wywiad z sadownikiem”, połącz polskie terminy z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
air shortage, level of ploughing, topographic relief, freeze, plough pan, humus, stable yielding, soil, groundwater table, clay
stabilne plonowanie | |
gleba | |
rzeźba terenu | |
glina | |
niedobór powietrza | |
lustro wody gruntowej | |
przemarzać | |
próchnica | |
podeszwa płużna | |
poziom orki |
Beginning the fruit harvest season
The hypertext material presents the meeting of an orchardist and his family who work for him. The conversation concerns the harvest of fruit from individual quarters, their transport to the storage room, and the filling of the cold rooms.
Hipertekst przedstawia naradę sadownika z rodziną, która jest u niego zatrudniona. Rozmowa dotyczy zbioru owoców z poszczególnych kwater, transportu do przechowalni i zapełniania komór chłodniczych.
Father: Time to start the harvest. Johnny, is there any fruit left in the quarter with summer varieties?
Johnny: We’ve finished selling the summersummer dessert varietiesdessert varieties. The last was Early Geneva.
Father: Alice, are the autumn varietiesautumn varieties ready for harvesting?
Alice: We have to wait. The starch teststarch test has indicated the onset of starch formation. The firmness testfirmness test, of course, has indicated that they are hard. I think we have to wait another week. The more modern the storage technology, the greater the requirements for the degree of apple maturity, loading speed and fruit cooling.
Father: Make sure the pickerspickers don’t bruise the apples. You have to put the apples gently into the boxesboxes and jumbo boxesjumbo boxes, so that there are no bruisesbruises that cause rottingrotting.
Alice: Will we be able to fill the cold roomscold rooms before the harvest of the winter varietieswinter varieties begins?
Johnny: Definitely. The rooms with a controlled atmosphere have been checked by a service technician. The sensors and the computer system are operational, the refrigeration unitsrefrigeration units and the CO2 scrubbers work, and the nitrogen cylinders have also been delivered. We also remember about the inspection of the equipment and storage parameters, because it’s easy to destroy all of the stored fruit.
Father: You're right. Remember, however, that the rooms are dangerous. Liquid nitrogen can burn the skin, and once the oxygen is exhausted, one breath in the room means the loss of consciousness and death!
Alice and Johnny: Oh dad, you've said that a hundred times!
Father: And I’ll say it once again: health and safety rules aren’t a joke, but the protection of health and life.
After familiarizing yourself with the hypertext “Beginning the fruit harvest season”, choose the correct answer.
Po zapoznaniu się z hipertekstem „Rozpoczęcie sezonu zbioru owoców”, wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź.
apple hardness, is dangerous, liquid nitrogen can poison you, C02 scrubbers, the formation of starch, apple rotting, greater requirements for the degree of apple maturity, mature slower, liquid nitrogen exhausts the oxygen in the cold room, do not have bruises, mature faster, liquid nitrogen can burn the skin, maturing, the formation of starch, is not dangerous, an autumn, pickers, rotting, a winter, the same requirements for the degree of apple maturity, smaller requirements for the degree of apple maturity, a summer, is impossible, boxes
Early Geneva is ............................................................................................................ variety.
The increase in the modernity of the storage technology of apples results in .............................................................................................................
Apples put gently into boxes .............................................................................................................
Cold rooms consist of, among others .............................................................................................................
Cold rooms are dangerous because .............................................................................................................
The depletion of oxygen in a cold room .............................................................................................................
Firmness tests indicate .............................................................................................................
Apple bruising results in .............................................................................................................
Labels of plant protection preparations
The hypertext material discusses a protection preparation against fungal diseases. The features of the product label are listed: the distributor, the trade name, the active substance and carrier, harmfulness and toxicity class, pictograms, the description of the product's action, comments and use, doses and dates.
Hipertekst omawia preparat do ochrony przeciwko chorobom grzybowym. Wymieniane są cechy etykiety preparatu: dystrybutor, nazwa handlowa, substancja aktywna i nośnik, szkodliwość i klasa toksyczności, piktogramy, opis działania preparatu, uwagi oraz stosowanie, dawki i terminy.
How to read labelslabels of plant protection preparations?
The label is a form of a safety instruction, so it is important to familiarize yourself with it before using the plant protection preparationplant protection preparation.
In the first part of the label, pay attention to the distributordistributor of the product, because this is the recipient of any complaints regarding product quality.
Then we have the trade name of the preparationpreparation (Syllit 65 WP) and its active substance (dodine).
In the name we also have the content of the active substance (65%) and the formulation of the product, i.e. what its carriercarrier is (in this case a wettable powder).
The next part of the label includes pictograms and warnings regarding safety and threats to people and the environment.
In the description of action section, the mechanism of the action of the preparation is described. In this case, it is a fungicidalfungicidal preparation with contact actioncontact action, for preventativepreventative,interventionalinterventional and destructivedestructive use.
The second part holds detailed recommendations:
● what plants we use it on (here apple and pear trees);
● what diseases it fights (here apple scab Venturia inaquealis);
● the recommended dosage of the product per hectaredosage of the product per hectare;
● dates of application;
● the recommended dosage of water for the spraying.
Next the following dates are discussed:
● waiting periodwaiting period - i.e. the period that must pass after the application of the product, before the plants intended for consumption can be harvested.
●preventionprevention - the period preventing poisoningpoisoning on the plantation, i.e. the time that must elapse between the application of the preparation to the entry of humans and animals, and the bee's departure to the plantation.
Then the safety rules for the following are discussed:
● preparing the working fluid;
● storing the pesticidepesticide;
● safe using for humans and handling the packaging.
On the basis of the hypertext “Labels of plant protection preparations”, decide whether the sentences are true or false.
Na podstawie hipertekstu „Etykiety środków ochrony roślin”, zdecyduj czy twierdzenia są prawdziwe czy fałszywe.
The waiting time is the period that must pass after the application of the product, before the plants intended for consumption can be harvested., The label contains information about the formulation of the product, in other words what its carrier is., The product can have a contact action., Prevention is the period that must pass after the use of the pesticide before consumption., The label is a form of a safety instruction of using a plant protection preparation., The label does not contain the name of the product, only the name of the active substance., In the first part of the label, you should pay attention to the distributor of the product., The products are for preventative, interventional and destructive use.
TRUE | |

Zasób interaktywny dostępny pod adresem https://zpe.gov.pl/a/DwI2kWtYB
substancja aktywna
masy powietrza
niedobór powietrza
stan powietrzo‑suchy
wynik analizy
parch jabłoni
warstwa orna
odmiana jesienna
choroby kory i drewna
tlenek wapnia
wapno węglanowe
masa zimnego powietrza
komora chłodnicza
działanie kontaktowe
cięcie na czop
cięcie na obrączkę
odmiana deserowa
rozpuszczalny w wodzie
pąk śpiący
dawka preparatu na hektar
badanie jędrności
cięcie formujące
kieszeń mrozowa
lustro wody gruntowej
poziom orki
wapno magnezowe
niedobory składników mineralnych
naturalna przeszkodza
korona prawie naturalna
składnik pokarmowy
analiza sadownicza, analizy sadownicze
odczyn pH
środek ochrony roślin
podeszwa płużna
agregat chłodniczy
cięcie odnawiające
laska glebowa
korona wrzecionowa
stabilna granulka
stabline plonowanie
test skrobiowy
choroby przechowalnicze
cięcie letnie
odmiana letnia
cięcie prześwietlające
rzeźba terenu
korzeń drzewa
bardzo lekki
regulacja zachwaszczenia
cięcie zimowe
odmiana zimowa