Annual vaccination of dogs against rabies
After watching the film “Annual vaccination of dogs against rabies”, choose the correct answer. Po zapoznaniu się z filmem pt. „Coroczne szczepienie psów na wściekliznę”, wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Every year, 1 month, 100%, mandatory, Drugs adaptation, With blood, Polyvalence, through droplet infection, Injection, Once in a dog’s life, 50%, Attenuation, Drugs marking, 3 months, recommended, Pinch, Treatment, Immunity, With saliva, voluntary, Every two years, Drugs interaction, Anesthesia, 12 months, Physical examination, 10%, Vaccination
We vaccinate dogs against rabies: ..................................................
How are the dogs infected with rabies?: ..................................................
What is the dog mortality rate in rabies? ..................................................
What is the other name for vaccination? ..................................................
What do we call the situation when one medical substance influences other substances if they are administered at the same time? ..................................................
What do we call the inability to catch the disease after a vaccination? ..................................................
What is the recommended age for vaccination of dogs against rabies? ..................................................
What is done before the vaccination? ..................................................
Vaccination of dogs and foxes are ..................................................
After watching the film “Annual vaccination of dogs against rabies”, connect the Polish expression with their English counterparts. Po zapoznaniu się z filmem pt. „Coroczne szczepienie psów na wściekliznę”, połącz polskie wyrażenia w pary z ich odpowiednikami w języku obcy.
Interakcja leków, Szczepienie, Kalendarz szczepień, Badanie kliniczne, Pokąsanie, Wścieklizna, Zarażenie, Odporność, Szczepionka
Vaccination | |
Rabies | |
Vaccination schedule | |
Physical examination | |
Interaction with other drugs | |
Vaccine | |
Immunity | |
Biting | |
Infection |
Division of pathogens
After familiarising yourself with the animation “Division of pathogens” assign the elements to the individual categories. Use the word bank. Po zapoznaniu się z animacją „Podział czynników chorobotwórczych”, przypisz elementy do poszczególnych kategorii. Skorzystaj z banku słów.
chemical, flu virus, roundworm, rabies virus, medicines, parasites, biological, internal, Echinococcus, anthrax, toxins, viruses, noise, external, Trichinella spiralis, mechanical injuries, fungi, intestinal bacterial flora, temperature, fascioliosis, bacteria, physical
Division of the pathogens based on their origin. | |
External pathogenic factors | |
physical factors | |
chemical factors | |
biological factors | |
Bacteria | |
viruses | |
parasites |
Vaccination of hens on the farms
Veterinarian: Hello. We are here to vaccinate your chickens.
Breeder: Hello.
Veterinary technician: Against which disease would you like to protect the flock?
B: My contract with the client says that I must vaccinate them against salmonellasalmonella.
T: It’s very reasonable because this disease causes the most food poisoningfood poisoning in humans. How old are the chickens?
B: They were sent from hatchery a week ago.
T to V: Doctor, which route of vaccine administrationroute of vaccine administration shall we choose?
V: According to vaccination prophylaxisvaccination prophylaxis, they were vaccinated by spraying methodspraying method, so we must consider other methods. Take a look at wing membranewing membrane, maybe we will try to inject the vaccine into this membrane?
T: They are too young, the membrane is not yet fully developed, the injectioninjection will be very difficult.
V: We can give the vaccine by eye drops or nose dropseye drops or nose drops.
B: How does it look like?
V: The vaccine is diluted in physiological salinephysiological saline and one drop of vaccine is placed into the eye or the nasal cavitynasal cavity of an animal.
T: And how many chickens do you have in your flock?
B: Without dead birdsdead birds, I have 12 thousand chickens at present.
V: It’s too much for intraocular vaccination.
We will probably give the vaccine in drinking water.
B: My colleague said that before giving the vaccine in water you should deprive chickens of water for several hours, is it true?
V: Yes, it’s true, after 2 hours without water the chickens will be so thirsty that they will drink all water with the vaccine diluted in itwith the vaccine diluted in it.
B: And what is the duration of vaccine protectionduration of vaccine protection?
V: The antibodiesantibodies produced by the chickens after vaccination remain for around 6 weeks.
B: Perfect! The rearing is 42 days, so they will be protected against the disease until the sale date.
V: So, let’s get down to work. Can you prepare 12 thousand doses of vaccinesdoses of vaccines, please?
After watching the material “Vaccination of hens on a farm”, connect the Polish terms with their English counterparts. Po obejrzeniu materiału pt. „szczepienie kur na fermie”, połącz polskie terminy z ich angielskim odpowiednikami.
zakraplanie do nosa, dawka szczepionki, sól fizjologiczna, profilaktyka szczepień, przeciwciała, wkłucie, droga podania szczepionki, zatrucie pokarmowe, okres działania szczepionki, błona skrzydłowa
food poisoning | |
route of administration | |
vaccination prophylaxis | |
wing membrane | |
nose drops | |
physiological saline | |
anitbodies | |
dose of vaccine | |
injection | |
duration of vaccine protection |
Correction of hooves in horses
Instruction manual for horse breeders about caring for the motor systemmotor system of the horse, proper handling of horse during this procedure and about the consequences of lack of systematic hooves prophylaxis in horses.
1. The hooves should be regularly cleaned and checked whether in the bottom of the hoof there are any objects which may harm the hoof. A stone, splinter or a piece of glass may cause lacerationslacerations of this area.
2. Learning the structure of a hoof. If the breeder learns how the hoof should look like, it will be easier for him to spot any pathologiespathologies. He will also notice that at least twice a year the frog of the hoof peels offpeels off and it is normal.
3. When examining the hoof, you should notice the smell, the structure of the hoof, cracks and elevated temperature of the hoof. If the hoof is soft and has a foul odour, it may be a sign of decay processdecay process.
Hoof decay is a bacterial condition caused by prolonged standing in a litter, mud or other wet or dirty surface. An injured hoof makes it easy for bacteriabacteria to enter the body and casing inflammationinflammation of this area, i.e. laminitislaminitis. The symptoms include lamenesslameness and stiff gait.
4. Correction of hoovesCorrection of hooves. It should be performed in a special place, mainly a restraining facility or in a spacious place, e.g. stall hall by a qualified farrier.
First, the old horseshoe is removed, then the overgrown parts of the sole of the hoof are cleaned and trimmed, the surface are then smoothed with a rasprasp and a new horseshoe is put on. The correction procedure should be performed by specialists because if done unprofessionally, it may cause conditions such as delamination of hoofdelamination of hoof, nail pricknail prick, ulceration of the soleulceration of the sole, tendonitistendonitis.
After watching the material “Correction of hooves in horses”, decide whether the sentences are true or false. Po obejrzeniu materiału pt. „Korekcja kopyt u koni”, zdecyduj, czy twierdzenie jest prawdziwe, czy nie.
A stone or glass cannot cause a lacerations of the bottom of the hoof., We never trim the overgrown parts of the sole of the hoof., Twice a year the frog of the hoof peels off., Unprofessional correction procedure can lead to delamination of hoof., The correction procedure can be performed by every breeder as it is free of possible complications., Laminitis is an inflammation of the knee joint., Prolonged standing in a litter, mud or other wet or dirty surface causes hoof decay., Rasp is used to smooth the surface of the hoof., The hooves should be regularly cleaned.
TRUE | |
Treatment of diary cows
V: Good morning, Mr Kowalski.
F: Good morning, doctor.
V: Did you have the milk tested, as I asked you to?
F: Yes, here are the results of the examination of collective samplecollective sample of milk.
V: Oh, I see that the somatic cellssomatic cells count and bacterial cellsbacterial cells has increased substantially.
F: What does it mean?
V: It means that your herd has an udder inflammationudder inflammation or milk is contaminated with bacteriabacteria from the external environment at some stage of the milking process.
F: How will we find the source of infectionsource of infection?
V: Have you noticed in any of your cows an inflammation of mammary glandmammary gland or any discharge from the genital tractgenital tract?
F: No, not really, the cow number 12 only has a slight decrease of milk yield but she is undergoing drying‑updrying‑up.
V: But you haven’t stopped completely to milk this cow?
F: No, I only limit the amount of milk produced by proper feeding.
V: That’s good because sudden discontinuing of milking may cause irritation of glandular tissueglandular tissue and inflammation. Let’s then go through the milking process and find the source of infection there. Tell me, please, how the cows’ preparation for milking looks like?
F: First, I wash the udder and teatsteats with warm water and I massage the udder so that the cow starts to secrete the hormonehormone responsible for the production of milk, that is the oxytocinoxytocin.
V: And what about the pre‑milking?
F: I once did it, but I gave up. And is it so important?
V: It is one of the most important things of pre‑milking hygienepre‑milking hygiene. Some of the first jets of milk should be ejected in the black plate, then it will be easier to spot the changes indicating the inflammation, such as the bloodblood, pusspuss, pieces of curdled milk or excessively watery milk. Also, in the pre‑milking process the first portions of milk which contains the biggest number of microorganisms is removed.
F: So, in this case I must do it properly.
V: Please, do the pre‑milkingpre‑milking before each proper milking for one month and we will see if it will improve the milk yield.
F: Okay, thank you, goodbye.
V: Good bye.
After familiarising yourself with the material “Treatment of dairy cows”, choose the correct answer. Po zapoznaniu się z materiałem pt. „Leczenie krów mlecznych”, wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Somatotropin, Failure of liver cells, Virus cells and Ph, Fat and water, glandular tissue inflammation, Combine sample, Puss and blood, Endocrine gland, Casein and lactose, Mass sample, Udder gland, Pre-milking, Somatic cells and bacterial cells, oxytetracycline, Lameness, Drying-up, Proper milking, Trocaring, oxytocin, Collective sample, Atrophy, Mammary gland, Udder massage, Phosphorus and potassium levels
What do we call the sample made from a few different samples of milk?: ..................................................................
Which parameter of the milk examination is a symptom of udder inflammation: ..................................................................
What is the other name for udder? ..................................................................
What do we call the decrease in milk production before calving? ..................................................................
Sudden discontinuation of milking may cause: ..................................................................
The hormone responsible for milk production is: ..................................................................
The removal of the first jets of milk with the largest number of microorganisms takes place during: ..................................................................
What substances shouldn’t be in milk: ..................................................................
Surgical instruments used in some veterinary procedures
After familiarising yourself with the animation “Surgical instruments used in some veterinary procedures”, choose the correct answer. Po zapoznaniu się z animacją „Narzędzia chirurgiczne używane przy przeprowadzaniu wybranych zabiegów weterynaryjnych”, wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Anesthesia, With saliva, Injection, Trocar, Drugs interaction, Tools and clothes, Once in a dog’s life, Drugs adaptation, Vaccination, 10%, Intestinal hook, 100%, Every year, nose tongs, through droplet infection, Trocar, Tissues and organs, Removing the needle from a package, mechanical damage to vas deferens, 12 months, head, butt, Polyvalence, 1 month, legs, hoof forceps, help during stitching the wound, reducing the bleeding, cattle crush, mechanical damage to the testicles, Threading the needle, recommended, thermal damage to the testicles, Physical examination, Intestinal forceps, Intestinal hook, Pinch, retracting the edges of the wound, Every two years, mandatory, increase of the bleeding, 3 months, Test samples, 50%, Treatment, Drugs marking, retracting the blood vessels, Immunity, Attenuation, Rumen chisel, With blood, Stitching the edges of the wound, voluntary, catching dressing material
We vaccinate dogs against rabies: ......................................................................
How are the dogs infected with rabies?: ......................................................................
What is the dog mortality rate in rabies? ......................................................................
What is the other name for vaccination? ......................................................................
What do we call the situation when one medical substance influences other substances if they are administered at the same time? ......................................................................
What do we call the inability to catch the disease after a vaccination? ......................................................................
What is the recommended age for vaccination of dogs against rabies? ......................................................................
What is done before the vaccination? ......................................................................
Vaccination of dogs and foxes are ......................................................................
Surgical hook is used for: ......................................................................
what does needle holder help with? ......................................................................
Vessel forceps are used for: ......................................................................
To clamp the intestines during procedures, we use: ......................................................................
Clamps for castration work through: ......................................................................
With the delivery forceps, we catch the piglets by the: ......................................................................
To chase the bull away, you will use: ......................................................................
Tool for releasing gas in rumen flatulence is called: ......................................................................
Steriliser is used to sterilise: ......................................................................


Zasób interaktywny dostępny pod adresem https://zpe.gov.pl/a/D1Af7kek0

Zasób interaktywny dostępny pod adresem https://zpe.gov.pl/a/D1Af7kek0

Zasób interaktywny dostępny pod adresem https://zpe.gov.pl/a/D1Af7kek0
substancja czynna
komórki bakteryjne
czynniki biologiczne
naczynia krwionośne
szczepienie przypominające
zaświadczenie o szczepieniu
czynniki chemiczne
próbka zbiorcza
korekcja kopyt
sztuki padłe
proces gnilny
niedobory pierwiastków
rozpuszczona szczepionka
dane psa
paszport psa
dawka szczepionki
materiał opatrunkowy
okres działania szczepionki
tasiemiec bąblowcowy
brzeg rany
zakraplanie do nosa lub do oczu
motylica wątrobowa
staw pęcinowy
zatrucie pokarmowe
strzałka kopyta
pełna odporność
treść pokarmowa
materiał genetyczny
drogi rodne
tkanka gruczołowa
rowek kopyta
rozwarstwienie kopyta
ściana puszki kopytowej
stan zapalny
zapalenie ścięgien
iniekcja, wkłucie
interakcja z innymi lekami
okres laktacji
gruczoł mleczny
książeczka zdrowia
bakterie flory jelitowej
związki mineralne
układ ruchu
nazwa szczepionki
otwór nosowy
komórki nerwowe
czynniki chorobotwórcze
stan patologiczny
badanie kliniczne
czynniki fizyczne
sól fizjologiczna
higiena przedudojowa
droga podania szczepionki
podeszwa kopyta
komórki somatyczne
źródło zakażenia
metoda rozpylania sprayu
szycie ran
hak chirurgiczny
numer identyfikacyjny psa
numer serii i data ważności szczepionki
włosień kręty
zapalenie wymienia
data szczepienia
profilaktyka szczepień
kalendarz szczepień
białko serwatkowe
linia biała
błona skrzydłowa