BANK POCZTOWY (POST BANK) R1Btd4SLVy45P 1 Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R1Btd4SLVy45P
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
Ekonomia i rachunkowość
RiZY8LusyB9U8 1 Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RiZY8LusyB9U8
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
Ekonomia i rachunkowość
R11rIDMS2H3D4 1 Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R11rIDMS2H3D4
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
Ekonomia i rachunkowość
R1cB1go7UR1yv 1 Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R1cB1go7UR1yv
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Exercise 1
R12kNVuQshpF4 1
After watching the film, choose the correct answer. Po obejrzeniu filmu, wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź.
orally, mortgage loan, 120 months, a mortgage loan, 20 months, suspended, 120 weeks, loan for any purpose, granting a loan, a credit card, in electronic form, by telephone, two, closing a personal account, paid off, transferred to the third party, opening a personal account, mortgage loan, a personal account, loan for any purpose, four, three, consolidation loan, consolidation loan
The client has at this bank: ............................................................
The client would like to learn about the terms of: ............................................................
The client is interested in a: ............................................................
The client once had a ............................................................ with this bank.
The old loan is now: ............................................................
The employee offers the client ............................................................ credit options
The loan period for the postal credit can be up to: ............................................................
In order to receive the account credit, you can submit an application: ............................................................
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
Exercise 2
RrMSl3Qjq1j5E 1 Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
Exercise 3
R18Q9048KzMBE 1
Match the Polish words and phrases with their English translations. Połącz polskie słowa i zwroty z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
wyliczenie, obciążenia, odsetki, kredyt konsolidacyjny, wniosek, wpływy, rata, saldo, wpłata, kredyt hipoteczny
mortgage loan
consolidation loan
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
m9c63f9378b930811_1534958472214_0 FINANCIAL SERVICES AT THE POST OFFICE RsrfJe9dVQTQ0 1 Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RsrfJe9dVQTQ0
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Exercise 4
R163LW7zf7IVX 1
After watching the voiced animation, decide, which of the following statements are true, and which are false. Po obejrzeniu animacji z lektorem, zdecyduj, które z poniższych wypowiedzi są prawdziwe, a które fałszywe.
The post implements many different financial services.
Money transfer may be ordered only in electronic form.
A postal order is an order to deliver to a recipient a certain amount of money by post.
A postal order cannot be commissioned to carry out at a postman.
A money express is a financial payment service consisting in the payment of a certain sum of money in cash, within a guaranteed time.
The money express order can be processed already 10 minutes after posting time.
Deposits to a bank account can be carried out only via deposit received at a post office.
Post office cannot offer its clients any other bank and financial services.
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
Exercise 5
RGSSNaA2zj2w3 1
After watching the voiced animation, complete the sentences with correct prepositions. Use the word bank. Po obejrzeniu animacji z lektorem, uzupełnij luki w zdaniach odpowiednimi przyimkami. Skorzystaj z banku słów.
after, of, to, out, in, through, by, at, on
Money transfer may be ordered .............. both electronic and paper form.
A postal order is an order to deliver .............. a recipient a certain amount of money.
Make the payment .............. a post office.
You can also make the payment .............. a website.
It consists in the payment .............. a certain sum of money in cash, within a guaranteed time.
It is paid out at at the address indicated .............. the sender.
The order can be processed already 10 minutes .............. posting time.
Deposits to a bank account can be carried .............. in a few ways.
The payment is forwarded to the account of the recipient .............. the next business day.
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
Exercise 6
R1eFr3jGl0NQl 1
After watching the voiced animation, match Polish names with their translations. Po obejrzeniu animacji z lektorem, połącz polskie terminy z ich tłumaczeniami.
logistyka gotówki, wpłata gotówkowa, transfer środków pieniężnych, zlecenie do realizacji, placówka pocztowa, ekspres pieniężny, placówka oddawcza, wpłata na rachunek bankowy, zlecenie przekazu, przekaz pocztowy
money transfer
transfer order
postal order
post office
commission to carry out
money express
delivery post office
deposit to a bank account
cash deposit
cash logistics
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
m9c63f9378b930811_1534958494145_0 MONEY ORDER - COMPLAINT Post office employee: Good morning. How can I help you?
Client: Good morning. I wanted to file a complaint m9c63f9378b930811_1535288401568_0 file a complaint . It's about a money order m9c63f9378b930811_1535288416849_0 money order . I tried to do it via the Internet. Unfortunately, I couldn't do it.
P: What is the reason for the complaint?
C: The order did not reach the recipient on time.
P: It is necessary to write an incorrect performance of the service m9c63f9378b930811_1535288549558_0 incorrect performance of the service . Have there been any delivery attempts m9c63f9378b930811_1535288535911_0 delivery attempts ?
C: None that I am aware of.
P: Are you the sender or addressee?
C: The sender.
P: Was the message delivered in time m9c63f9378b930811_1535288430087_0 delivered in time longer than 8 days?
C: Yes.
P: You will need to fill out a complaint form. Here it is. It is quite short. Do you need help filling it?
C: Yes, please.
P: Let's start from the beginning. Please mark that this is a postal order m9c63f9378b930811_1535288519070_0 postal order . Do you have the posting number m9c63f9378b930811_1535288443880_0 posting number ?
C: Just a sec. Is it this number?
P: No. It's the number on the bottom right.
C: I see it.
P: The date of posting m9c63f9378b930811_1535288459839_0 date of posting will also be needed.
C: Date of posting? That was three weeks ago ... Is this a problem?
P: No. Complaints may be lodged not earlier than after 14 days from the day following the day of posting. However, this cannot happen later than within 12 months. Was there a receipt confirmation m9c63f9378b930811_1535288471976_0 receipt confirmation ?
C: Yes.
P: Please fill in the details of the sender and recipient.
C: Is this all?
P: Please sign it. I will also need the original proof of posting m9c63f9378b930811_1535288505092_0 original proof of posting .
C: In what time can I expect an answer?
P: The answer should be within no more than 30 days from the date of its submission.
Exercise 7
Rxb3LwIVu1FjP 1 Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
m9c63f9378b930811_1535288549558_0 nienależyte wykonanie usługi
RoEvG7LivuEU8 1 Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
m9c63f9378b930811_1535288535911_0 próba doręczenia
R4CPzzYEBPwg5 1 Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
m9c63f9378b930811_1535288519070_0 przekaz pocztowy
RktAQbBVSaMwG 1 Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
m9c63f9378b930811_1535288505092_0 oryginał dowodu nadania
RDZbhvO9NbcUP 1 Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
m9c63f9378b930811_1535288490851_0 dane nadawcy
R84vO8zW3MuMF 1 Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
m9c63f9378b930811_1535288471976_0 potwierdzenie odbioru
R10Ci1AG5J7Kl 1 Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
m9c63f9378b930811_1535288459839_0 data nadania
R8TRPVbseSsNF 1 Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
m9c63f9378b930811_1535288443880_0 numer nadania
R1Dsad1aCK2dU 1 Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
m9c63f9378b930811_1535288430087_0 dostarczono w terminie
R1DFfFb94vpYs 1 Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
m9c63f9378b930811_1535288416849_0 przekaz pieniężny
RzGNsVYY2rc1Z 1 Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
m9c63f9378b930811_1535288401568_0 złożyć reklamację
RermZsGjNkKYP 1 Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
m9c63f9378b930811_1534958523678_0 LOAN AT BANK POCZTOWY (POSTAL BANK) RrL3HJOOe541n 1 Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
Exercise 8
After listening to the audio recording, complete the sentences. Use the word bank. Po wysłuchaniu nagrania audio, uzupełnij luki w zdaniach. Skorzystaj z banku słów.
repayment period, cash loan, total cost of the loan, amount, with anyone, commissions, loan contract, credit rating
The client would like to ask some questions about the .............................................
The ............................................ is all the costs you incur in connection with the consumer credit agreement.
The loan amount depends on the client’s .............................................
The maximum ............................................ the client can loan is 200,000 PLN.
The ............................................ can be even 120 months.
The ............................................ can be signed at the bank or post office, where you can pick up your money right away.
There is an opportunity to take a loan .............................................
The total cost of the loan includes interest, fees and .............................................
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
Exercise 9
R1H8qjROtjeRa 1
After listening to the audio recording, choose the correct article. If no article is necessary, choose “-”. Po wysłuchaniu nagrania audio, wybierz prawidłowy rodzajnik. Jeśli nie potrzeba żadnego rodzajnika, wybierz “-”.
-, a, a, the, -, the, -, the, a, a, -, -, the, the, a, the, -, -, the, a, -, a, a, the
I am your ............ client and I would like to ask you some questions.
What will be ............ repayment period?
How can I apply for ............ loan.
Sign ............ contract at your bank or post office.
Can I take ............ cash loan with my wife?
It contains all ............ costs you incur in connection with the consumer credit agreement.
Thank you very much for ............ interview.
Have ............ nice day.
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
Exercise 10
RDRbVSpj1kc7J 1
After listening to the audio recording, match Polish names with their translations. Po wysłuchaniu nagrania audio, połącz polskie terminy z ich tłumaczeniami.
prowizje, odsetki, doradca banku, umowa, opłaty, wnioskować o kredyt, zdolność kredytowa, całkowity koszt kredytu, kredyt gotówkowy, kredyt konsumencki
cash loan
credit rating
apply for a loan
bank advisor
total cost of the loan
consumer credit
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
m9c63f9378b930811_1534958535350_0 POSTAL ORDER RFMHomfeRaC5T 1 Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
m9c63f9378b930811_1534958548275_0 Pictures R1ZpR65TW67FU 1 Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
RhXzGYM0bqfvS 1 Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
RAW40wj0DoQ3L 1 Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
m9c63f9378b930811_1534958560165_0 Game Rrf2WteTi9Hrr 1 Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Ekonomia i rachunkowość Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
RBeW9OMv7RpZY 1 Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Ekonomia i rachunkowość Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
R1bTQ8tzyrwAu 1 Ekonomia i rachunkowość
Ekonomia i rachunkowość Source: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji / Funmedia, cc0.
m9c63f9378b930811_1534958567155_0 Dictionary mkmefcg16f51376978c1_1498134kmefcg_401 acceptance of the application əkˈsep.təns əv ðə ˌæp.lɪˈkeɪ.ʃən acceptance of the application əkˈsep.təns əv ðə ˌæp.lɪˈkeɪ.ʃən
ma348cb16f51376978c1_1498134a348cb_278 account, accounts əˈkaʊnt account, accounts əˈkaʊnt
mecajki16f51376978c1_1498134ecajki_795 additional service, additional services əˈdɪʃ.ən.əl ˈsɜː.vɪs additional service, additional services əˈdɪʃ.ən.əl ˈsɜː.vɪs
m2nc9ie16f51376978c1_14981342nc9ie_995 addressee, addressees ˌæd.resˈiː addressee, addressees ˌæd.resˈiː
mbnbc6d16f51376978c1_1498134bnbc6d_861 mnh6i7m16f51376978c1_1498134nh6i7m_454 amount in words əˈmaʊnt ɪn wɜːd amount in words əˈmaʊnt ɪn wɜːd
mm6abjj16f51376978c1_1498134m6abjj_119 amount of installments əˈmaʊnt əv ɪnˈstɔl·mənt amount of installments əˈmaʊnt əv ɪnˈstɔl·mənt
mhjfmc216f51376978c1_1498134hjfmc2_760 application, applications ˌæp.lɪˈkeɪ.ʃən application, applications ˌæp.lɪˈkeɪ.ʃən
mki68mj16f51376978c1_1498134ki68mj_280 apply for a loan əˈplaɪ fər ə ləʊn apply for a loan əˈplaɪ fər ə ləʊn
m5kkaje16f51376978c1_14981345kkaje_772 attempt to deliver, attempts to deliver əˈtempt tʊ dɪˈlɪv.ər attempt to deliver, attempts to deliver əˈtempt tʊ dɪˈlɪv.ər
m9ecba316f51376978c1_14981349ecba3_568 mkhceek16f51376978c1_1498134khceek_635 bank account, bank accounts bæŋk əˈkaʊnt bank account, bank accounts bæŋk əˈkaʊnt
mbignm416f51376978c1_1498134bignm4_424 bank advisor, bank advisors bæŋk (adviser) ədˈvaɪ.zər bank advisor, bank advisors bæŋk (adviser) ədˈvaɪ.zər
mmjg82d16f51376978c1_1498134mjg82d_380 calculation, calculations ˌkæl.kjəˈleɪ.ʃən calculation, calculations ˌkæl.kjəˈleɪ.ʃən
m7bgb4k16f51376978c1_14981347bgb4k_771 cash deposit, cash deposits kæʃ dɪˈpɒz.ɪt cash deposit, cash deposits kæʃ dɪˈpɒz.ɪt
m74272916f51376978c1_1498134742729_712 miaf25j16f51376978c1_1498134iaf25j_391 cash logistics kæʃ ləˈdʒɪs.tɪks cash logistics kæʃ ləˈdʒɪs.tɪks
m9k24ij16f51376978c1_14981349k24ij_815 m5hhf5e16f51376978c1_14981345hhf5e_198 cheque in foreign exchange, cheques in foreign exchange tʃek ɪn ˈfɒr.ən ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ cheque in foreign exchange, cheques in foreign exchange tʃek ɪn ˈfɒr.ən ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ
czek w obrocie zagranicznym
m565ddd16f51376978c1_1498134565ddd_119 clearance cheque, clearance cheques ˈklɪə.rəns tʃek clearance cheque, clearance cheques ˈklɪə.rəns tʃek
mfdm92e16f51376978c1_1498134fdm92e_726 mi2k46b16f51376978c1_1498134i2k46b_487 commission to carry out kəˈmɪʃ.ən tʊ ˈkær.i aʊt commission to carry out kəˈmɪʃ.ən tʊ ˈkær.i aʊt
mncekam16f51376978c1_1498134ncekam_847 commission, comissions kəˈmɪʃ.ən commission, comissions kəˈmɪʃ.ən
ma4nnhj16f51376978c1_1498134a4nnhj_822 confirmation of receipt ˌkɒn.fəˈmeɪ.ʃən əv rɪˈsiːt confirmation of receipt ˌkɒn.fəˈmeɪ.ʃən əv rɪˈsiːt
mac899e16f51376978c1_1498134ac899e_292 consolidation loan kənˌsɒlɪˈdeɪʃən ləʊn consolidation loan kənˌsɒlɪˈdeɪʃən ləʊn
mijhnhg16f51376978c1_1498134ijhnhg_245 consumer credit kənˈsjuː.mər ˈkred.ɪt consumer credit kənˈsjuː.mər ˈkred.ɪt
mbkkfeb16f51376978c1_1498134bkkfeb_597 mchmc7g16f51376978c1_1498134chmc7g_330 coupon for the addressee ˈkuː.pɒn fər ðə ˌæd.resˈiː coupon for the addressee ˈkuː.pɒn fər ðə ˌæd.resˈiː
m7e8hbi16f51376978c1_14981347e8hbi_528 credit card, credit cards ˈkred.ɪt kɑːd credit card, credit cards ˈkred.ɪt kɑːd
mjcmkdm16f51376978c1_1498134jcmkdm_741 credit line ˈkred.ɪt laɪn credit line ˈkred.ɪt laɪn
mhkneik16f51376978c1_1498134hkneik_377 mi6ad2b16f51376978c1_1498134i6ad2b_430 mj22dnm16f51376978c1_1498134j22dnm_179 date of posting deɪt əv ˈpəʊ.stɪŋ date of posting deɪt əv ˈpəʊ.stɪŋ
mkgk2di16f51376978c1_1498134kgk2di_431 day of sending deɪ əv send day of sending deɪ əv send
m98f9j316f51376978c1_149813498f9j3_350 delivered in time dɪˈlɪv.ər ɪn taɪm delivered in time dɪˈlɪv.ər ɪn taɪm
m9kdeb516f51376978c1_14981349kdeb5_429 delivery post office, delivery post offices dɪˈlɪv.ər.i ˈpəʊst ˌɒf.ɪs delivery post office, delivery post offices dɪˈlɪv.ər.i ˈpəʊst ˌɒf.ɪs
mj6ab8916f51376978c1_1498134j6ab89_238 deposit, deposits dɪˈpɒz.ɪt deposit, deposits dɪˈpɒz.ɪt
m8gg7c616f51376978c1_14981348gg7c6_937 Direct Debit ˌdaɪ.rekt ˈdeb.ɪt Direct Debit ˌdaɪ.rekt ˈdeb.ɪt
mbchggb16f51376978c1_1498134bchggb_504 disburse a loan dɪsˈbɜːs ə ləʊn disburse a loan dɪsˈbɜːs ə ləʊn
m98m3ad16f51376978c1_149813498m3ad_955 mb7hkeh16f51376978c1_1498134b7hkeh_460 file a complaint faɪl ə kəmˈpleɪnt file a complaint faɪl ə kəmˈpleɪnt
m6dck7e16f51376978c1_14981346dck7e_271 financial service, financial services faɪˈnæn.ʃəl ˈsɜː.vɪs financial service, financial services faɪˈnæn.ʃəl ˈsɜː.vɪs
mgn49nf16f51376978c1_1498134gn49nf_547 grant a loan ɡrɑːnt ə ləʊn grant a loan ɡrɑːnt ə ləʊn
menni7g16f51376978c1_1498134enni7g_223 guaranteed time ˌɡærənˈtiːd taɪm guaranteed time ˌɡærənˈtiːd taɪm
m8663cc16f51376978c1_14981348663cc_197 improper performance of the service ɪmˈprɒp.ər pəˈfɔː.məns əv ðə ˈsɜː.vɪs improper performance of the service ɪmˈprɒp.ər pəˈfɔː.məns əv ðə ˈsɜː.vɪs
nienależyte wykonanie usługi
mae6gck16f51376978c1_1498134ae6gck_405 m8kdbeb16f51376978c1_14981348kdbeb_913 installment, installments ɪnˈstɔl·mənt installment, installments ɪnˈstɔl·mənt
mm897c516f51376978c1_1498134m897c5_618 mf6ibge16f51376978c1_1498134f6ibge_974 intra‑bank transfer, intra‑bank transfers ɪn.trə‑bæŋk trænsˈfɜːr intra‑bank transfer, intra‑bank transfers ɪn.trə‑bæŋk trænsˈfɜːr
przekazy wewnątrz bankowe
mebdb4516f51376978c1_1498134ebdb45_762 mj929c216f51376978c1_1498134j929c2_765 letter of credit, letters of credit ˈlet.ər əv ˈkred.ɪt letter of credit, letters of credit ˈlet.ər əv ˈkred.ɪt
meagmjj16f51376978c1_1498134eagmjj_638 m4gfbji16f51376978c1_14981344gfbji_518 mim6d4816f51376978c1_1498134im6d48_346 loan period ləʊn ˈpɪə.ri.əd loan period ləʊn ˈpɪə.ri.əd
mjem93d16f51376978c1_1498134jem93d_883 money express ˈmʌn.i ɪkˈspres money express ˈmʌn.i ɪkˈspres
m7gdg7f16f51376978c1_14981347gdg7f_143 money order, money orders ˈmʌn.i ˈɔː.dər money order, money orders ˈmʌn.i ˈɔː.dər
mee824316f51376978c1_1498134ee8243_980 money transfer, money transfers ˈmʌn.i trænsˈfɜːr money transfer, money transfers ˈmʌn.i trænsˈfɜːr
transfer środków pieniężnych
mm6b27g16f51376978c1_1498134m6b27g_681 maabc6a16f51376978c1_1498134aabc6a_732 non‑cash settlement, non‑cash settlements ˌnɒn‑kæʃ ˈset.əl.mənt non‑cash settlement, non‑cash settlements ˌnɒn‑kæʃ ˈset.əl.mənt
mjeiehb16f51376978c1_1498134jeiehb_966 non‑revolving ˌnɒn‑rɪˈvɒl.vɪŋ non‑revolving ˌnɒn‑rɪˈvɒl.vɪŋ
mic6dm916f51376978c1_1498134ic6dm9_609 on the basis of ɒn ðə ˈbeɪ.sɪs əv on the basis of ɒn ðə ˈbeɪ.sɪs əv
mdbgig316f51376978c1_1498134dbgig3_315 order to pay ˈɔː.dər tʊ peɪ order to pay ˈɔː.dər tʊ peɪ
mad738816f51376978c1_1498134ad7388_427 original proof of sending əˈrɪdʒ.ən.əl pruːf əv send original proof of sending əˈrɪdʒ.ən.əl pruːf əv send
mbdhjee16f51376978c1_1498134bdhjee_636 mgfeeck16f51376978c1_1498134gfeeck_539 payable within ˈpeɪ.ə.bəl wɪˈðɪn payable within ˈpeɪ.ə.bəl wɪˈðɪn
mnd4mgn16f51376978c1_1498134nd4mgn_278 payment to a bank account ˈpeɪ.mənt tʊ ə bæŋk əˈkaʊnt payment to a bank account ˈpeɪ.mənt tʊ ə bæŋk əˈkaʊnt
wpłata na rachunek bankowy
mcjeidc16f51376978c1_1498134cjeidc_862 mgckk9c16f51376978c1_1498134gckk9c_826 periodic settlement of balances ˌpɪə.riˈɒd.ɪk ˈset.əl.mənt əv ˈbæl.əns periodic settlement of balances ˌpɪə.riˈɒd.ɪk ˈset.əl.mənt əv ˈbæl.əns
okresowe zliczania saldami
mg5iji816f51376978c1_1498134g5iji8_282 personal account, personal accounts ˈpɜː.sən.əl əˈkaʊnt personal account, personal accounts ˈpɜː.sən.əl əˈkaʊnt
mn93bb516f51376978c1_1498134n93bb5_447 post office, post offices ˈpəʊst ˌɒf.ɪs post office, post offices ˈpəʊst ˌɒf.ɪs
mbi2kba16f51376978c1_1498134bi2kba_829 postal agency, postal agencies ˈpəʊ.stəl ˈeɪ.dʒə postal agency, postal agencies ˈpəʊ.stəl ˈeɪ.dʒə
mnjnck616f51376978c1_1498134njnck6_191 postal order, postal orders ˈpəʊ.stəl ˈɔː.dər postal order, postal orders ˈpəʊ.stəl ˈɔː.dər
mhdg64e16f51376978c1_1498134hdg64e_845 proof of sending pruːf əv send proof of sending pruːf əv send
mj4fnbi16f51376978c1_1498134j4fnbi_216 receipt, receipts rɪˈsiːt receipt, receipts rɪˈsiːt
mgfg5cj16f51376978c1_1498134gfg5cj_707 recipient's name rɪˈsɪp.i.ənt neɪm recipient's name rɪˈsɪp.i.ənt neɪm
m294ejc16f51376978c1_1498134294ejc_812 m3chj6i16f51376978c1_14981343chj6i_520 request for a contact rɪˈkwest fər ə ˈkɒn.tækt request for a contact rɪˈkwest fər ə ˈkɒn.tækt
wniosek o kontakt zwrotny
mnb6c2g16f51376978c1_1498134nb6c2g_955 mk5a6aa16f51376978c1_1498134k5a6aa_473 scheduled settlement, scheduled settlements ˈʃedjuːld ˈset.əl.mənt scheduled settlement, scheduled settlements ˈʃedjuːld ˈset.əl.mənt
me2imji16f51376978c1_1498134e2imji_267 ma6nmge16f51376978c1_1498134a6nmge_875 sender's details ˈsen.dər ˈdiː.teɪl sender's details ˈsen.dər ˈdiː.teɪl
mn6j9ff16f51376978c1_1498134n6j9ff_834 sending number send ˈnʌm.bər sending number send ˈnʌm.bər
mbbnmen16f51376978c1_1498134bbnmen_183 store carefully stɔːr ˈkeə.fəl.i store carefully stɔːr ˈkeə.fəl.i
mgebj5n16f51376978c1_1498134gebj5n_406 mhnm4nm16f51376978c1_1498134hnm4nm_943 mkggadf16f51376978c1_1498134kggadf_870 total cost of the loan ˈtəʊ.təl kɒst əv ðə ləʊn total cost of the loan ˈtəʊ.təl kɒst əv ðə ləʊn
meed7gd16f51376978c1_1498134eed7gd_198 transfer order, transfer orders trænsˈfɜːr ˈɔː.dər transfer order, transfer orders trænsˈfɜːr ˈɔː.dər
mdkbkhb16f51376978c1_1498134dkbkhb_299 transfer, transfers trænsˈfɜːr transfer, transfers trænsˈfɜːr