E-resource FORESTRY
Selling firewood
1. Film in the standard version.

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
On the appointed sales day, a client comes to the forestry office. He wants to buy 5 meters of deciduous pulpwood and 5 meters of coniferous firewood. The forester calculates the price of the wood using the retail price list approved by the forest inspectorate. W wyznaczonym dniu sprzedaży drewna, do kancelarii leśnictwa zgłasza się klient. Chce kupić 5 metrów papierówki liściastej i 5 metrów drewna iglastego opałowego. Leśniczyna wylicza cenę stosując zatwierdzony przez nadleśniczego cennik detaliczny.
2. Film with subtitles.

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
On the appointed sales day, a client comes to the forestry office. He wants to buy 5 meters of deciduous pulpwood and 5 meters of coniferous firewood. The forester calculates the price of the wood using the retail price list approved by the forest inspectorate. W wyznaczonym dniu sprzedaży drewna, do kancelarii leśnictwa zgłasza się klient. Chce kupić 5 metrów papierówki liściastej i 5 metrów drewna iglastego opałowego. Leśniczyna wylicza cenę stosując zatwierdzony przez nadleśniczego cennik detaliczny.
3. Film with subtitles and pauses. Listen and repeat after the speaker.

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
On the appointed sales day, a client comes to the forestry office. He wants to buy 5 meters of deciduous pulpwood and 5 meters of coniferous firewood. The forester calculates the price of the wood using the retail price list approved by the forest inspectorate. W wyznaczonym dniu sprzedaży drewna, do kancelarii leśnictwa zgłasza się klient. Chce kupić 5 metrów papierówki liściastej i 5 metrów drewna iglastego opałowego. Leśniczyna wylicza cenę stosując zatwierdzony przez nadleśniczego cennik detaliczny.
4. Film with subtitles and narration.

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
On the appointed sales day, a client comes to the forestry office. He wants to buy 5 meters of deciduous pulpwood and 5 meters of coniferous firewood. The forester calculates the price of the wood using the retail price list approved by the forest inspectorate. W wyznaczonym dniu sprzedaży drewna, do kancelarii leśnictwa zgłasza się klient. Chce kupić 5 metrów papierówki liściastej i 5 metrów drewna iglastego opałowego. Leśniczyna wylicza cenę stosując zatwierdzony przez nadleśniczego cennik detaliczny.
After watching the film “Selling firewood”, complete the sentences. Po obejrzeniu filmu „Sprzedaż drewna opałowego”, uzupełnij zdania.
sales, increased, collect, price list, retail, stock issue confirmation, pulpwood, stere
On the appointed ................................................ day, a client comes to the forestry office.
I would like to buy deciduous ................................................ and coniferous firewood.
The forester calculates the price using the forest inspectorate’s ................................................ price list.
A ................................................ of cut wood is calculated into cubic meters of solid wood.
Recently, the sales of beach pulpwood has .................................................
Each forest inspectorate has its own .................................................
When would you like to ................................................ the wood?
In the meantime, I will prepare the .................................................
After watching the film “Selling firewood”, solve the crossword with the English translations of the provided words. Po obejrzeniu filmu „Sprzedaż drewna opałowego”, rozwiąż krzyżówkę wpisując angielskie tłumaczenie podanych wyrazów.
- iglasty
- cena
- metr przestrzenny
- buk
- lite drewno
- leśnictwo
- papierówka
- liściasty
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A forest management plan

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
The animation introduces the contents of a forest management plan, which is the main document that determines the rules of commercial activities in a forest inspectorate. Animacja przybliża zawartość Planu urządzenia lasu, który jest podstawowym dokumentem określającym zasady zabiegów gospodarczych w nadleśnictwie.
After watching the voice-over animation “A forest management plan”, decide whether the sentences are true or false. Po obejrzeniu animacji z lektorem „Plan urządzania lasu”, zdecyduj, czy twierdzenie jest prawdziwe, czy nie.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
A forest management plan is the main document of forest management prepared for individual forest inspectorates for 25 years. | □ | □ |
A forest management plan contains information on the state of the forest, and on the form and scope of forest management. | □ | □ |
A forest management plan is usually issued by the Forest Management and Geodesy Bureau and approved by the forest district manager. | □ | □ |
A dissertation discusses the results of field inventories and includes a tabular summary. | □ | □ |
A Nature Conservation Program describes natural and cultural qualities. | □ | □ |
A forest management plan holds descriptions of activities of the forest inspectorates carried out in the last 10 years regarding environmental protection and the introduction of forest management. | □ | □ |
A valuation description of the forest includes detailed information on every area, their species composition, age, stratification. | □ | □ |
A list of designed final harvesting sites and intermediate cuttings can be found in the dissertation. | □ | □ |
Calculating wood mass for harvesting

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
The animation shows what a forester does to calculate wood mass. Animacja przedstawia czynności, które wykonuje leśniczy w celu obliczenia masy drewna.
Measuring the diameter at breast height and the height in the tree stand
A forester instructs an intern how to measure the diameter at breast height of standing trees. The forester presents a caliper and informs that the measurement of the diameter at breast height is an element of stock survey, necessary to establish the growing stock. The height is measured with a clinometer and a measuring tape, or by cutting down a few trees and taking direct measurements.
Leśniczy instruuje praktykantkę w jaki sposób dokonuje się pomiaru pierśnicy drzew stojących. Prezentuje tzw. klupę, czyli średnicomierz. Leśniczy zwraca uwagę, że pomiar pierśnicy to element wykonania szacunków brakarskich, niezbędnych do określenia zasobności na hektar. Wysokość mierzy się za pomocą wysokościomierza i taśmy, lub ścinając kilka drzew i dokonuje pomiaru bezpośredniego.
Forester: Today, I will acquaint you with the practical side of taking measurements in tree stands during stock surveystock survey. General information on each tree stand, i.e. height, indexindex, growing stock and many other, is written down in the valuation descriptionvaluation description of the forest. However, when planning the harvestharvestof wood material, we can’t use descriptive data. We need to take measurements of the height of the tree stand and thediameter at breast heightdiameter at breast height, and decide what assortments we will obtain.
Intern: Do we always need to measure all of the trees?
Forester: The traditional measurement of the diameter with a calipercaliper is the most accurate method. We embrace the tree with the calipercaliper at the height of about 130m above ground. The results are written in the field diarydiary. Then, we measure the height for individual thickness classes. We use the clinometerclinometer to measure the height. The measurement consists of measuring about 20 linear meters from the stump and reading the result on the appropriate scale. First, we look at the butt logbutt log and then at the top. The sum of these two measurements gives us the height of the tree. In case of doubts, we can always take the measurements by cutting down the tree and measuring it with a measuring tape along the trunk.
Intern: What mistakes should we avoid?
Forester: Firstly, the measurements of height need to be taken in representative parts of the tree stand, and with a verified true measurement. A 1m error in height can overestimate the mass by about 7% per ha. Secondly, in pine tree stands of the IV and V class, we check whether there is butt log rotrot. If there is, we need to increase the percentage of the stacked assortments at the expense of sawmill wood. And thirdly, in younger age classes we use combined methods. We measure part of the tree stand with a caliper and compare the result with the data obtained by the computer .
On the basis of the hypertext “Measuring the diameter at breast height and the height in the tree stand”, connect the words into pairs. Na podstawie hipertekstu „Pomiar pierśnicy i wysokości w drzewostanie”, połącz wyrazy w pary.
height, the result, of wood material, of the trunk, survey, description, log rot, the diameter, a tree, diary
stock | |
valuation | |
harvest | |
tree stand | |
diameter at breast height | |
measuring | |
field | |
reading | |
cut | |
butt |
Stock survey at a felling site using the single‑tree method
The hypertext material is a dialogue between a forester and a deputy forester. The forester informs the deputy forester that they have to take stock survey in the pine tree stand of age class V, at felling site IB. The deputy forester prepares the field diary, where data will be entered from the recorder. They decide what needs to be done.
Hipertekst jest dialogiem leśniczego z podleśniczyną. Leśniczy informuje podleśniczynę, że muszą dzisiaj wykonać szacunki brakarskie w drzewostanie sosnowym piątej klasy wieku, w rębni IB. Podleśniczyna przygotowuje raptularz terenowy, z którego dane zostaną wprowadzone do rejestratora. Ustalają, co należy zrobić.
Forester: Good morning, miss Barbara.
Deputy forester: Hello, mister forester.
Forester: We are gathering the equipment we need in the officeoffice and then we are going to district 512d. There, we will take stock surveystock survey using the single‑tree methodsingle‑tree method in the tree stand of age class V at felling site IB. You will write down the diameters at breast heightdiameters at breast height in the diarydiary. Then, we will measure the height for individual thickness classes. When providing the diameter at breast height, I will also provide the quality class of the sawmill wood, or the pine plywoodplywood. Maybe you would be tempted to determine the percentage of the stacked assortmentsassortments in the whole mass, with a division into pulpwoodpulpwood S2a and firewoodfirewood S4?
Deputy forester: In my opinion, we should assume 20% of the stacked assortments with a division into 15% of pulpwood and 5% of firewood.
Forester: I agree. That’s a good estimation. Even more so that the division of the stacked assortments was the same in the previous plot.
Deputy forester: The height from the field height measurement practically doesn’t differ from the one stated in the valuation descriptionvaluation description. Maybe we should take the measurement one more time?
Forester: There is no need. However, for the most numerous thickness classes we will cut down some trees and measure the length of the trunks. Ready field materials will be processed in therecorderrecorderusing the stock surveyorstock surveyor program. Then, we will send the data to the National Forest Information System.
Deputy forester: Almost all of the information has already been entered into the recorder. Please, have a look** and check if we can enter the data into the system.
After familiarizing yourself with the hypertext “Stock survey at a felling site using the single-tree method”, match the Polish sentences with their translations. Po zapoznaniu się z hipertekstem „Wykonanie szacunku brakarskiego na zrębie metodą posztuczną”, połącz polskie zdania z ich tłumaczeniami.
I would like to determine the percentage of the stacked assortments in the whole mass., We need to remember to measure the height for individual thickness classes., To be sure, we will cut down some trees and measure the length of the trunks., The height from the field height measurement is the same as the one stated in the valuation description., I will enter all of the collected data into the stock surveyor program., The data from the recorder will be transferred to the National Forest Information System., We need to write down the diameters at breast height together with the wood class in the field diary., Today, we must take stock survey using the single-tree method.
Musimy dzisiaj wykonać szacunek brakarski metodą posztuczną. | |
W raptularzu terenowym należy zapisać podawane pierśnice wraz z klasą drewna. | |
Trzeba pamiętać o pomiarze wysokości dla poszczególnych klas grubości. | |
Chciałbym określić procentowy udział sortymentów stosowych w całkowitej masie. | |
Wysokość z pomiaru wysokości na gruncie jest taka sama jak w opisie taksacyjnym. | |
Aby mieć pewność zetniemy kilka drzew i dokonamy pomiaru długości pnia. | |
Wszystkie zebrane dane przeniosę do programu „brakarz”. | |
Dane z rejestratora zostaną przekazane do Systemu Informatycznego Lasu Państwowych. |
Calculating the surface area of a working plot using the traditional method
The hypertext material is an office instruction. A forester commissions measuring the area of the cut out shelter wood at felling site III B. The forester informs the deputy forester how to measure the surface area.
Hipertekst jest dyspozycją w kancelarii. Leśniczy zleca wykonanie pomiaru powierzchni wyciętych gniazd w rębni III B. Informuje w jaki sposób podleśniczy ma zmierzyć powierzchnię.
Dear miss Barbara,
Please, go to the areaarea in district 136b tomorrow to measure the 4 cut out shelter woodshelter wood at felling sitefelling site IIIb. That way, we will be able to calculate the amount of mesh netmesh net needed for the enclosuresenclosures.
It’s easy with the first shelter wood. The two borders there are drawn by drainage ditchesdrainage ditches of equal length. That will give us a shapely square. Unfortunately, the other two pieces of the shelter wood aren’t regular rectangles. They are more elliptical. As a result, we have to measure the longer and shorter diameter. Then, the data needs to be substituted into a geometrical formula. The last shelter wood is a circle, so we need to measure the radius. Here comes geometry again! Once you are back at the officeoffice, thanks to the obtained data, we will calculate the surface area of the two pieces of shelter wood and their circumference.
Miss Barbara, please, remember that we always need to verify the measurementmeasurementtaken with a GPS. It has happened before that when the sky is cloudy, the obtained resultsresults are inaccurate. Verification is done traditionally: using measuring tapemeasuring tape. Please, take it with you.
See you tomorrow.
After familiarizing yourself with the hypertext “Calculating the surface area of a working plot using the traditional method”, decide whether the sentences are true or false. Po zapoznaniu się z hipertekstem „Obliczanie powierzchni działki roboczej metodą tradycyjną”, zdecyduj, czy twierdzenie jest prawdziwe, czy nie.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
On the area with the cultivation, the amount of mesh net needed for the enclosures will be planned. | □ | □ |
The borders of one of the districts are determined by drainage ditches of unequal length. | □ | □ |
The shelter wood at the felling site were established 3 months ago. | □ | □ |
Many areas of the felling site are of regular shape and the calculation of the length of the enclosures is difficult. | □ | □ |
After the field measurements of the surface, the data will be written down and the calculations will be done in the office. | □ | □ |
The forester commissions the measurement of the area of the cut out shelter wood at felling site IIIb. | □ | □ |
The measurements taken with a GPS don’t have to be verified traditionally, with a measuring tape. | □ | □ |
It has happened before that when the sky is clear, the obtained results are inaccurate. | □ | □ |
Word search

Zasób interaktywny dostępny pod adresem https://zpe.gov.pl/a/DU30dHL2W
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Biuro Urządzania Lasu i Gospodarki Leśnej
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